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Date:      Mon, 23 Sep 1996 13:59:44 -0400 (EDT)
From:      "Ron G. Minnich" <rminnich@Sarnoff.COM>
To:        Chuck Robey <>
Subject:   Re: user-level distributed shared memory available for freebsd
Message-ID:  <Pine.SUN.3.91.960923134125.17698J-100000@terra>
In-Reply-To: <>

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On Thu, 19 Sep 1996, Chuck Robey wrote:

> On Mon, 16 Sep 1996, Ron G. Minnich wrote:
> > This system is called ZOUNDS. it's all user mode, no special sysadmin 
> > bugs to me, of course. 
> Ron, where is this? 

Look down the page, it's in the free software section (I hope).

> I don't know if you have the time to pander to my curiosity on one point,
> but I'm sure you know the anser to this (if you're not too busy).  I know
> unix in general has never had a really good file locking system.  Why
> doesn't someone write one just for FreeBSD?
1) I don't really do file locking, I use memory-variable locking, i.e. 
   test-and-set stuff. That's in MNFS, the previous system, which I'm 
   currently working to put into openbsd. 
2) ZOUNDS is based on the one-writer model, as is the DEC memory-channel.
   The locking in ZOUNDS will not be based on the test-and-set model.

I have not looked at FreeBSD locking, but I thought it worked ok on ufs? 
What's missing? NFS locking, now, that's another kettle of fish.


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