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Date:      Wed, 26 Feb 1997 05:19:14 -0800 (PST)
From:      Vincent Poy <vince@mail.MCESTATE.COM>
To:        Philippe Regnauld <>
Subject:   Re: [H] Optimal computer for FreeBSD
Message-ID:  <Pine.BSF.3.95.970226051802.438J-100000@mail.MCESTATE.COM>
In-Reply-To: <>

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On Wed, 26 Feb 1997, Philippe Regnauld wrote:

> 	Conclusion: use Parity RAM, but EDO is unnecessary :-)

	Ahhh... The problem is some motherboards don't support the parity
anyways and x32 is cheaper than x36.  Does anyone know if EDO RAM will
work on non-EDO machines?

Vince - vince@MCESTATE.COM - vince@GAIANET.NET           ________   __ ____ 
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