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Date:      Wed, 14 Oct 1998 20:48:48 -0400
From:      Drew Baxter <>
To:        Greg Lehey <>
Cc:        FreeBSD Chat <chat@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject:   Re: Service unavailable to or
Message-ID:  <>
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Just subscribed to FreeBSD-Chat.. I figure I might as well go for the gold,
already get 30+ messages a day traffic from :-)

What are you using for mail filtering on your frontend? I saw something
called Spam Stopper or Spam Buster a while ago that ISpace was running on
their Unix box..

Silly questions have their priority I guess.  I just don't see Juno users
as BSD users.. Maybe it's just me...

At 10:00 AM 10/15/98 +0930, Greg Lehey wrote:
>On Wednesday, 14 October 1998 at  8:57:26 -0400, Drew Baxter wrote:
>> At 08:06 AM 10/14/98 -0400, Barrett Richardson wrote:
>>> I have a theory that the sole purpose of the original posting was to
>>> collect e-mail addresses to be assembled later into a $29.95 spam kit.
>>> My address for instance, I use it exclusively for this
>>> list -- and I get spam there; spammers had to be collecting addresses
>>> by watching the list.
>>> Needinfo@juno come has found a more novel approach, don't bother
>>> subscribing to the list, just post something non-sensical to the
>>> list and the e-mail addresses will come to you. Working like a
>>> charm so far.
>> ---
>> Kinda redundant to send it to 7 people and then to the list, so everyone
>> else has been nuked in the CC field.
>Would have been good to move it to -chat, too.
>> ---
>> He's already started to E-Mail me stupid questions.. I'm just going to end
>> up placing a call to Juno/Denver about it., sounds like
>> an account that someone made for the some purpose of mailing this list.
>I don't think they'd act just because somebody's sending you silly
>questions.  We'd have to nuke half the people on -questions :-)
>> I say (and still say), just add Juno to the filters, amongst Hotmail
>> and some other choice/problematic domains.
>I haven't blocked hotmail yet, but Juno's been there for a while.
>See complete headers for address, home page and phone numbers
>finger for PGP public key

Drew "Droobie" Baxter
Network Admin/Professional Computer Nerd(TM)
OneEX: The OneNetwork Exchange 207-942-0275

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