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Messages: 44, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:20:20 2023

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  1. Apr 14 Mark Millard               A usefdt boot-mode problem: openfirmware->fdt translation use vs. some existing powerpc64 or powerpc FreeBSD code, interrupt-parent examples s
  2. Apr 14 Mark Millard               Re: A usefdt boot-mode problem: openfirmware->fdt translation use vs. some existing powerpc64 or powerpc FreeBSD code, interrupt-parent exampl
  3. Apr 14 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 237208] java/openjdk11: port to powerpc64
  4. Apr 14 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 237208] java/openjdk11: port to powerpc64
  5. Apr 14 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 237208] java/openjdk11: port to powerpc64
  6. Apr 15 Mark Millard               Re: A usefdt boot-mode problem: openfirmware->fdt translation use vs. some existing powerpc64 or powerpc FreeBSD code, interrupt-parent exampl
  7. Apr 15 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 233863] r345425 on PowerMac G5 may require kern.smp.disabled=1 and must set usefdt=1 which causes net interface reorder
  8. Apr 15 Mark Millard               Re: Patches to allow usefdt mode that works on a 2 socket PowerMac3,  6 example too --and makes more work on 2-socket/1-core-each PowerMac11, 
  9. Apr 15 Mark Millard               Re: A usefdt boot-mode problem: openfirmware->fdt translation use vs. some existing powerpc64 or powerpc FreeBSD code, interrupt-parent exampl
 10. Apr 15 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 233863] r345425 on PowerMac G5 may require kern.smp.disabled=1 and must set usefdt=1 which causes net interface reorder
 11. Apr 15 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 237208] java/openjdk11: port to powerpc64
 12. Apr 15 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 237208] java/openjdk11: port to powerpc64
 13. Apr 15 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 237208] java/openjdk11: port to powerpc64
 14. Apr 15 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 237208] java/openjdk11: port to powerpc64
 15. Apr 16 Mark Millard               Re: PowerMac11,2 G5 (2 socket, 2 cores each) powerpc64: sometime between -r302214 and -r333594 owfdump -ap leads to 'timeout stopping cpus' an
 16. Apr 16 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 237208] java/openjdk11: port to powerpc64
 17. Apr 16 Mark Millard               Re: head -r344018 powerpc64 variant on Powermac G5 (2 sockets, 2 cores each): [*buffer arena] shows up more . . .? [mpc85xx_smp_timebase_sync 
 18. Apr 16 Justin Hibbits             Re: head -r344018 powerpc64 variant on Powermac G5 (2 sockets, 2 cores each): [*buffer arena] shows up more . . .? [mpc85xx_smp_timebase_sync 
 19. Apr 16 Mark Millard               Re: head -r344018 powerpc64 variant on Powermac G5 (2 sockets, 2 cores each): [*buffer arena] shows up more . . .? [mpc85xx_smp_timebase_sync 
 20. Apr 17 Mark Millard               Re: head -r344018 powerpc64 variant on Powermac G5 (2 sockets, 2 cores each): [*buffer arena] shows up more . . .? [mpc85xx_smp_timebase_sync 

21. Apr 17 Mark Millard Re: head -r344018 powerpc64 variant on Powermac G5 (2 sockets, 2 cores each): [*buffer arena] shows up more . . .? [mpc85xx_smp_timebase_sync 22. Apr 17 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 237208] java/openjdk11: port to powerpc64 23. Apr 17 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 237208] java/openjdk11: port to powerpc64 24. Apr 17 Mark Millard powerpc64 and 32-bit FreeBSD, powerpc mttb(time) use vs. interrupts: should interrupts be disabled around the 3 mtspr's? 25. Apr 17 Mark Millard 32-bit powerpc vs. 64-bit FreeBDS powermac_smp_timebase_sync and mttb: sets upper part to zero vs. not 26. Apr 18 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 237208] java/openjdk11: port to powerpc64 27. Apr 18 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 237370] java/openjdk12: port to powerpc64 28. Apr 19 Mark Millard powerpc64 or 32-bit power context: FreeBSD lwsync use vs. th->th_generation handling (and related th-> fields) looks broken to me 29. Apr 19 Mark Millard Re: powerpc64 or 32-bit power context: FreeBSD lwsync use vs. th->th_generation handling (and related th-> fields) [Correction] 30. Apr 19 Mark Millard head -r346144 vs. "or 27,27,27" use (via cpu_spinwait) 31. Apr 19 Mark Millard spinlock_enter, head -r346144 (and before) and use of nop_prio_mhigh vs. PowerISA document suggestions for lock code 32. Apr 19 Mark Millard Re: head -r346144 vs. "or 27,27,27" use (via cpu_spinwait) 33. Apr 20 Mark Millard Re: spinlock_enter, head -r346144 (and before) and use of nop_prio_mhigh vs. PowerISA document suggestions for lock code 34. Apr 20 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 233863] r345425 on PowerMac G5 may require kern.smp.disabled=1 and must set usefdt=1 which causes net interface reorder 35. Apr 20 Mark Millard Re: Patches to allow usefdt mode that works on a 2 socket PowerMac3, 6 example too --and makes more work on 2-socket/1-core-each PowerMac11, 36. Apr 20 Mark Millard Looks like ap_letgo use needs platform specific code to allow avoiding the "sleep-gets-stuck" problem on PowerMac11,2's . . . 37. Apr 20 Justin Hibbits Re: Looks like ap_letgo use needs platform specific code to allow avoiding the "sleep-gets-stuck" problem on PowerMac11,2's . . . 38. Apr 20 Mark Millard Re: Looks like ap_letgo use needs platform specific code to allow avoiding the "sleep-gets-stuck" problem on PowerMac11,2's . . . 39. Apr 20 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 233863] r345425 on PowerMac G5 may require kern.smp.disabled=1 and must set usefdt=1 which causes net interface reorder 40. Apr 20 Mark Millard Re: Looks like ap_letgo use needs platform specific code to allow avoiding the "sleep-gets-stuck" problem on PowerMac11,2's . . .
41. Apr 20 Mark Millard Re: Looks like ap_letgo use needs platform specific code to allow avoiding the "sleep-gets-stuck" problem on PowerMac11,2's . . . 42. Apr 20 Mark Millard Side subject: powerpc64 related PowerMac boot hangs slb details that drove having hack_into_slb_if_needed 43. Apr 20 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 233863] r345425 on PowerMac G5 may require kern.smp.disabled=1 and must set usefdt=1 which causes net interface reorder 44. Apr 20 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 233863] r345425 on PowerMac G5 may require kern.smp.disabled=1 and must set usefdt=1 which causes net interface reorder

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