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Date:      Sat, 1 Dec 2001 15:11:28 -0800
From:      Kris Kennaway <>
To:        ssl <>
Cc:        freebsd-questions@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: 486 optimisation, mp3 stuff, performance ...
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In-Reply-To: <>; from on Sat, Dec 01, 2001 at 04:16:17PM %2B0100
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On Sat, Dec 01, 2001 at 04:16:17PM +0100, ssl wrote:
> Hello,
> I am using FreBSD two years ago and now I have some trouble to set up a m=
p3 player but questions=20
> aren't only audio related.
> < FreeBSD 4.4 release @ Amd 486 133MHz, overclocked to 160MHz >
> questions:
> 1) How to compile all needed software (ports) with 486 optimisation (with=
out editing Makefiles
>    -if possible) ?

Set CPUTYPE in /etc/make.conf, which will add gcc optimizations to CFLAGS.

> 2) If I installed ports collection that came with this 4.4 release, how t=
o install particular=20
>    port that was shiped with earlier releases ( want to install old xmms =
0.9 )

In general this isn't supported, but it might work if you cvsup your
ports collection back to whatever date you want, or if you use an old
copy of the ports collection from the installation CD.

I can't for the life of me work out why you'd want to use xmms on a
486, though; it chews up enough CPU even on a fast CPU.

> 3) This is very interesting !
>   =20
>    I installed several mp3 console players: amp,madplay and mpg123. Ok, t=
he system is up, I am=20
>    listening to my favourites songs with one of these mentioned players. =
Then I stopped the music,
>    do some job for example install software with pkg_add or startx and co=
nnect to the internet and
>    when finish the job I start mp3 player again but music sounds noisy,sc=
ratchy, not for listening=20
>    at all.
>    What is happening here ?
>    --> Is it about freebsd performance ?
>    --> Is it about oveclocked processor (hardware related problems) ?
>    --> something else ?

Impossible to say from the details you've provided.  My best guess is
that your CPU isn't fast enough to handle the load being placed on it.
Maybe you dont have enough memory and it's swapping to disk,
interrupting the mp3 playback.


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