Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2016 08:44:36 -0500 From: Karl Denninger <> To: Subject: Re: Bizarre clone attempt failures on Raspberry Pi2... Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>
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This is a cryptographically signed message in MIME format. --------------ms050304070703030100050200 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable On 7/15/2016 08:36, Paul Mather wrote: > On Jul 14, 2016, at 11:36 PM, Karl Denninger <> wrote= : > >> Found it. >> >> Apparently the current code *requires* the label be set on the msdos >> partition. If it's not then not only does it not mount (which shouldn= 't >> matter post-boot as the loader is supposed to pass the dtb file, it is= >> specified in the config file without any sort of path prefix, and thus= >> once the kernel has loaded it should not matter if the dos partition i= f >> actually mounted or not) *but* the boot process hangs without any >> indication of why! >> >> So, you must do newfs_msdos -L MSDOSBOOT -F 16 {device} >> >> If the "-L" is missing you're hosed; the system facially appears to be= >> just fine but while the loader comes up and so does the kernel, it han= gs >> without ever proceeding -- and without any sort of error message >> indicating that it is unable to mount something it needs. > > You have to do that because the device entry in the stock /etc/fstab is= /dev/msdosfs/MSDOSBOOT. The /dev/msdosfs part indicates it's using ms-d= os labels. In other words, this is just the same sort of failure you wer= e getting when you weren't labelling the UFS partition as "rootfs". Labe= lling the file system properly "fixes" the issue, as you would expect. > > It's a misnomer to say the code "requires" labels. It's just that's th= e way the distribution images are currently set up. I have an older Pi t= hat predates the current distribution images that just uses /dev/mmcsd0..= =2E device names in /etc/fstab. Both approaches work fine. You just nee= d to make sure the devices you specify in /etc/fstab will actually exist = when it comes time to mount the corresponding file system. Except that if the root filesystem doesn't mount you get an error, and thus you can figure out what's going on. What excuse is there for not printing an error message if a mount fails, and if something in /etc/fstab fails to mount what's with hanging the machine? I've had disks be unavailable before on Intel architecture machines (it happens when disks fail) and the result is an error on the failure to mount but, unless it's the root volume, the system still comes up. > If you stop using labels in your /etc/fstab then you won't have problem= s when those labels are missing. If the labels are missing, the /dev/{ms= dosfs,ufs} devices will not be present and the system will drop to single= -user mode because none-late, non-noauto file systems can't be accessed v= ia their device nodes when attempting to mount them. When that happens a= nd you don't have a serial console enabled then you have problems remedia= ting the situation. > > If a file system is