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Date:      Tue, 08 Apr 1997 06:56:51 -0700
From:      David Greenman <>
To:        Doug Rabson <>
Cc:        hackers@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: FW: Unix Gurus shift to Microsoft (fwd) 
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Tue, 08 Apr 1997 14:17:32 BST." <> 

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>On Tue, 8 Apr 1997, David Greenman wrote:
>> >> In case you follow these things, three of the original Unix
>> >> development
>> >> team (Rob Kolstad (Mr Kernel), Mike Karels (Mr VI), and Kirk McKusick
>> >> (Mr C)) have resigned from BSDI and are joining Microsoft, reporting
>> >> directly to Bill Gates. Kolstad is to be Senior VP of R&D and
>> >> technical
>> >> advisor to the Board of Directors - pretty serious stuff.
>>    This was of course announced originally on April 1st. The funny thing
>> above isn't so much that the person seems to be taking this seriously, but
>> rather the attributions (Rob Kolstad = Mr Kernel, Mike = Mr VI, and Kirk 
>> Mr C)...what a laugh. :-)
>I wasn't quite sure since the original message I had was dated April 4.

   ...Jordan just jogged my memory about this: It originally appeared in
the ;login magazine along with a bunch of other April 1st type "news"
stories. It was written seriously enough and mixed in with other non-fool's
stories as to make it difficult for the lay person to know what was truth and
what was not (although this particular story was so outrageous that I don't
see how anyone could take it seriously).


David Greenman
Core-team/Principal Architect, The FreeBSD Project

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