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Date:      17 May 2003 11:04:43 -0500
From:      "Adriel Cardenas G." <>
To:        GNOME FreeBSD <>
Subject:   portupgrade error [librsvg2]
Message-ID:  <1053187483.16804.31.camel@unxstar.aztlanet>

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I've been trying to portupgrade my system, but I keep getting an error
with librsvg2.

Here's the script with the error and the config.log

Any help would deeply be appreciated.

Best Regards


--                                         _ __ ___ ____  ___ ___ ___
          Adriel Cardenas G.                    _ __ ___ | _ ) __|   \
                         _ __ | _ \ _ \ |) |
          FreeBSD: The Power To Serve                  _ |___/___/___/

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Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=pkg_info.out
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AbiWord-gnome-1.0.5 An open-source, cross-platform WYSIWYG word processor
AbiWord2-gnome-1.9.0 An open-source, cross-platform WYSIWYG word processor
Hermes-1.3.2        Fast pixel formats conversion library
ImageMagick-5.5.6   Image processing tools (interactive optional--misc/display 
Mesa-3.4.2_2        A graphics library similar to SGI's OpenGL
ORBit-0.5.17        High-performance CORBA ORB with support for the C language
ORBit2-2.6.1_1      High-performance CORBA ORB with support for the C language
XFree86-4.3.0,1     X11/XFree86 core distribution (complete, using mini/meta-po
XFree86-FontServer-4.3.0_1 XFree86-4 font server
XFree86-NestServer-4.3.0_1 XFree86-4 nested X server
XFree86-Server-4.3.0_8 XFree86-4 X server and related programs
XFree86-clients-4.3.0_2 XFree86-4 client programs and related files
XFree86-documents-4.3.0 XFree86-4 documentation
XFree86-font100dpi-4.3.0 XFree86-4 bitmap 100 dpi fonts
XFree86-font75dpi-4.3.0 XFree86-4 bitmap 75 dpi fonts
XFree86-fontCyrillic-4.3.0 XFree86-4 Cyrillic fonts
XFree86-fontDefaultBitmaps-4.3.0 XFree86-4 default bitmap fonts
XFree86-fontEncodings-4.3.0 XFree86-4 font encoding files
XFree86-fontScalable-4.3.0 XFree86-4 scalable fonts
XFree86-libraries-4.3.0_4 XFree86-4 libraries and headers
Xft-2.1.2           A client-sided font API for X applications
a2ps-letter-4.13_1  Formats an ascii file for printing on a postscript printer
aalib-1.4.r5_1      An ascii art library
acme-2.0.4          Tool to make multimedia keys work on laptops
anjuta-1.0.2        Integrated Development Environment for C and C++
apache-2.0.45       Version 2 of the extremely popular Apache http server
apsfilter-7.2.5_2   Magic print filter with file type recognition, print previe
aspell-0.50.3_1     Spelling checker with better suggestion logic than ispell
at-spi-1.1.8        An Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface
atk-1.2.4           A GNOME accessibility toolkit (ATK)
autoconf-2.53_1     Automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf213-2.13.000227_5 Automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms 
automake-1.5,1      GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
automake14-1.4.5_9  GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator (legacy version 
autotrace-0.31.1    Convert bitmap to vector graphics
balsa2-2.0.11       A mail reader for the GNOME 2 desktop
bash-2.05b.004      The GNU Bourne Again Shell
bison-1.75          A parser generator from FSF, (mostly) compatible with Yacc
bitstream-vera-1.10 Bitstream Vera TrueType font collection
bluefish-0.9.20030424 HTML editor designed for the experienced web designer
bonobo-1.0.22       The component and compound document system for GNOME
bonobo-activation-,1 An object activation framework for GNOME 2.0
bonobo-conf-0.16    Bonobo configuration moniker
bugbuddy2-2.2.104   A bug reporting tool for GNOME 2
bzip-0.21           A block-sorting file compressor
cabextract-0.6      A program to extract Microsoft cabinet (.CAB) files
ccmsn-0.3p3         A Tcl/Tk-based MSN messenger
cscope-15.4         An interactive C program browser
cups-base- The Common UNIX Printing System: headers, libs, & daemons
cups-pstoraster-7.05.6 GNU Postscript interpreter for CUPS printing to non-PS prin
curl-7.10.4         "Non-interactive tool to get files from FTP, GOPHER, HTTP(S
cvsup-without-gui-16.1h General network file distribution system optimized for CVS 
db3-3.3.11,1        The Berkeley DB package, revision 3
dia-0.91            Diagram creation program, similar to Visio
djbfft-0.76         An extremely fast library for floating-point convolution
docbook-sk-4.1.2    XML version of the DocBook DTD version controlled for Scrol
docbook-xml-4.2     XML version of the DocBook DTD
docbook-xsl-1.61.0  XSL DocBook stylesheets
eel-1.0.2_1         Generally useful classes and extensions to GNOME
eel2-2.2.4          Generally useful classes and extensions to GNOME
eog2-2.2.1          The Eye Of Gnome image viewer
esound-0.2.29       A sound library for enlightenment package