not needed to mount as part of booting (as you sugg= est for /boot/msdos) then you should probably flag it with the "noauto" o= ption in /etc/fstab or remove it from /etc/fstab entirely. > > I think the problem you were having is not copying all the required att= ributes of the file systems in question when cloning your SD cards, given= your /etc/fstab setup. It sounds like you've fixed that, now. Again, if it dropped to single user mode *and said it was doing so* or if there was an error message on the console when the filesystem failed to mount I would have found this in a reasonable period of time. It wasn't that rough to do so with the ufs label once I knew the filesystem was failing to mount, which was discernible from the console output. Not printing an error when things error out is rude at best, and when that error is going to prevent the system from coming up this darn well ought to show up where one with a monitor plugged in can see it, eh? There was literally no indication at all as to what was going on and since gpart does not show filesystem labels for *either* BSD labeled slices OR msdos figuring out what was different between the two proved to be a bit troublesome. IMHO at least the failure to display an error message in this circumstance ought to be corrected. --=20 Karl Denninger <> /The Market Ticker/ /[S/MIME encrypted email preferred]/ --------------ms050304070703030100050200 Content-Type: application/pkcs7-signature; name="smime.p7s" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="smime.p7s" Content-Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAqCAMIACAQExDzANBglghkgBZQMEAgMFADCABgkqhkiG9w0BBwEAAKCC Bl8wggZbMIIEQ6ADAgECAgEpMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMIGQMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEQMA4G A1UECBMHRmxvcmlkYTESMBAGA1UEBxMJTmljZXZpbGxlMRkwFwYDVQQKExBDdWRhIFN5c3Rl bXMgTExDMRwwGgYDVQQDExNDdWRhIFN5c3RlbXMgTExDIENBMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhND dWRhIFN5c3RlbXMgTExDIENBMB4XDTE1MDQyMTAyMjE1OVoXDTIwMDQxOTAyMjE1OVowWjEL MAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEDAOBgNVBAgTB0Zsb3JpZGExGTAXBgNVBAoTEEN1ZGEgU3lzdGVtcyBM TEMxHjAcBgNVBAMTFUthcmwgRGVubmluZ2VyIChPQ1NQKTCCAiIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAD ggIPADCCAgoCggIBALmEWPhAdphrWd4K5VTvE5pxL3blRQPyGF3ApjUjgtavqU1Y8pbI3Byg XDj2/Uz9Si8XVj/kNbKEjkRh5SsNvx3Fc0oQ1uVjyCq7zC/kctF7yLzQbvWnU4grAPZ3IuAp 3/fFxIVaXpxEdKmyZAVDhk9az+IgHH43rdJRIMzxJ5vqQMb+n2EjadVqiGPbtG9aZEImlq7f IYDTnKyToi23PAnkPwwT+q1IkI2DTvf2jzWrhLR5DTX0fUYC0nxlHWbjgpiapyJWtR7K2YQO aevQb/3vN9gSojT2h+cBem7QIj6U69rEYcEDvPyCMXEV9VcXdcmW42LSRsPvZcBHFkWAJqMZ Myiz4kumaP+s+cIDaXitR/szoqDKGSHM4CPAZV9Yh8asvxQL5uDxz5wvLPgS5yS8K/o7zDR5 vNkMCyfYQuR6PAJxVOk5Arqvj9lfP3JSVapwbr01CoWDBkpuJlKfpQIEeC/pcCBKknllbMYq yHBO2TipLyO5Ocd1nhN/nOsO+C+j31lQHfOMRZaPQykXVPWG5BbhWT7ttX4vy5hOW6yJgeT/ o3apynlp1cEavkQRS8uJHoQszF6KIrQMID/JfySWvVQ4ksnfzwB2lRomrdrwnQ4eG/HBS+0l eozwOJNDIBlAP+hLe8A5oWZgooIIK/SulUAsfI6Sgd8dTZTTYmlhAgMBAAGjgfQwgfEwNwYI KwYBBQUHAQEEKzApMCcGCCsGAQUFBzABhhtodHRwOi8vY3VkYXN5c3RlbXMubmV0Ojg4ODgw CQYDVR0TBAIwADARBglghkgBhvhCAQEEBAMCBaAwCwYDVR0PBAQDAgXgMCwGCWCGSAGG+EIB