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Date:      Mon, 27 Nov 2000 04:07:48 -0500
From:      Jim Conner <>
To:        Ben Weaver <>
Cc:, questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: automatic ftp put
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>
References:  <200011270648.BAA01730@d.tracker> <200011270648.BAA01730@d.tracker>

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FTP from a script is easy



ftp_function() {
     # Connect with non-interactive ftp session (-i)
     # and restrain attempt to auto-login (-n)
     # ftp(1)
     ftp -ni << EOT

     # Login
     echo "$USER"
     echo "$PASSWORD"

     # change local dir (if necessary)
     echo "lcd $localDir"

     # change remote directory (if necessary)
     echo "cd $remoteDir"

     # change to binary transfer (use "as" for
     # an ascii transfer)
     echo "bi"

     # get your files.  Use echo "mput $files"
     # to put files to the remote side.
     echo "mget $files"

     # wave goodbye.
     echo "by"

files=$(ls /path/*.ext)


Its if I got anything wrong, I apologize.

- Jim

At 02:36 AM 11/27/2000 -0600, Ben Weaver wrote:
>I wanted to do the same thing with a site I was working on and updating 
>frequently.  Here's what I threw together:
>On my workstation I have a shell script called syncronize.  Here it is:
>tar cvzf - directory_to_publish | ssh username@server ./server_sync
>Keep in mind for this to work, the directory_to_publish must be a 
>subdirectory of the directory syncronize is in.  You can change this as 
>you like by altering the tar flags.
>On the server I made a shell script in my home directory called server_sync:
>dd of=tmp.tar.gz
>rm -R /path/to/website/root/directory/*
>tar xvzf tmp.tar.gz -C /path/to/website/root/directory/
>rm tmp.tar.gz
>That's about it...  It's pretty crude, but it works for what I need it to do.
>On Mon, Nov 27, 2000 at 01:48:18AM -0500, David Banning wrote:
> > I am trying to update my website automatically, but
> > as far as I can see, there is no way to use ftp from a script.
> >
> > Am am now looking at ssh/scp but I find it confusing.
> >
> > Can anyone suggest how I can do what I want?
> >
> >
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- Jim
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