evolution-1.2.4     An integrated mail, calendar and address book distributed s
expat-1.95.6_1      XML 1.0 parser written in C
ezm3-1.1            Easier, more portable Modula-3 distribution for building CV
fam-2.6.9_2         A file alteration monitor
fbsd-icons-1.0      Collection of icons related to the FreeBSD project
ffmpeg-0.4.6_3      Hyper fast realtime audio/video encoder/converter, streamin
fileroller-2.2.3,1  An archive manager for zip files, tar, etc
flashplugin-mozilla-0.4.10_2 A GPL standalone Flash (TM) plugin for Mozilla web browser
fontconfig-2.2.0    An XML-based font configuration API for X Windows
fontilus-0.4        A font view for Nautilus
freetype-1.3.1_2    A free and portable TrueType font rendering engine
freetype2-2.1.4_1   A free and portable TrueType font rendering engine
fribidi-0.10.4_1    A Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorith
frontline-0.5.4     An autotrace GUI FRONTend like streamLINE(TM)
gail-1.2.2          An implementation of the ATK interfaces for GTK+ widgets
gaim-esound-20030206 Gtk+-2.0 open-source 'clone' of AOL's Instant Messenger cli
gal-0.24            A collection of widgets taken from GNOME gnumeric and evolu
gal2-1.99.4         A collection of widgets taken from GNOME 2 gnumeric
galeon2-1.3.4       A GNOME 2 Web browser based on gecko (the Mozilla rendering
gcalctool-4.2.83    A GNOME 2 calculator tool based on the old calctool for Ope
gcompris2-2.1_1     A simple Gnome2-based education game for children starting 
gconf-1.0.9_3       A configuration database system for GNOME
gconf-editor-0.4.0  A gconf database editor for the GNOME 2.0 environment
gconf2-2.2.0        A configuration database system for GNOME
gdbm-1.8.3          The GNU database manager
gdk-pixbuf-0.22.0   A graphic library for GTK+
gdm2-      GNOME 2.0 version of xdm display manager
gedit2-2.2.1        A small but powerful text editor for Gnome 2.0 Desktop Envi
gettext-0.11.5_1    GNU gettext package
gftp-gnome-2.0.14_1 A free multithreaded GTK based ftp client
ggv-1.0.2_2         GNOME ghostscript viewer
ggv2-2.0.0          GNOME 2 ghostscript viewer
ghex-1.2.1          GNOME hex editor
ghex2-2.2.1         GNOME 2 hex editor
ghostscript-gnu-7.06 GNU Postscript interpreter
gimp-1.2.3_2,1      the GNU Image Manipulation Program
gimp-1.3.14,1       A GNU Image Manipulation Program (unstable development vers
gimp-print-4.2.5    GIMP Print Printer Driver
gkrellm-2.1.9       A GTK based system monitor
glade2-2.0.0        A user interface builder for GTK+/GNOME
gle-3.0.3           A GL Tubing and Extrusion Library
glib-1.2.10_9       Some useful routines of C programming (previous stable vers
glib-2.2.1_1        Some useful routines of C programming (current stable versi
glibwww-0.2_1       A library for people wanting to use libwww with gtk/gnome
gmake-3.80          GNU version of 'make' utility
gnet-1.1.4          A simple network library built upon Glib
gnet-1.1.8          A simple network library built upon Glib
gnome-commander-0.9.7 File manager for Gnome
gnome-icon-theme-1.0.2_1 A collection of icons for the GNOME 2 desktop
gnome-pkgview-0.0.8 Displays the version of GNOME 2 components installed
gnome-themes-2.2.1_1 A collection of themes and icons for GNOME 2 designed for a
gnome2-2.2.1_1      The "meta-port" for the GNOME 2 integrated X11 desktop
gnome2-fifth-toe-2.2.1_4 The "meta-port" for the GNOME 2 "Fifth-Toe" extra package s
gnomeapplets2-2.2.1 Applets components for the Gnome 2.0 Desktop Environment
gnomeaudio-1.4.0    Sound files for use with GNOME
gnomecanvas-0.22.0  A graphics library for GNOME
gnomecontrolcenter- Control center for GNOME project
gnomecontrolcenter2-2.2.1 Control center for GNOME 2.0 project
gnomedb-0.2.96_1    Provide uniform access to data sources for the GNOME enviro
gnomedesktop-2.2.2  Additional UI API for GNOME 2
gnomegames2-2.2.1_1 The game applications package for the Gnome 2.0 Desktop Env
gnomehier-1.0_8     An utility port, installing hierarchy of common GNOME direc
gnomeicu2-0.99      GNOME2 ICQ client
gnomelibs-1.4.2_1   Libraries for GNOME, a GNU desktop environment
gnomemedia2- Multimedia applications for the GNOME 2.0 desktop
gnomemeeting-0.96.1 GNOME H323 Video Conferencing program, similar to NetMeetin
gnomemimedata-2.2.0_1 A MIME and Application database for GNOME
gnomemm-1.2.4       A powerful C++ binding for the GNOME libraries
gnomepanel-2.2.2    Panel component for the GNOME 2 Desktop
gnomepilot-0.1.71   3Com PalmPilot conduit system for GNOME
gnomepilot-conduits-0.9 Additional conduits for gnome-pilot
gnomepim-1.4.9      Gnome pim package
gnomeprint-0.37     Gnome print support library
gnomesession-2.2.2  Session component for the GNOME 2 desktop
gnomespell-0.5      A GNOME/Bonobo component for spell checking
gnomesystemmonitor-2.0.4_1 GNOME 2.0 system monitor program
gnometerminal-2.2.1 Terminal component for the GNOME 2.0 Desktop
gnomeuserdocs- GNOME users guide
