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Messages: 11, old messages first
Last update: Mon May 20 0:07:10 2024

home | archive sorted by: subject | author | date | reverse date
  1. May 13      Unmaintained FreeBSD ports which are out of date
  2. May 15      Unmaintained FreeBSD ports which are out of date
  3. May 16      Unmaintained FreeBSD ports which are out of date
  4. May 17      Unmaintained FreeBSD ports which are out of date
  5. May 18      Unmaintained FreeBSD ports which are out of date
  6. May 18 David Wolfskill            [Resolved] Re: www/firefox: Python(?) issues building under poudriere (stable/14)
  7. May 19      Unmaintained FreeBSD ports which are out of date
  8. May 19 Adam Weinberger            Request for help: neovim-0.10.0
  9. May 19 Laurent                    Re: Request for help: neovim-0.10.0
 10. May 19 Jamie Landeg-Jones         Committer request: Here's a new port: sysutils/elfx86exts
 11. May 19 Laurent                    Re: Committer request: Here's a new port: sysutils/elfx86exts

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