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Date:      Sat, 10 Feb 2001 09:58:13 -0700
From:      rootman <>
To:        Jim Allen <>, freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: Hello from russia!
Message-ID:  <>
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On Sat, 10 Feb 2001, Jim Allen wrote:
> As one of the newest newbies, I appreciate all this clarification.  My
> impression from reading the FreeBSD site stuff was they had created the
> newbie list to take all the questions that newbies have that get asked
> over and over and over and over again, kind of like a pre-school, from
> which one eventually graduated to the "Big Stuff[tm]" where one could
> get answer to big questions.

Right, I think this is the perception of a lot people who are new
to FreeBSD and this list.
> I have the Complete FreeBSD 3rd Edition and the CD-ROMS, and now, with
> many mis-steps, have managed to get the operating system booting on an
> older machine to the ? prompt.  Does anybody have any suggestions about
> the issues I should take up first as I try to learn about this.  I have
> no background in Unix whatsoever.  I am starting from ground zero and
> frankly, very little of what I have read makes much sense yet.  I have
> fiddled with microprocessors since the 6502 and 8008.  All I have at
> present is FreeBSD operating on a machine, the manual, and an intense
> desire to "Say Goodbye to Bill".

You sound like you're well on your way already.  The Complete FreeBSD
is a helpful and very good source of information.  You should also 
consult The FreeBSD Handbook that can be found online:

..and can also be downloaded in a variety of formats:

There are tons of FreeBSD help sites out there:

The sites above are just the one's I can remember right
now but I know there are many more.

In your future journeys, if you've consulted the resources
above and still come up empty, I would recommend that you
search the FreeBSD-Questions mailing list archive here:

..and if you don't find anything, send a polite email to and ask for some
help.  Be as specific as you can, include as much 
information about the problem as possible and someone
will help you.

I hope this helps and bid you good luck and welcome!  8^)



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