gnomeuserdocs2-2.0.6_1 GNOME 2 users guide
gnomeutils2-2.2.2,1 GNOME 2 support utilities
gnomevfs-1.0.5_4    GNOME Virtual File System
gnomevfs2-2.2.4     GNOME Virtual File System
gnumeric2-1.1.17    The GNOME 2 spreadsheet
gnupg-1.2.2_1       The GNU Privacy Guard
gob-1.0.12          A preprocessor for making GTK+ objects with inline C
gob2-2.0.5_1        A preprocessor for making GObjects with inline C
gok-0.7.1           GNOME On-Screen Keyboard (GOK)
gpgme-0.3.14        A library to make access to GnuPG easier
gqview-1.2.2        Another gtk-based graphic file viewer
gstreamer-0.6.1     Development framework for creating media applications
gstreamer-plugins-0.6.1_1 GStreamer written collection of plugins handling several me
gtetrinet-0.7.1     A version of the popular TetriNET multiplayer tetris clone
gthumb2-2.1.0_1     An image viewer and browser for the GNOME 2 environment
gtk-1.2.10_9        Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI (previous stable version)
gtk-2.2.1_1         Gimp Toolkit for X11 GUI (current stable version)
gtk-Mac2-theme-200003050858 GTK+ engine theme based on the look of MacOS
gtk-bluecurve-theme-0.73 Bluecurve unified-look theme for GTK1 and GTK2 from RedHat 
gtk-engines-0.12_2  Theme engine for gtk+ toolkits
gtk-engines2-2.2.0  Theme engine for the gtk+-2.0 toolkit
gtk-thinice-engine-2.0.2 A simple, clean theme engine
gtkglarea-1.2.2_1   An OpenGL widget for the GTK+ GUI toolkit
gtkglarea-1.99.0_2  An OpenGL widget for the GTK+2 GUI toolkit
gtkhtml-1.1.10      Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
gtkmm-1.2.8_1       C++ wrapper for gtk, a x11 graphics library
gtkmm-2.2.1         C++ wrapper for gtk, a x11 graphics library
gtkspell2-2.0.2_2   A GTK+ 2 spell checking component
gtop-1.0.13_1       GNOME system moniter program
gucharmap-gnome-0.6.0 A Unicode/ISO10646 character map and font viewer
guile-1.6.4_1       GNU Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension
guile-gnome-0.20_6  Guile binding library for GNOME
guile-gtk-0.31      Guile binding library for GTK+
hdf-4.1r5           Hierarchical Data Format library (from NCSA)
help2man-1.29       Automatically generating simple manual pages from program o
hpijs-1.3.1         The drivers and support resources for the HP Inkjet Printer
html2ps-letter-1.0_1 HTML to PostScript converter
imake-4.3.0         Imake and other utilities from XFree86
imlib-1.9.14_1      A graphic library for enlightenment package
intltool-0.25       Xml internationalization support for GNOME, and others
ispell-3.2.06_3     An interactive spelling checker for multiple languages
jasper-1.700.2      An implementation of the codec specified in the JPEG-2000 s
jbigkit-1.4         Lossless compression for bi-level images such as scanned pa
jpeg-6b_1           IJG's jpeg compression utilities
lame-3.93.1         ISO code based fast MP3 encoder kit
lcms-1.10           Light Color Management System -- a color management library
lha-1.14i_1         Archive files using LZW compression (.lzh files)
libIDL-0.8.1        A library for creating trees of CORBA Interface Definition 
liba52-0.7.4        A free library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams, aka AC-3
libao-esound-0.8.3_1 Portable audio output library
libart_lgpl2-2.3.12 Library for high-performance 2D graphics
libaudiofile-0.2.3  A sound library for SGI audio file
libbonobo-2.2.1     A component and compound document system for GNOME2
libbonoboui- GUI frontend to the libbonobo component of GNOME2
libcapplet-  A library for writing custom applets for GNOME Control Cent
libdvdcss-1.2.5     Portable abstraction library for DVD decryption
libdvdread-0.9.4    This is needed by ogle, which is a DVD player that supports
libesmtp-1.0_1,1    A library for posting electronic mail
libflash-0.4.10     GPL Flash (TM) Library
libfpx-      Library routines for working with Flashpix images
libgail-gnome-1.0.2_1 An implementation of the ATK interfaces for GNOME widgets
libgda-0.2.96_1     Provides uniform access to different kinds of data sources
libgda2-0.11.0      Provides uniform access to different kinds of data sources
libghttp-1.0.9      GNOME http client library
libglade-0.17_2     GNOME glade library
libglade2-2.0.1_1   GNOME glade library
libgnome-    Libraries for GNOME, a GNU desktop environment
libgnomecanvas- A graphics library for GNOME
libgnomedb-0.11.0   Library components for the GNOME database frontend
libgnomeprint-1.116.3 Gnome print support library
libgnomeprint- Gnome print support library
libgnomeprintui-1.116.3 Gnome print support library
libgnomeprintui- Gnome print support library
libgnomeui- Libraries for the GNOME GUI, a GNU desktop environment
libgnugetopt-1.2    GNU getopt library
libgsf-1.8.0        An extensible i/o abstraction for dealing with structured f
libgtkhtml-2.2.4    Lightweight HTML rendering/printing/editing engine
libgtop-1.0.13_5    GNOME top library
libgtop2-2.0.2      GNOME 2 top library
