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Date:      Sun, 2 Dec 2001 14:49:59 -0600
From:      GB Clark II <>
To:        joe <>, "" <freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG>
Subject:   Re: apache won't work
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On Sunday 02 December 2001 03:59, joe wrote:
> ok i am new and i think i did something wrong with apache i have a set
> of 4 cd's and for installing freebsd/ it cam with the book i got for
> freebsd and i put cd2 in that had apache server code in and loaded
> /stand/sysinstall and loaded the apache package and i think it installed
> i can see all the file where i think where they should be but when i go
> /usr/local/sbin/apachectl start it says apache could not start. does
> anyoneknow what i might of don't wrong. or missed i would love some help
> thanx
> joe


Try doing a apachectl configtest and see what it says.
If it tells you "Syntax OK" then take a look at the error log and see
what Apache is reporting.


GB Clark II             | Roaming FreeBSD Admin
gclarkii@VSServices.COM | General Geek 
           CTHULU for President - Why choose the lesser of two evils?

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