Messages: 6, new messages first
Last update: Mon May 6 0:07:04 2024
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1. May 5 Warner Losh Re: review request: changing the default ifconfig(8) address format to CIDR 2. May 4 Lexi Winter Re: review request: changing the default ifconfig(8) address format to CIDR 3. May 4 Jessica Clarke Re: review request: changing the default ifconfig(8) address format to CIDR 4. May 4 Tomoaki AOKI Re: review request: changing the default ifconfig(8) address format to CIDR 5. May 4 Lexi Winter review request: changing the default ifconfig(8) address format to CIDR 6. May 2 Simon J Gerraty Kernel keyring support to offload TPM
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