libiconv-1.8_2      A character set conversion library
libijs-0.34         C library that supports plugin printer driver for Ghostscri
libmikmod-esound-3.1.10 MikMod Sound Library
libmng-1.0.5        Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) reference library
libmpeg2-0.3.1_1    A free library for decoding mpeg-2 and mpeg-1 video streams
libmrproject-0.9.1_2 Library backend for MrProject project management applicatio
libogg-1.0_1,3      Ogg bitstream library
libpanel-1.4.2      A library for writing custom applets for GNOME Panel
librep-0.16.1_1     An Emacs Lisp like runtime library
librsvg-1.0.3_1     Library for parsing and rendering SVG vector-graphic files
librsvg2-2.2.5      Library for parsing and rendering SVG vector-graphic files
libsigc++-1.0.4     Callback Framework for C++
libsigc++-1.2.5     Callback Framework for C++
libtool-1.3.4_4     Generic shared library support script
libungif-4.1.0b1    Tools and library routines for working with GIF images
libunicode-0.4_3    A library for manipulating Unicode characters and strings
libvorbis-1.0_1,3   Audio compression codec library
libwmf-0.2.8        Tools and library for converting Microsoft WMF (windows met
libwnck-2.2.1       Library used for writing pagers and taskslists
libwww-5.4.0        The W3C Reference Library
libxine-1.0.b11     Libraries for xine multimedia player
libxml-1.8.17_1     Xml parser library for GNOME
libxml2-2.5.7_1     Xml parser library for GNOME
libxslt-1.0.30      The XSLT C library for GNOME
libzvt-2.0.1_6      Library components for Zed's Virtual Terminal
linc-1.0.1          A library for writing networked servers & clients
links-2.1.p9,1      Lynx-like text WWW browser
linux_base-7.1_3    The base set of packages needed in Linux mode
lzo-1.08_1          Portable speedy, lossless data compression library
lzop-1.01           Fast file compressor similar to gzip, using the LZO library
m4-1.4_1            GNU m4
mad-esound-0.14.2b_2 High-quality MPEG audio decoder
medusa-0.5.1        GNOME filesystem indexer
meld-0.7.1          GNOME 2 visual diff and merge tool
mergeant-0.11.0     Provide uniform access to data sources for the GNOME 2.0 en
metacity-2.4.34     A window manager for the adult in you
metacity-setup-0.7.1_2 A graphical configurator tool for the metacity window manag
metatheme2-0.9.7_1  An utility for managing "theme sets" that accomodate gtk, w
ming-0.2a_1         LGPL'ed Flash 4/5 movie output library with many languages 
mkcatalog-1.1       A maintainance utility for sgml catalog files
mkisofs-2.0         Create iso9660/Rock Ridge/Joliet filesystems
mod_php4-4.3.1      PHP4 module for Apache
mozilla-gtk2-1.3.1  The open source, standards compliant web browser
mozilla-headers-1.3.1,2 Header files for mozilla communicator web-surfboard
mozilla-headers-1.4b,1 Header files for mozilla communicator web-surfboard
mrproject-0.9.1_1   Project management application for Gnome 2
mysql-client-3.23.56 Multithreaded SQL database (client)
mysql-editor-0.2    CGI scripts in Perl to edit your MySQL tables
mysql-server-3.23.56 Multithreaded SQL database (server)
nasm-0.98.35,1      General-purpose multi-platform x86 assembler
nautilus-gtkhtml-0.3.2_1 A simple NautilusView component for displaying html files i
nautilus-media-0.2.1 GStreamer-based multimedia views for Nautilus
nautilus2-2.2.4     GNOME file manager and graphical shell developed by Eazel
neon-0.23.9         An HTTP and WebDAV client library for Unix systems
netpbm-10.14        A toolkit for conversion of images between different format
nspr-4.3_1          A platform-neutral API for system level and libc like funct
nss-3.8             A set of libraries to support development of security-enabl
oaf-0.6.10_1        Object Activation Framework for GNOME
open-motif-2.2.2_1  Motif X11 Toolkit (industry standard GUI (IEEE 1295))
openldap20-2.0.25_4 Open source LDAP client and server software
p5-Authen-PAM-0.14  A Perl interface to the PAM library
p5-Authen-SASL-2.03 Perl5 module for SASL authentication
p5-DBI-1.36         The perl5 Database Interface.  Required for DBD::* modules
p5-Data-ShowTable-3.3 Perl5 module to pretty-print arrays of data
p5-Digest-MD5-2.22  Perl5 interface to the MD5 algorithm
p5-HTML-Parser-3.27 Perl5 module for parse HTML tag
p5-HTML-Tagset-3.03 Some useful data table in parsing HTML
p5-MIME-Base64-2.20 Perl5 module for Base64 and Quoted-Printable encodings
p5-Mysql-modules-1.2219 Perl5 modules for accessing MySQL databases
p5-Net-1.12,1       Perl5 modules to access and use network protocols
p5-Net-Daemon-0.36  Perl5 extension for portable daemons
p5-Net-SSLeay-1.17  Perl5 interface to SSL
p5-PlRPC-0.2016     Perl module for writing RPC servers and clients
p5-Storable-2.06    Persistency for perl data structures
p5-Test-Harness-2.26 Run perl standard test scripts with statistics
p5-Test-Simple-0.47_1 Basic utilities for writing tests in perl
