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Date:      Tue, 12 Jan 2021 17:11:39 +0000
From:      Ottavio Caruso <>
Subject:   Re: Authoritative guide to configuring Sendmail to use a relay for outgoing mail on FreeBSD?
Message-ID:  <rtkl8b$dsu$>
In-Reply-To: <>
References:  <rtkafk$mp8$> <> <>

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On 12/01/2021 16:53, Polytropon wrote:
> On Tue, 12 Jan 2021 15:58:35 +0100, Peter Boosten via freebsd-questions wrote:
>> Basically all my jails use another jail as mail hub:
>> Change /etc/mail/ to reflect the correct mail hub
>> FEATURE(`msp', `[]', `MSA’)dnl
>> Also configure the confDOMAIN_NAME and confHELO_NAME to reflect your
>> host/domain.
>> Then run ‘make install’.
>> In my /etc/rc.conf there’s this:
>> sendmail_enable="NO"
>> sendmail_msp_queue_enable="YES"
>> sendmail_outbound_enable="NO"
>> sendmail_submit_enable=“NO"
>> Then run ‘make restart’ in your /etc/mail directory.
>> This basically makes the machine not accept email from outside (only
>> from the machine itself) and forwards everything to your smart host.
> In the past, I have been using my ISP's mail relay until they
> cut support for that. In order to have all outgoing messages
> to be sent through the ISP's relay (instead of having my own
> sendmail doing that, especially from behind a dynamic IP), I
> had the followint setting in /etc/mail/`hostname`.mc:
> 	define(`SMART_HOST', `')
> where is the mail relay I wanted to use, and
> it worked for all systems from within the network of the ISP.
> With a "make install", the setting was activated, and it worked
> for many happy years. :-)

How did you create /etc/mail/`hostname`.mc? By copying and editing or by 
running make in /etc/mail?

Ottavio Caruso

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