Messages: 9, new messages first
Last update: Mon Feb 13 14:19:23 2023
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1. Apr 17 portscout@FreeBSD.org FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 2. Apr 16 portscout@FreeBSD.org FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 3. Apr 15 Ryan Perry FreeBSD Port: databases/p5-DBD-mysql 4. Apr 15 portscout@FreeBSD.org FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 5. Apr 14 portscout@FreeBSD.org FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 6. Apr 13 portscout@FreeBSD.org FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 7. Apr 12 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 253774] textproc/aspell: bad regular expression after location specifier 8. Apr 12 portscout@FreeBSD.org FreeBSD ports you maintain which are out of date 9. Apr 11 bugzilla-noreply@FreeBSD.o Problem reports for perl@FreeBSD.org that need special attention
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