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Date:      Mon, 30 Sep 1996 07:44:58 +0800
From:      Peter Wemm <>
Cc:        Steve Passe <>,
Subject:   Re: Tyan S1562D Tomcat2 
Message-ID:  <199609292344.HAA04870@spinner.DIALix.COM>
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Sun, 29 Sep 1996 16:24:11 MST." <> 

next in thread | previous in thread | raw e-mail | index | archive | help wrote:
> Steve Passe <> writes:
> > I have 64 meg and never see it.  I suspect your getting hit by this
> > problem.  Unfortunately I don't have a solution.  Anyone have a suggestion
> > for "proving" this theory?

How about commenting out the invalidate-tlb calls and see how long it lasts?
:-)  That's about the size of what's happening to the second cpu.

> I have 64MB and see something like this problem quite a bit once I turn
> on the second CPU (well, if I'm doing something big like a GCC compile).
> I'm not claiming it is exactly the same problem.
> Interestingly enough, it always seems particular problems are caused by
> "ln" (it gets memory core dumps very often) and GCC's "enquire" simply
> locks the machine solid.

Hmm.  I have some old 386 motherboards that lock solid on enquire, I seem
to recall it was dismissed as "FERR->INT 13 linkage foulup"..

Perhaps enquire is triggering a floating point IRQ-13 on the second cpu
which is currently not being handled?  The second cpu does not get any IRQ's
at all at present, and if IRQ-13 is being generated directly within the cpu
then that might explain it.

> --
> Erich Stefan Boleyn                 \_ E-mail (preferred):  <


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