p5-URI-1.23         Perl5 interface to Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) refere
p5-libwww-5.69      Perl5 library for WWW access
pan2-0.14.0         Threaded GNOME 2 newsreader based on Agent for Windows
panelmm-0.3.1       A powerful C++ binding for the GNOME panel libraries
pango-1.2.1_3       An open-source framework for the layout and rendering of i1
pcre-3.9            Perl Compatible Regular Expressions library
pilot-link-0.11.7_1 PalmPilot communications utilities (backup/restore/install/
pkgconfig-0.15.0    An utility used to retrieve information about installed lib
plotutils-2.4.1     A plotting library and toolkit
png-1.2.5_2         Library for manipulating PNG images
popt-1.6.4          A getopt(3) like library with a number of enhancements, fro
portupgrade-20030427 FreeBSD ports/packages administration and management tool s
psiconv-0.8.3       A conversion utility to convert Psion 5(MX) files into othe
pstoedit-3.33       Convert PostScript to other vector graphic formats
psutils-letter-1.17_1 Utilities for manipulating PostScript documents
pth-2.0.0           GNU Portable Threads
py-gnome-1.99.16_1  A set of Python bindings for GNOME 2
py-gtk-0.6.10       A set of Python bindings for GTK
py22-expat-2.2.2_2  Python interface to the Expat XML parser
py22-gtk-1.99.16    A set of Python bindings for GTK
py22-numeric-21.0   The Numeric Extension to Python
py22-orbit-1.99.4   Python bindings for ORBit2
python-2.2.2_2      An interpreted object-oriented programming language
rdesktop-1.2.0      RDP client for Windows NT Terminal Server
regexxer-0.4        An interactive tool for performing search and replace opera
rep-gtk-gnome-0.15_1 GTK+ binding for rep Lisp interpreter
rep-gtk2-0.17_1,1   GTK+ binding for rep Lisp interpreter
rpm-3.0.6_6         The Red Hat Package Manager
ruby- An object-oriented interpreted scripting language
ruby-bdb1-0.1.9     Ruby interface to Berkeley DB revision 1.8x with full featu
ruby-rdoc-0.0.0.b2  Documentation from Ruby source files
ruby-shim-ruby18-1.8.0.p2.2003.04.19 A set of Ruby modules to provide Ruby 1.8 functionalities
samba-2.2.8a        A free SMB and CIFS client and server for UNIX
sawfish2-1.3_1,2    Lisp configurable window manager
scintilla-1.51      A full-featured free source code editing component for GTK+
scite-1.50          A full-featured SCIntilla based Text Editor for GTK/GNOME
screem-0.6.2        Nice GNOME/GTK-based HTML editor
scrollkeeper-0.3.12_1,1 An Open Document Cataloging Project
sdl-1.2.5_1         Cross-platform multi-media development API (developm. vers.
sdocbook-xml- "Simplified" DocBook XML DTD
seahorse-0.7.3      A front end for GnuPG
sodipodi-0.31       A small vector based drawing program with GNOME libraries
soup-0.7.11         A SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) implementation in C
sox-12.17.3_1       SOund eXchange - universal sound sample translator
startup-notification-0.5_1 Library that supports startup notification spec from freede
stickynotes_applet-1.0.11 Applet that adds sticky notes to your desktop
streamtuner-0.9.1   A GTK+ stream directory browser
svgalib-1.4.2_1     A low level console graphics library
t1lib-5.0.0         A Type 1 Rasterizer Library for UNIX/X11
tcl-8.3.5_2         Tool Command Language
teTeX-2.0.2_1       Thomas Esser's distribution of TeX & friends
tiff-3.5.7          Tools and library routines for working with TIFF images
tk-8.3.5_1          Graphical toolkit for TCL
totem-0.97.0        A Xine-based video player for the Gnome 2 Desktop
tsclient-0.104_1    A GNOME 2 frontend for rdesktop
ttmkfdir-0.0_1      Create fonts.scale file for use with TrueType font server
unzip-5.50          List, test and extract compressed files in a ZIP archive
vim-6.1.455         Vi "workalike", with many additional features
vte-0.10.28         Terminal widget with improved accessibility and I18N suppor
webfonts-0.21_1     TrueType core fonts for the Web
weblint-1.020       HTML validator and sanity checker
webmin-1.090        Web-based interface for system administration for Unix
windowmaker-0.80.2  GNUStep-compliant NeXTStep window manager clone
wmdrawer-0.10.0_2   A dockapp which provides a drawer to launch applications
wmicons-1.0         Icons mainly for use in Window Maker
wmmatrix-0.2        A DockApp that runs a version of the xmatrix screenhack
wmthemeinstall-0.62 A neat theme manager for WindowMaker
wrapper-1.0_3       Wrapper for XFree86-4 server
xchat2-2.0.2        An X11 IRC client using the GTK+ 2 toolkit
xmcd-3.2            Motif CD player
xmms-esound-gnome-1.2.7_3 X Multimedia System --- An audio player with a Winamp GUI
xpdf-2.02           Display PDF files, and convert them to other formats
xscreensaver-gnome-4.09_2 Save your screen while you entertain your cat (for GNOME us
yelp-2.2.0          A help browser for GNOME 2.0 desktop
zenity-1.1          Display GNOME dialogs from the command line
zip-2.3_1           Create/update ZIP files compatible with pkzip

