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Date:      Fri, 28 Feb 1997 10:59:12 -0500 (EST)
From:      Mark Mayo <>
To:        James Mansion <>
Subject:   Re: Java binary support in FreeBSD ...
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>

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On Thu, 27 Feb 1997, James Mansion wrote:

> Mark Mayo wrote:
> > Why bother??? It's not so hard to type 'java Class'......
> > I like my users to be aware that they are running through an interpreter,
> > and that there are command line options to the interpreter.
> I can't imagine why anyone would take this view personally.

I can't either, now that I think about it :-)

Of course, shell scripts are the best example. I would truly consider it a
pain in the ass if I had to type "sh script" everytime..

The only think that makes java different is that the 'binary' is a
bytecode file - and it normally has the extension .class. Take for example
I had a class called Mark.class; naturally, I would want to run 'Mark'. So
the kernel needs to recognize that I really mean I want the interpreter to
run 'Mark.class'. I gather this is possible with sysctrl..

For now, I think we should wait until the JDK 1.1 stuff stabalizes, and
then look into it. Also, as the kernel threading in 3.0 comes along, and
the re-entrant libraries are finished up, it should be possible to do a
really nice port of the JDK - better than Solaris's perhaps?!


> A program is a program is a program.
> If I run a program, I don't care to know what language it is implemented
> in.
> UNIX gets this right with its shell scripts.
> Even VB gets this right!
> It doesn't make sense (to me) to require the use of a
> shell script wrapper that will then start the program
> under the interpreter.  How kludgy - inconvenient and
> expensive at runtime.
> As for wanting to know that they are using an interpreter, well, why,
> apart from the very occaisonal case where you want to supply arguments
> to it?  Most arguments go to the app, after all.  And must Java runtimes
> are or soon will
> be JIT based, and its not as if there is an efficiency issue
> that users might wish to be aware of.
> James

 Mark Mayo       
 RingZero Comp. 
 Nature shows that with the growth of intelligence comes increased capacity 
 for pain, and it is only with the highest degree of intelligence that 
 suffering reaches its supreme point.  -- Arthur Schopenhauer

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