DQQfFh1PcGVuU1NMIEdlbmVyYXRlZCBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZTAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUxRyULenJaFwX RtT79aNmIB/u5VkwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUJHGbnYV9/N3dvbDKkpQDofrTbTUwHQYDVR0RBBYw FIESa2FybEBkZW5uaW5nZXIubmV0MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4ICAQBPf3cYtmKowmGIYsm6 eBinJu7QVWvxi1vqnBz3KE+HapqoIZS8/PolB/hwiY0UAE1RsjBJ7yEjihVRwummSBvkoOyf G30uPn4yg4vbJkR9lTz8d21fPshWETa6DBh2jx2Qf13LZpr3Pj2fTtlu6xMYKzg7cSDgd2bO sJGH/rcvva9Spkx5Vfq0RyOrYph9boshRN3D4tbWgBAcX9POdXCVfJONDxhfBuPHsJ6vEmPb An+XL5Yl26XYFPiODQ+Qbk44Ot1kt9s7oS3dVUrh92Qv0G3J3DF+Vt6C15nED+f+bk4gScu+ JHT7RjEmfa18GT8DcT//D1zEke1Ymhb41JH+GyZchDRWtjxsS5OBFMzrju7d264zJUFtX7iJ 3xvpKN7VcZKNtB6dLShj3v/XDsQVQWXmR/1YKWZ93C3LpRs2Y5nYdn6gEOpL/WfQFThtfnat HNc7fNs5vjotaYpBl5H8+VCautKbGOs219uQbhGZLYTv6okuKcY8W+4EJEtK0xB08vqr9Jd0 FS9MGjQE++GWo+5eQxFt6nUENHbVYnsr6bYPQsZH0CRNycgTG9MwY/UIXOf4W034UpR82TBG 1LiMsYfb8ahQJhs3wdf1nzipIjRwoZKT1vGXh/cj3gwSr64GfenURBxaFZA5O1acOZUjPrRT n3ci4McYW/0WVVA3lDGCBRMwggUPAgEBMIGWMIGQMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEQMA4GA1UECBMH RmxvcmlkYTESMBAGA1UEBxMJTmljZXZpbGxlMRkwFwYDVQQKExBDdWRhIFN5c3RlbXMgTExD MRwwGgYDVQQDExNDdWRhIFN5c3RlbXMgTExDIENBMSIwIAYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhNDdWRhIFN5 c3RlbXMgTExDIENBAgEpMA0GCWCGSAFlAwQCAwUAoIICTTAYBgkqhkiG9w0BCQMxCwYJKoZI hvcNAQcBMBwGCSqGSIb3DQEJBTEPFw0xNjA3MTUxMzQ0MzZaME8GCSqGSIb3DQEJBDFCBEBk 0pgWHac/bjWAGJJa66I5NoXGL1KyGxfVJasqFsMEbaxJ+G/X6gA/ELUBXqD4h8wJgUsOHmLP v/16VXg2lnGTMGwGCSqGSIb3DQEJDzFfMF0wCwYJYIZIAWUDBAEqMAsGCWCGSAFlAwQBAjAK BggqhkiG9w0DBzAOBggqhkiG9w0DAgICAIAwDQYIKoZIhvcNAwICAUAwBwYFKw4DAgcwDQYI KoZIhvcNAwICASgwgacGCSsGAQQBgjcQBDGBmTCBljCBkDELMAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxEDAOBgNV BAgTB0Zsb3JpZGExEjAQBgNVBAcTCU5pY2V2aWxsZTEZMBcGA1UEChMQQ3VkYSBTeXN0ZW1z IExMQzEcMBoGA1UEAxMTQ3VkYSBTeXN0ZW1zIExMQyBDQTEiMCAGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYTQ3Vk YSBTeXN0ZW1zIExMQyBDQQIBKTCBqQYLKoZIhvcNAQkQAgsxgZmggZYwgZAxCzAJBgNVBAYT AlVTMRAwDgYDVQQIEwdGbG9yaWRhMRIwEAYDVQQHEwlOaWNldmlsbGUxGTAXBgNVBAoTEEN1 ZGEgU3lzdGVtcyBMTEMxHDAaBgNVBAMTE0N1ZGEgU3lzdGVtcyBMTEMgQ0ExIjAgBgkqhkiG 9w0BCQEWE0N1ZGEgU3lzdGVtcyBMTEMgQ0ECASkwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQAEggIAO0Qhbh8e 3w094MDSYErDQEiNrcAvmtbmfGSFXTpfbLtvRDDLftgXdt8hi8TON/RCmNOaYFg0dvJok+2Y lC/ZSBEc8fW+ww22GGJTirG8iOJv9Fc825Bj0EztVb6g/2bnahHnSEZPGqWhYp1B7PZTQGCk DZ0/YpwisdEgwA1kTx2QI4dtw+Ow1YJ6jVvu15LSEIQb+47AVTGxqqEHsGQGYEOUxkuNDo1k GTR1pWjxrUcU0CgysTKwrRwFCy2EiLu7r7C8MVClXdeTMNPYQck8Bky0tU7P/R0XI5yV6H+6 HHQFlnWBp2JQa33bLSjoo5oO4IIUdMbDNVZmcd5vYdZE0PyQrn79Hyum6a3BrTssF0cojVa/ /7s/kz2dWh9Iad3l/bGLxJ/3lfcxL0DMWk9BuqNzdhwGfiHDx/EycdwBG90EuY0kGnImcUnb C4Gwtwmeo8HEqcsiHtg4BbL+P8h7yl3rKA33E2kBMejk/OUbzDhnvt8Qyl3qJz3yBmuMOKqG FdoW2YVug/JuJOxQixA64Ilfvt9Tm7PN6NE3j6djpXSO3jK3Q7HMJcXPE6gbiM8FsqVYLQHE nnLwYA4aL3FicN9xWyW0RWSYnRyeb66no86DIYjJnjzDWhMfqleIdUHmyLTCbyX5AU2NZAT0 H76mtq20rTpZGP3eA57eSPyCopQAAAAAAAA= --------------ms050304070703030100050200--
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