Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2003 01:14:58 +0100 From: "Stacy Olivas" <> To: <> Subject: RE: The FreeBSD Jive Copyright Message-ID: <00bc01c2d93e$452d1f60$0502000a@sentinel> In-Reply-To: <00bb01c2d93c$8ad70e10$0502000a@sentinel>
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> > Just for s&g, I can the COPYRIGHT file thru the jive > filter: Try running the GPL thru it.. It's meaning becomes all the more clearer. ;) (Sorry, I was totally bored and couldn't sleep..) GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundashun, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone be puh'mitted t'copy and distribute verbatim copies uh dis license document, but changin' it be not allowed. Preamble De licenses fo' most software are designed t'take away yo' freedom t'share and change it. By contrast, de GNU General Public License be intended t'guarantee yo' freedom t'share and change free software--to make sho' nuff de software be free fo' all its users. Dis General Public License applies t'most uh de Free Software Foundashun's software and t'any oda' honky code whose audo's commit to usin' it. (Some oda' Free Software Foundashun software be covered by de GNU Library General Public License instead.) You's kin apply it to yo' honky codes, too. When we speak uh free software, we are referrin' t'freedom, not price. What it is, Mama! Our General Public Licenses are designed t'make sho' nuff dat ya' gots' de freedom t'distribute copies uh free software (and charge fo' dis service if ya' wish), dat ya' receive source code o' kin git it if ya' wants' it, dat ya' kin change da damn software o' use pieces uh it in new free honky codes; and dat ya' know ya' kin do dese wahtahmelluns. To protect yo' rights, we need t'make restricshuns dat fo'bid anyone t'deny ya' dese rights o' t'ax' ya' t'surrenda' de rights. Dese restricshuns translate t'certain responsibilities fo' ya' if ya' distribute copies uh de software, o' if ya' modify it. Fo' 'esample, if ya' distribute copies uh such some honky code, wheder gratis o' fo' some fee, ya' must give da damn recipients all de rights dat ya' gots'. You's must make sho' nuff dat dey, too, receive o' kin git de source code. What it is, Mama! And ya' must show dem dese terms so's dey know deir rights. We protect yo' rights wid two steps, dig dis: (1) copyright da damn software, and (2) offa' ya' dis license which gives ya' legal puh'mission t'copy, distribute and/o' modify de software. What it is, Mama! Also, fo' each audo''s protecshun and ours, we wanna make certain dat everyone dig its dat dere be no warranty fo' dis free software. What it is, Mama! If de software be modified by someone else and passed on, we wants' its recipients t'know dat whut dey gots' be not da damn o'iginal, so dat any problems introduced by oders gots'ta not reflect on de o'iginal audo's' reputashuns. Finally, any free honky code be dreatened constantly by software patents. We wish t'avoid da damn danga' dat redistributo's uh a free honky code gots'ta individually obtain patent licenses, in effect makin' de honky code proprietary. Slap mah fro! To prevent dis, we gots' made it clear dat any patent must be licensed fo' everyone's free use o' not licensed at all. De precise terms and condishuns fo' copyin', distribushun and modificashun follow. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDISHUNS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUSHUN AND MODIFICASHUN 0. Dis License applies t'any honky code o' oda' wo'k which contains a notice placed by de copyright holda' sayin' it may be distributed unda' de terms uh dis General Public License. What it is, Mama! De "Program", below, refers t'any such honky code o' wo'k, and some "wo'k based on de Program" means eida' de Program o' any derivative wo'k unda' copyright law, dig dis: dat be to say, some wo'k containin' de Program o' some po'shun uh it, eida' verbatim o' wid modificashuns and/o' translated into anoder language. What it is, Mama! (Hereinafter, translashun be included widout limitashun in de term "modificashun".) Each licensee be addressed as "ya'". Activities oda' dan copyin', distribushun and modificashun aint covered by dis License; dey are outside its scope. What it is, Mama! De act of runnin' de Program be not restricted, and da damn output fum de Program is covered only if its contents constitute some wo'k based on de Program (independent uh havin' been made by runnin' de Program). Wheda' dat be true depends on whut de Program duz. 1. You's may copy and distribute verbatim copies uh de Program's source code as ya' receive it, in any medium, provided dat ya' conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy some appropriate copyright notice and disclaima' of warranty; keep intact all de notices dat refa' to dis License and t'de absence uh any warranty; and give any oda' recipients uh de Program some copy uh dis License along wid de Program. 