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Messages: 23, new messages first
Last update: Mon May 13 0:07:06 2024

home | archive sorted by: subject | author | date | reverse date
  1. May 12      Unmaintained FreeBSD ports which are out of date
  2. May 11 David Wolfskill            www/firefox: Python(?) issues building under poudriere (stable/14)
  3. May 11      Unmaintained FreeBSD ports which are out of date
  4. May 10 Jussi Korkala              /bin/linus after /bin/laden
  5. May 10      Unmaintained FreeBSD ports which are out of date
  6. May  9 Kevin Oberman              Re: The www/chromium port times out in build on package builders for a long time
  7. May  9 Laurent                    Re: Commit request for net/openmpi PR 278584
  8. May  9 Laurent                    Re: Commit request for net/openmpi PR 278584
  9. May  9 Rainer Hurling             Re: Commit request for net/openmpi PR 278584
 10. May  9      Unmaintained FreeBSD ports which are out of date
 11. May  9 Philip Paeps               Re: pkg server for current/arm64 stopped ? [main-armv7 on ampere2, . . .] [Update to Host OSVERSION 1500018 did not help]
 12. May  8 Yuri                       The www/chromium port times out in build on package builders for a long time
 13. May  8 Mark Millard               Re: pkg server for current/arm64 stopped ? [main-armv7 on ampere2, . . .] [Update to Host OSVERSION 1500018 did not help]
 14. May  8 Tatsuki Makino             Re: I've started collecting tmpfs usage figures from a poudriere-devel bulk -a for later publishing some of the top ones (handy for TMPFS_BLAC
 15. May  8      Unmaintained FreeBSD ports which are out of date
 16. May  7 Mike                       Re: rainloop 1.17.0 and php82 issue
 17. May  7 Mike                       Re: rainloop 1.17.0 and php82 issue
 18. May  6 Nuno Teixeira              Re: Our ld doesn't like elf_aarch64: error: unknown emulation
 19. May  6 Miroslav Lachman           Re: rainloop 1.17.0 and php82 issue
 20. May  6      Unmaintained FreeBSD ports which are out of date

21. May 6 Tatsuki Makino Re: poudriere(-devel) cleanup when executed from in a chroot: "Error: (72603) rm:rm:1: /usr/local/poudriere/data/.m/main-CA76-default: Device 22. May 6 Yasuhiro Kimura Re: rainloop 1.17.0 and php82 issue 23. May 6 Yasuhiro Kimura Re: rainloop 1.17.0 and php82 issue

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