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Last update: Sun May 14 5:50:03 2023
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1. May 6 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 271288] FreeBSD 13.2; Alignment Fault ; network related 2. May 7 =?utf-8?Q?J=C3=B6rg_Ruppe- Kernel vm_vault during starting connection to Internet Provider PPPoE using PPP or MPD5 on RPI4 FreeBSD 14 3. May 7 bugzilla-noreply@FreeBSD.o Problem reports for freebsd-arm@FreeBSD.org that need special attention 4. May 10 Mark Millard Cores of different performance vs. time spent creating threads: Windows Dev Kit 2023 example 5. May 11 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 271359] RPi4: reset after shutdown -h doesn't work. 6. May 11 Mark Millard stable/13 missing 2 Windows Dev Kit 2023 related updates that main [so: 14] has 7. May 11 bugzilla-noreply@freebsd.o [Bug 264727] freebsd-update: Fails to upgrade arm64 13.0-p11 to 13.1-RELEASE: ld-elf.so.1: /lib/libc.so.7: Cannot set relro protection to 0x1: 8. May 12 Doug Rabson Raspberry Pi POE+ hat overlay 9. May 12 Emmanuel Vadot Re: Raspberry Pi POE+ hat overlay 10. May 12 Doug Rabson Re: Raspberry Pi POE+ hat overlay 11. May 12 Emmanuel Vadot Re: Raspberry Pi POE+ hat overlay 12. May 12 Mark Millard Re: Raspberry Pi POE+ hat overlay 13. May 12 Doug Rabson Re: Raspberry Pi POE+ hat overlay 14. May 12 Doug Rabson Re: Raspberry Pi POE+ hat overlay 15. May 12 Mark Millard Re: Raspberry Pi POE+ hat overlay 16. May 12 Mark Millard Re: Raspberry Pi POE+ hat overlay 17. May 12 Mark Millard Re: Raspberry Pi POE+ hat overlay 18. May 13 Brian Scott Re: Raspberry Pi POE+ hat overlay 19. May 13 Mark Millard -mcpu= selections and the Windows Dev Kit 2023: example from-scratch buildkernel times (after kernel-toolchain) 20. May 13 Mark Millard Re: -mcpu= selections and the Windows Dev Kit 2023: example from-scratch buildkernel times (after kernel-toolchain)
21. May 13 Doug Rabson Re: Raspberry Pi POE+ hat overlay 22. May 13 Mark Millard Re: -mcpu= selections and the Windows Dev Kit 2023: example from-scratch buildkernel times (after kernel-toolchain)
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