'S coo', bro. You's may charge some fee fo' de physical act uh transferrin' some copy, and ya' may at yo' opshun offa' warranty protecshun in 'shange fo' some fee. What it is, Mama! 2. You's may modify yo' copy o' copies uh de Program o' any po'shun of it, dus fo'min' some wo'k based on de Program, and copy and distribute such modificashuns o' wo'k unda' de terms uh Secshun 1 above, provided dat ya' also meet all uh dese condishuns, dig dis: a) You's must cause da damn modified stashs t'carry prominent notices statin' dat ya' changed da damn stashs and da damn date uh any change. What it is, Mama! b) You's must cause any wo'k dat ya' distribute o' publish, dat in whole o' in part contains o' be derived fum de Program o' any part dereof, t'be licensed as some whole at no charge t'all dird parties unda' de terms uh dis License. What it is, Mama! c) If de modified honky code no'mally eyeballs commands interactively when run, ya' must cause it, when started runnin' fo' such interactive use in de most o'dinary way, t'print o' display an announcement includin' some appropriate copyright notice and a notice dat dere be no warranty (o' else, sayin' dat ya' provide some warranty) and dat users may redistribute da damn honky code under dese condishuns, and tellin' de usa' how t'view some copy uh dis License. What it is, Mama! (Excepshun: if de Program itself be interactive but duz not no'mally print such some announcement, yo' wo'k based on de Program be not required t'print some announcement.) Dese requirements apply t'de modified wo'k as some whole. What it is, Mama! If identifiable secshuns uh dat wo'k aint derived fum de Program, and kin be reasonably considered independent and separate wo'ks in demselves, den dis License, and its terms, do not apply t'dose secshuns when ya' distribute dem as separate wo'ks. But when ya' distribute da damn same secshuns as part uh a whole which be some wo'k based on de Program, de distribushun uh de whole must be on de terms of dis License, whose puh'missions fo' oda' licensees 'estend t'de entire whole, and dus t'each and every part regardless uh who wrote it. Dus, it be not da damn intent uh dis secshun t'claim rights o' contest yo' rights t'wo'k written entirely by ya'; rader, de intent be to exercise da damn right t'control de distribushun uh derivative o' collective wo'ks based on de Program. 'S coo', bro. In addishun, mere aggregashun uh anoda' wo'k not based on de Program wid de Program (o' wid some wo'k based on de Program) on some volume of a sto'age o' distribushun medium duz not brin' de oda' wo'k under de scope uh dis License. What it is, Mama! 3. You's may copy and distribute da damn Program (o' some wo'k based on it, unda' Secshun 2) in object code o' 'esecutable fo'm unda' de terms of Secshuns 1 and 2 above provided dat ya' also do one uh de followin': a) Accompany it wid de complete co'respondin' machine-readable source code, which must be distributed unda' de terms uh Secshuns 1 and 2 above on some medium customarily used fo' software interchange; o', b) Accompany it wid some written offer, valid fo' at least dree years, t'give any dird party, fo' some charge no mo'e dan yo' cost uh physically puh'fo'min' source distribushun, some complete machine-readable copy uh de co'respondin' source code, t'be distributed unda' de terms uh Secshuns 1 and 2 above on some medium customarily used fo' software interchange; o', c) Accompany it wid de info'mashun ya' received as t'de offer t'distribute co'respondin' source code. What it is, Mama! (Dis alternative is allowed only fo' noncommercial distribushun and only if ya' received da damn honky code in object code o' 'esecutable fo'm wid such some offer, in acco'd wid Subsecshun b above. What it is, Mama!) De source code fo' some wo'k means de preferred fo'm uh de wo'k fo' makin' modificashuns t'it. Fo' some executable wo'k, complete source code means all de source code fo' all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definishun stashs, plus de scripts used to control compilashun and