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Date:      Sat, 3 Sep 2022 17:21:35 +0100
From:      void <>
Subject:   Re: remnants after major upgrade
Message-ID:  <YxN/D/>
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On Sat, Sep 03, 2022 at 10:45:20AM -0400, Paul Mather wrote:
>It's not clear to me the context of how your current system got installed.  
>However, bectl is part of the FreeBSD 13 base system, so if you installed 
>FreeBSD 13.1, then that is where that software will have originated.
>Also, it's been the case for a while that following the ZFS install 
>option will get you a BE-friendly setup.  I've noticed that 
>freebsd-update now creates BEs on ZFS, too.

I had no idea till now. I also have a 13-stable amd64 desktop without
BE-anything, but this has been freebsd since freebsd-10 and
has always followed -stable. It doesn't have zfs-on-root.

The rpi4 is zfs-on-root. I have since removed -current
and did a fresh 13.1-p2 install and it has a "normal" bectl
output. The system arrived at its broken configuration (wrt BE-thing)
because it went from 13R-p2 to -current and I did the upgrade in the
usual source upgrade way. I guess now there's extra step(s) that
were missed. I don't usually run zfs-on-root.


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