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=config.log
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.

It was created by configure, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.53.  Invocation command line was

  $ ./configure --with-svgz --disable-gtk-doc --with-gimp --x-libraries=/usr/X11R6/lib --x-includes=/usr/X11R6/include --prefix=/usr/X11R6 --build=i386-portbld-freebsd4.8

## --------- ##
## Platform. ##
## --------- ##

hostname = unxstar
uname -m = i386
uname -r = 4.8-STABLE
uname -s = FreeBSD
uname -v = FreeBSD 4.8-STABLE #1: Fri May 16 23:23:29 CDT 2003     root@unxstar:/usr/src/sys/compile/UNXSTARIV 

/usr/bin/uname -p = i386
/bin/uname -X     = unknown

/bin/arch              = unknown
/usr/bin/arch -k       = unknown
/usr/convex/getsysinfo = unknown
hostinfo               = unknown
/bin/machine           = unknown
/usr/bin/oslevel       = unknown
/bin/universe          = unknown

PATH: /sbin
PATH: /bin
PATH: /usr/sbin
PATH: /usr/bin
PATH: /usr/games
PATH: /usr/local/sbin
PATH: /usr/local/bin
PATH: /usr/X11R6/bin
PATH: /root/bin

## ----------- ##
## Core tests. ##
## ----------- ##

configure:1438: checking for a BSD-compatible install
configure:1492: result: /usr/bin/install -c -o root -g wheel
configure:1503: checking whether build environment is sane
configure:1546: result: yes
configure:1561: checking whether gmake sets ${MAKE}
configure:1581: result: yes
configure:1613: checking for working aclocal-1.4
configure:1624: result: missing
configure:1628: checking for working autoconf
configure:1635: result: found
configure:1643: checking for working automake-1.4
configure:1654: result: missing
configure:1658: checking for working autoheader
configure:1665: result: found
configure:1673: checking for working makeinfo
configure:1680: result: found
configure:1695: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles
configure:1704: result: no
configure:1765: checking for gcc
configure:1791: result: cc
configure:2035: checking for C compiler version
configure:2038: cc --version </dev/null >&5
configure:2041: $? = 0
configure:2043: cc -v </dev/null >&5
Using builtin specs.
gcc version 2.95.4 20020320 [FreeBSD]
configure:2046: $? = 0
configure:2048: cc -V </dev/null >&5
cc: argument to `-V' is missing
configure:2051: $? = 1
configure:2077: checking for C compiler default output
configure:2080: cc -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include  conftest.c -L/usr/local/lib >&5
configure:2083: $? = 0
configure:2116: result: a.out
configure:2121: checking whether the C compiler works
configure:2127: ./a.out
configure:2130: $? = 0
configure:2145: result: yes
configure:2152: checking whether we are cross compiling
configure:2154: result: no
configure:2157: checking for suffix of executables
configure:2159: cc -o conftest -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include  conftest.c -L/usr/local/lib >&5
configure:2162: $? = 0
configure:2184: result: 
configure:2190: checking for suffix of object files
configure:2214: cc -c -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:2217: $? = 0
configure:2236: result: o
configure:2240: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler
configure:2267: cc -c -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:2270: $? = 0
configure:2273: test -s conftest.o
configure:2276: $? = 0
configure:2288: result: yes
configure:2294: checking whether cc accepts -g
configure:2318: cc -c -g -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:2321: $? = 0
configure:2324: test -s conftest.o
configure:2327: $? = 0
configure:2337: result: yes
configure:2364: cc -c -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
conftest.c:2: syntax error before `me'
configure:2367: $? = 1
configure: failed program was:
#ifndef __cplusplus
  choke me
configure:2479: checking for strerror in -lcposix
configure:2512: cc -o conftest -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include  conftest.c -lcposix  -L/usr/local/lib >&5
/usr/libexec/elf/ld: cannot find -lcposix
configure:2515: $? = 1
configure: failed program was:
#line 2487 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"

