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Date:      Mon, 16 Apr 2001 17:55:24 -0700
From:      Chip Wiegand <>
Subject:   Re: HTML editor
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I am curious about psgml. I haven't seen it before, I've tried probably
6 or 8 differant editors, with and without gui's, and have yet to find
one I am really comfortable with. I read the description of psgml in the
ports, but see no reference to a web site, do you know of one? I'd like
to learn a bit more about this program before deciding to try it, my
hard drive space is getting a bit on the tight side. Currently I am
using one I found called Quanta, for kde2 (though I don't use kde, I use
XFCE instead). I seems to be pretty good, but it is big and slow, too
much like the windoze apps I have to use all day at work. Bluefish and
gnotepad+ seemed fine but both have problems with pasting text into them
from other apps (they more than not would not paste any of the copied
text). Vi and EE are fine also, but again, I can't paste into them (or
at least I have yet to find out how) from other X apps.
Oh, well, 


On Mon, 16 Apr 2001 16:56:06 -0500
Mike Meyer <> surely must have wrote something like:

> BSDBlood Chat <> types:
> > Hello all,
> >    Just wondering, what HTML editor do you guys use? Why?
> psgml, because it actually understands the structure of an HTML
> document. Autocompletion on the legal tags, a "close last tag"
> command, and similar features that come with understanding the
> structure.
> 	mike

Chip Wiegand
Alternative Operating Systems

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