Messages: 47, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:22:46 2023
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1. May 5 Michael Zhilin Re: Debug version of firefox 2. May 6 bob prohaska Compiling u-boot-rpi3 on an rpi3 3. May 6 Anders Jensen-Waud Re: Debug version of firefox 4. May 6 Robert Huff Re: Debug version of firefox 5. May 6 Michael Zhilin Re: Debug version of firefox 6. May 6 George Mitchell Re: Debug version of firefox 7. May 6 George Mitchell Re: Debug version of firefox 8. May 6 Kyle Williams mail/libesmtp marked broken in r497650 but build completes with openssl port option disabled 9. May 6 bob prohaska Re: Compiling u-boot-rpi3 on an rpi3 10. May 6 Bob Willcox Re: portupgrade + FLAVORS 11. May 6 Adam Bernstein Re: cclient, panda-cclient, and php71-imap (and others?) 12. May 7 Kevin Oberman Re: portupgrade + FLAVORS 13. May 7 Kevin Oberman Re: portupgrade + FLAVORS 14. May 7 portscout@FreeBSD.org FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 15. May 7 Bob Willcox Re: portupgrade + FLAVORS 16. May 8 Dave M. weather package weather-2.3_1 and port. 17. May 8 portscout@FreeBSD.org FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 18. May 8 Andrea Venturoli Samba dump (useless) core 19. May 8 Konstantin Belousov Re: Samba dump (useless) core 20. May 8 Andrea Venturoli Re: Samba dump (useless) core
21. May 8 Jan Beich Re: Samba dump (useless) core 22. May 8 Hans Petter Selasky Re: Samba dump (useless) core 23. May 8 Andrea Venturoli Re: Samba dump (useless) core 24. May 8 Janky Jay, III Re: net/xrdp: Issue(s) with Channels/Clipboard. 25. May 9 portscout@FreeBSD.org FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 26. May 9 Axel Rau pango-1.42.4_2 fails in configure on 12.0-RELEASE-p3 27. May 9 Ports Index build INDEX build failed for 11.x 28. May 9 tech-lists www/qt5-webengine fails to build on 12-STABLE 29. May 9 Ports Index build INDEX build failed for 11.x 30. May 9 tech-lists Re: www/qt5-webengine fails to build on 12-STABLE 31. May 9 Ports Index build INDEX now builds successfully on 11.x 32. May 9 <driesm.michiels@gmail.com Conditionally install the correct binary 33. May 9 Jonathan Chen Re: Conditionally install the correct binary 34. May 10 Pascal Christen Static port with mysqlclient 35. May 10 The Doctor The hs-* issue 36. May 10 Axel Rau Re: pango-1.42.4_2 fails in configure on 12.0-RELEASE-p3 37. May 10 Gleb Popov Re: The hs-* issue 38. May 10 The Doctor Re: The hs-* issue 39. May 11 Jonathan Chen sysutils/bareos17-server Makefile error 40. May 11 Gleb Popov Re: The hs-* issue
41. May 11 The Doctor Re: The hs-* issue 42. May 11 <driesm.michiels@gmail.com RE: Conditionally install the correct binary 43. May 11 portscout@FreeBSD.org FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 44. May 11 Leonid Bobrov Warsow port. I think we can help each other. 45. May 11 Leonid Bobrov Re: Warsow port. I think we can help each other. 46. May 11 Gleb Popov Re: The hs-* issue 47. May 11 Greg Rivers BIND default options: dnstap
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