/* Override any gcc2 internal prototype to avoid an error.  */
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
/* We use char because int might match the return type of a gcc2
   builtin and then its argument prototype would still apply.  */
char strerror ();
#ifdef F77_DUMMY_MAIN
#  ifdef __cplusplus
     extern "C"
#  endif
   int F77_DUMMY_MAIN() { return 1; }
main ()
strerror ();
  return 0;
configure:2532: result: no
configure:2586: checking for gcc
configure:2612: result: cc
configure:2856: checking for C compiler version
configure:2859: cc --version </dev/null >&5
configure:2862: $? = 0
configure:2864: cc -v </dev/null >&5
Using builtin specs.
gcc version 2.95.4 20020320 [FreeBSD]
configure:2867: $? = 0
configure:2869: cc -V </dev/null >&5
cc: argument to `-V' is missing
configure:2872: $? = 1
configure:2875: checking whether we are using the GNU C compiler
configure:2923: result: yes
configure:2929: checking whether cc accepts -g
configure:2972: result: yes
configure:2999: cc -c -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
conftest.c:2: syntax error before `me'
configure:3002: $? = 1
configure: failed program was:
#ifndef __cplusplus
  choke me
configure:3117: checking how to run the C preprocessor
configure:3143: cc -E -I/usr/local/include conftest.c
configure:3149: $? = 0
configure:3176: cc -E -I/usr/local/include conftest.c
configure:3173: ac_nonexistent.h: No such file or directory
configure:3182: $? = 1
configure: failed program was:
#line 3172 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"
#include <ac_nonexistent.h>
configure:3219: result: cc -E
configure:3234: cc -E -I/usr/local/include conftest.c
configure:3240: $? = 0
configure:3267: cc -E -I/usr/local/include conftest.c
configure:3264: ac_nonexistent.h: No such file or directory
configure:3273: $? = 1
configure: failed program was:
#line 3263 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"
#include <ac_nonexistent.h>
configure:3316: checking for gawk
configure:3345: result: no
configure:3316: checking for mawk
configure:3345: result: no
configure:3316: checking for nawk
configure:3332: found /usr/bin/nawk
configure:3342: result: nawk
configure:3424: checking build system type
configure:3442: result: i386-portbld-freebsd4.8
configure:3450: checking host system type
configure:3464: result: i386-portbld-freebsd4.8
configure:3494: checking for ld used by GCC
configure:3557: result: /usr/libexec/elf/ld
configure:3566: checking if the linker (/usr/libexec/elf/ld) is GNU ld
GNU ld version 2.12.1 [FreeBSD] 2002-07-20
configure:3578: result: yes
configure:3583: checking for /usr/libexec/elf/ld option to reload object files
configure:3590: result: -r
configure:3595: checking for BSD-compatible nm
configure:3631: result: /usr/bin/nm -B
configure:3634: checking whether ln -s works
configure:3638: result: yes
configure:3645: checking how to recognise dependant libraries
configure:3823: result: pass_all
configure:3835: checking command to parse /usr/bin/nm -B output
configure:3916: cc -c -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:3919: $? = 0
configure:3923: /usr/bin/nm -B conftest.o \| sed -n -e 's/^.*[ 	]\([ABCDGISTW][ABCDGISTW]*\)[ 	][ 	]*\(\)\([_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*\)$/\1 \2\3 \3/p' \> conftest.nm
configure:3926: $? = 0
configure:3978: cc -o conftest -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include  conftest.c conftstm.o >&5
configure:3981: $? = 0
configure:4025: result: ok
configure:4030: checking for ANSI C header files
configure:4044: cc -E -I/usr/local/include conftest.c
configure:4050: $? = 0
configure:4137: cc -o conftest -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include  conftest.c -L/usr/local/lib >&5
configure:4140: $? = 0
configure:4142: ./conftest
configure:4145: $? = 0
configure:4159: result: yes
configure:4183: checking for sys/types.h
configure:4196: cc -c -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:4199: $? = 0
configure:4202: test -s conftest.o
configure:4205: $? = 0
configure:4215: result: yes
configure:4183: checking for sys/stat.h
configure:4196: cc -c -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:4199: $? = 0
configure:4202: test -s conftest.o
configure:4205: $? = 0
configure:4215: result: yes
configure:4183: checking for stdlib.h
configure:4196: cc -c -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:4199: $? = 0
configure:4202: test -s conftest.o
configure:4205: $? = 0
configure:4215: result: yes
configure:4183: checking for string.h
configure:4196: cc -c -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:4199: $? = 0
configure:4202: test -s conftest.o
configure:4205: $? = 0
configure:4215: result: yes
configure:4183: checking for memory.h
configure:4196: cc -c -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:4199: $? = 0
configure:4202: test -s conftest.o
configure:4205: $? = 0
configure:4215: result: yes
configure:4183: checking for strings.h
configure:4196: cc -c -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:4199: $? = 0
configure:4202: test -s conftest.o
configure:4205: $? = 0
configure:4215: result: yes
configure:4183: checking for inttypes.h
configure:4196: cc -c -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:4199: $? = 0
configure:4202: test -s conftest.o
configure:4205: $? = 0
configure:4215: result: yes
configure:4183: checking for stdint.h
configure:4196: cc -c -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:4225: stdint.h: No such file or directory
configure:4199: $? = 1
configure: failed program was:
#line 4189 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"
#include <stdio.h>
# include <sys/types.h>
# include <sys/stat.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stddef.h>
#  include <stdlib.h>
# endif
#  include <memory.h>
# endif
# include <string.h>
# include <strings.h>
# include <inttypes.h>
#  include <stdint.h>
# endif
# include <unistd.h>

