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Date:      Wed, 8 May 1996 15:27:47 -0600
From:      Sean Kelly <>
Subject:   Re: Network Fundamentals, well, Fundamentals period.
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To:  <> (message from John Utz on Thu, 18 Apr 1996 15:47:38 -0700 (PDT))

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>>>>> "John" == John Utz <> writes:

    John> Hi All;

Hi, John!

    John> 	I was wondering if anybody had signed up to do the
    John> ethernet portion of the hand book? It is remarkably terse!
    John> :-)

You said it ... I see nothing but a heading in the current version on
the web.

    John> 	I just did an ethernet install and am now running my
    John> two machines, one running freebsd ( and sometimes win31 )
    John> and the other running win31.

You are far more brave than I.  Or just richer.  :-)

    John> I have succeeded ( with some really notable help from
    John> someone who i will ask first if wants to be named before i
    John> splash his name far and near as a helpful net guy ) in
    John> getting the win31 machine to visit and execute win31 apps on
    John> the /dos directory of the dual boot machine. All it takes is
    John> samba and the Free MSoft Lanman client.

Cool.  You could set up a bunch of shared software packages this way
for a number of Windows-based clients---at least until you convince
them to run FreeBSD.

    John> 	The ethernet part was pretty tuff, due to my satanic
    John> soundcard ( yes, really !! ) and made me realize that a
    John> discussion concerning interrupts, ports and probes would be
    John> useful as well.


    John> 	I would be willing to share, if it would be
    John> needed. Let me know, doc deity's..!

Well, if no one else has responded yet, then let me be the first to
say GO FOR IT!

If you'd like someone to review your material or to give you a
grammar, spell-check, etc., let me know and I'll provide you with my
name.  :-)

Sean Kelly                          
NOAA Forecast Systems Laboratory
Boulder Colorado USA      

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