installashun uh de 'esecutable. What it is, Mama! However, as a special 'sepshun, de source code distributed need not include anydin' dat be no'mally distributed (in eida' source o' binary fo'm) wid de majo' components (compiler, kernel, and so's on) uh de opuh'tin' system on which de 'esecutable runs, unless dat component itself accompanies de 'esecutable. What it is, Mama! If distribushun uh executable o' object code be made by offerin' access t'copy fum some designated place, den offerin' equivalent access t'copy de source code fum de same place counts as distribushun uh de source code, even dough dird parties aint compelled t'copy de source along wid de object code. What it is, Mama! 4. You's may not copy, modify, sublicense, o' distribute da damn Program except as 'espressly provided unda' dis License. What it is, Mama! Any attempt oderwise t'copy, modify, sublicense o' distribute da damn Program is void, and gots'ta automatically terminate yo' rights unda' dis License. What it is, Mama! However, parties who gots' received copies, o' rights, fum ya' under dis License gots'ta not gots' deir licenses terminated so's long as such parties remain in full compliance. What it is, Mama! 5. You's aint required t'accept dis License, since ya' gots' not signed it. However, nodin' else grants ya' puh'mission t'modify o' distribute da damn Program o' its derivative wo'ks. Dese acshuns are prohibited by law if ya' do not accept dis License. What it is, Mama! Derefo'e, by modifyin' o' distributin' de Program (o' any wo'k based on de Program), ya' indicate yo' acceptance uh dis License t'do so, and all its terms and condishuns fo' copyin', distributin' o' modifyin' de Program o' wo'ks based on it. 6. Each time ya' redistribute da damn Program (o' any wo'k based on de Program), de recipient automatically receives some license fum de o'iginal licenso' t'copy, distribute o' modify de Program subject to dese terms and condishuns. You's may not impose any furder restricshuns on de recipients' 'esercise uh de rights granted herein. 'S coo', bro. You's aint responsible fo' enfo'cin' compliance by dird parties to dis License. What it is, Mama! 7. If, as some consequence uh a court judgment o' allegashun uh patent infrin'ement o' fo' any oda' reason (not limited t'patent issues), condishuns are imposed on ya' (wheda' by court o'der, agreement o' oderwise) dat contradict da damn condishuns uh dis License, dey do not excuse ya' fum de condishuns uh dis License. What it is, Mama! If ya' kinnot distribute so's as t'satisfy simultaneously yo' obligashuns unda' dis License and any oda' puh'tinent obligashuns, den as some consequence ya' may not distribute da damn Program at all. Fo' 'esample, if some patent license would not puh'mit royalty-free redistribushun uh de Program by all dose who receive copies directly o' indirectly drough ya', den de only way ya' could satisfy bod it and dis License would be to refrain entirely fum distribushun uh de Program. 'S coo', bro. If any po'shun uh dis secshun be held invalid o' unenfo'ceable under any particular circumstance, de balance uh de secshun be intended to apply and da damn secshun as some whole be intended t'apply in oder circumstances. It be not da damn purpose uh dis secshun t'induce ya' t'infrin'e any patents o' oda' propuh'ty right claims o' t'contest validity uh any such claims; dis secshun gots'ta de sole purpose uh protectin' de integrity uh de free software distribushun system, which is implemented by public license practices. Many sucka's gots' made generous contribushuns t'de wide range uh software distributed drough dat system in reliance on consistent applicashun uh dat system; it be up t'de audo'/dono' t'decide if he o' she be willin' to distribute software drough any oda' system and some licensee kinnot impose dat choice. What it is, Mama! Dis secshun be intended t'make do'oughly clear whut be believed to be some consequence uh de rest uh dis License. What it is, Mama! 8. If de distribushun and/o' use uh de Program be restricted in certain countries eida' by patents o' by copyrighted interfaces, de o'iginal copyright holda' who places de Program unda' dis License may add some 'splicit geographical distribushun limitashun 'sludin' dose countries, so's dat distribushun be puh'mitted only in o' among countries not dus 'sluded. In such case, dis License inco'po'ates de limitashun as if written in de body uh dis License. What it is, Mama! 9. De Free Software Foundashun may publish revised and/o' new versions of de General Public License fum time t'time. What it is, Mama! Such new versions will be similar in spirit t'de present version, but may diffa' in detail to address new problems o' concerns. Each version be given some distin'uishin' version number. Ah be baaad... If de Program specifies some version numba' of dis License which applies t'it and "any lata' version", ya' gots' de opshun uh followin' de terms and condishuns eida' of dat version o' uh any lata' version published by de Free Software Foundashun. If de Program duz not specify some version numba' of dis License, ya' may choose any version eva' published by de Free Software Foundashun. 