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Date:      Fri, 9 Feb 2001 20:10:43 -0700
From:      rootman <>
To:        ML Duke <>, Brian Astill <>
Cc:        Sue Blake <>, Yong Lim <>, Rick Hamell <>, "SILVER, MICHAEL A" <>, freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: Function of -newbies
Message-ID:  <>
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On Fri, 09 Feb 2001, ML Duke wrote:
> Ah. The ever re-occuring topic.
> Garbage, I say.

It's not garbage, it's a topic about a
re-occuring problem that needs to be

> Personally, if a newbie asks a question and I know the
> answer -- I answer it, as in the recent:
> mount /cdrom

Yes but this isn't what the list was ever created
or intended for.
> My Unix _Mentor_, a real pro, gave me the above.
> Now we are supposed to RTFM, I agree, and while man
> pages are not _quite_ the greek they used to be,
> mount /cdrom is still invisible as far as I am
> concerned. Told my Mentor so, and in a round a bout
> way, he agreed. But you ask that on questions, and
> watch for the flame.

I've asked questions like this on -questions and 
never got flamed.  In fact, most of the time, it was
just the opposite.  I got very helpful responses and
even additional/related information and tips.

Maybe I was just lucky?

Maybe it was because I posted my question in
a polite manner and indicated that I had already
tried searching for related info on the topic before
posting to -questions?
> So where's the harm?
> Newbies don't jump each other (with a rare exception).

The harm is that when people new to the newbies list
post technical questions and they get answered, it just
creates a viscious cycle and confusion.  First, they think
since their question got answered, it's all right to ask 
more..."Hey, tell a friend."  Then later, confusion and
frustration set in when they're reminded to ask questions
in -questions.
> Sometimes I ask them (questions) and have found
> the answers useful. Such as, I've got FBSD on the
> SCSI, and wincrashcrud on the IDE. Anyone remember
> how to mount the wd0 partitions?

The useful answers are the one's that tell them
where to find the answers on their own or where
to ask technical questions when they get stumped.
Please don't misinterpret the tone of my response.  I understand
the point you were trying to make but I feel that the
real problem with this list is it's name.  I truly believe
that if the name was something other than FreeBSD-Newbies,
those new to the list or FreeBSD wouldn't make
false assumptions as to the purpose of this list in
the first place.  This would also serve to give Rick,
Sue and others, a much needed break from continually
having to remind people to "ask questions in -questions".



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