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Date:      Sat, 29 Jun 2024 01:43:30 -0700
From:      Colin Percival <>
To:        Mark Millard <>, FreeBSD-STABLE Mailing List <>
Subject:   Re: New FreeBSD snapshots available: stable/14 (20240606 e77813f7e4a3) [ bad stable/14 info for 21 Jun 2024, empty snapshots/ISO-IMAGES/14.1/ ]
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On 6/28/24 23:59, Mark Millard wrote:
> On Jun 28, 2024, at 20:26, Mark Millard <> wrote:
>> On Jun 28, 2024, at 19:32, Mark Millard <> wrote:
>>> Looking at:
>>> ( Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2024 00:42:00 UTC )
>>> and at:
>>> ( Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:37:56 UTC )
>>> they both indicate:
>>> 0240606 e77813f7e4a3

Ok, I have no idea what happened with those emails.  We've had some
issues with building snapshots (some of them long-standing issues and
some introduced while I debug the release building process -- between
releases is when I get to hack on this code) but I don't know how any
of them would result in the same email going out twice.

Probably just me fat-fingering a command, actually...

>>> Also:
>>> is empty. This prevents me from suggesting a test if a bug
>>> report is reproducible from an official stable/14 snapshot
>>> instead of just from someone's personal build of stable/14
>>> (for a RPi3B failure context).
>> There are more issues but for stable/13 : while
>> is populated with 2024-Jun-28 and 2024-Jun-20 materials,

Yes, that is correct.  We used to have 3 weekly snapshots on the ftp
servers but that got cut down to 2 because some of the mirrors were
running out of disk space.  (I'll bump it back up to 3 when the cluster
admins tell me there's enough disk space.)

> Well,
> now exists and claims "stable/14 (20240628 9a53391b601d)". However,
> is still empty.

Ok, this is just me being stupid.  The stable/14 snapshots were completely
broken two weeks ago (you'll note no snapshot email for stable/14 went out
that week) and I disabled the command to rsync the snapshots for 14.x since
I didn't want to push broken bits out to the mirrors.  And then I forgot to
turn it back on again until now.

Thanks for pointing this out!  It's too late for this week's bits (I've wiped
them from the builder to make space for another build-process-debugging build)
but it should be fixed for next week.

Sorry about the mess.  I'm hoping to have everything building smoothly soon;
the last thing I'm trying to deal with is some hard-to-reproduce breakage
when installworlding into many VM images simultaneously.

Colin Percival
FreeBSD Release Engineering Lead & EC2 platform maintainer
Founder, Tarsnap | | Online backups for the truly paranoid

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