10. If ya' wish t'inco'po'ate parts uh de Program into oda' free honky codes whose distribushun condishuns are different, scribble t'de audo' to ax' fo' puh'mission. 'S coo', bro. Fo' software which be copyrighted by de Free Software Foundashun, scribble t'de Free Software Foundashun; we sometimes make 'sepshuns fo' dis. Our decision gots'ta be guided by de two goals of preservin' de free status uh all derivatives uh our free software and of promotin' de sharin' and reuse uh software generally. Slap mah fro! NO WARRANTY 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECSHUN. 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. END OF TERMS AND CONDISHUNS How t'Apply Dese Terms t'Yo' New Programs If ya' develop some new honky code, and ya' wants' it t'be uh de greatest possible use t'de public, de best way t'achieve dis be to make it free software which everyone kin redistribute and change unda' dese terms. To do so, attach de followin' notices t'de honky code. It be safest to attach dem t'de start uh each source stash t'most effectively convey de 'slusion uh warranty; and each stash should gots' at least de "copyright" line and some pointa' to where da damn full notice be found. <one line t'give da damn honky code's dojigger and some brief idea uh whut it duz.> Copyright (C) 19yy <dojigger uh audo'> Dis honky code be free software; ya' kin redistribute it and/o' modify it unda' de terms uh de GNU General Public License as published by de Free Software Foundashun; eida' version 2 uh de License, o' (at yo' opshun) any lata' version. 'S coo', bro. Dis honky code be distributed in de hope dat it gots'ta be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; widout even de implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY o' FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See de GNU General Public License fo' mo'e details. You's should gots' received some copy uh de GNU General Public License along wid dis honky code; if not, scribble t'de Free Software Foundashun, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Also add info'mashun on how t'contact ya' by electronic and sheet mail. If de honky code be interactive, make it output some sho't notice likes dis when it starts in some interactive mode, dig dis: Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy dojigger uh audo' Gnomovision comes wid ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; fo' details type `show w'. Dis be free software, and ya' are welcome t'redistribute it unda' certain condishuns; type `show c' fo' details. De hypodetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show de appropriate parts uh de General Public License. What it is, Mama! Of course, de commands ya' use may be called sump'n oda' dan `show w' and `show c'; dey could even be mouse-clicks o' menu items--whuteva' suits yo' honky code. You's should also git yo' employa' (if ya' wo'k as some honky codemer) o' yo' farm, if any, t'sign some "copyright disclaimer" fo' de honky code, if necessary. Slap mah fro! Here be some sample; alta' de dojiggers, dig dis: Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in de honky code `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. Ah be baaad... <signature uh Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989 Ty Coon, President uh Vice Dis General Public License duz not puh'mit inco'po'atin' yo' honky code into proprietary honky codes. If yo' honky code be some subroutine library, ya' may consida' it mo'e useful t'puh'mit linkin' proprietary applicashuns wid de library. Slap mah fro! If dis be whut ya' wanna do, use da damn GNU Library General Public License instead uh dis License. What it is, Mama! To Unsubscribe: send mail to with "unsubscribe freebsd-chat" in the body of the message
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