Messages: 17, old messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:26:01 2023
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1. May 12 tech-lists [vm-bhyve] adding existing vm instances to the vm-bhyve system 2. May 12 Jakub Chromy Re: [vm-bhyve] adding existing vm instances to the vm-bhyve system 3. May 12 Rodney W. Grimes Re: [vm-bhyve] adding existing vm instances to the vm-bhyve system 4. May 13 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 236042] Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V snapshot triggers SCSI errors 5. May 14 Victor Sudakov Re: [vm-bhyve] adding existing vm instances to the vm-bhyve system 6. May 14 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 234134] Increase VM_MAX_NAMELEN value 7. May 15 Amy Brown VOIP quote for Charlie's Choice 8. May 15 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 231117] bhyve: I/O lockups inside guests 9. May 16 aleksandr.fedorov_itglobal [Differential] D20276: [bhyve][virtio-net] Allow guest VM's to set JUMBO MTU in case of using the VALE switch. 10. May 16 v.maffione_gmail.com (Vinc [Differential] D20276: [bhyve][virtio-net] Allow guest VM's to set JUMBO MTU in case of using the VALE switch. 11. May 17 aleksandr.fedorov_itglobal [Differential] D20276: [bhyve][virtio-net] Allow guest VM's to set JUMBO MTU in case of using the VALE switch. 12. May 17 v.maffione_gmail.com (Vinc [Differential] D20276: [bhyve][virtio-net] Allow guest VM's to set JUMBO MTU in case of using the VALE switch. 13. May 18 Nick Principe Windows 10 guests fail to boot when attempting to passthrough network card 14. May 18 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 231117] bhyve: I/O lockups inside guests 15. May 18 Rodney W. Grimes Re: Windows 10 guests fail to boot when attempting to passthrough network card 16. May 18 Nick Principe Re: Windows 10 guests fail to boot when attempting to passthrough network card 17. May 18 Robert Crowston Re: Windows 10 guests fail to boot when attempting to passthrough network card
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