#include <stdint.h>
configure:4215: result: no
configure:4183: checking for unistd.h
configure:4196: cc -c -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:4199: $? = 0
configure:4202: test -s conftest.o
configure:4205: $? = 0
configure:4215: result: yes
configure:4241: checking dlfcn.h usability
configure:4250: cc -c -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:4253: $? = 0
configure:4256: test -s conftest.o
configure:4259: $? = 0
configure:4268: result: yes
configure:4272: checking dlfcn.h presence
configure:4279: cc -E -I/usr/local/include conftest.c
configure:4285: $? = 0
configure:4303: result: yes
configure:4321: checking for dlfcn.h
configure:4328: result: yes
configure:4525: checking for ranlib
configure:4541: found /usr/bin/ranlib
configure:4552: result: ranlib
configure:4605: checking for strip
configure:4621: found /usr/bin/strip
configure:4632: result: strip
configure:4843: checking for objdir
configure:4854: result: .libs
configure:4871: checking for cc option to produce PIC
configure:5021: result: -fPIC
configure:5025: checking if cc PIC flag -fPIC works
configure:5051: cc -c -O -pipe  -fPIC -DPIC -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:5054: $? = 0
configure:5057: test -s conftest.o
configure:5060: $? = 0
configure:5097: result: yes
configure:5113: checking if cc static flag -static works
configure:5140: cc -o conftest -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include  -static conftest.c -L/usr/local/lib >&5
configure:5143: $? = 0
configure:5146: test -s conftest
configure:5149: $? = 0
configure:5164: result: yes
configure:5176: checking if cc supports -c -o file.o
configure:5196: cc -c -O -pipe  -o out/conftest2.o -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:5220: result: yes
configure:5225: checking if cc supports -c -o file.lo
configure:5255: cc -c -O -pipe  -c -o conftest.lo -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:5258: $? = 0
configure:5261: test -s conftest.lo
configure:5264: $? = 0
configure:5285: result: yes
configure:5316: checking if cc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions
configure:5341: cc -c -O -pipe  -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -c conftest.c -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:5344: $? = 0
configure:5347: test -s conftest.o
configure:5350: $? = 0
configure:5366: result: yes
configure:5377: checking whether the linker (/usr/libexec/elf/ld) supports shared libraries
configure:6057: result: yes
configure:6062: checking how to hardcode library paths into programs
configure:6086: result: immediate
configure:6091: checking whether stripping libraries is possible
configure:6096: result: yes
configure:6107: checking dynamic linker characteristics
configure:6500: result: freebsd4.8
configure:6505: checking if libtool supports shared libraries
configure:6507: result: yes
configure:6510: checking whether to build shared libraries
configure:6531: result: yes
configure:6534: checking whether to build static libraries
configure:6538: result: yes
configure:7200: checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in
configure:7208: cc -c -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:7211: $? = 0
configure:7225: cc -shared conftest.o  -v -Wl,-soname -Wl,conftest -o conftest 2\>\&1 \| grep  -lc  \>/dev/null 2\>\&1
configure:7228: $? = 1
configure:7241: result: yes
configure:7812: checking for ANSI C header files
configure:7941: result: yes
configure:7952: checking whether byte ordering is bigendian
configure:7982: cc -c -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure:7985: $? = 0
configure:7988: test -s conftest.o
configure:7991: $? = 0
configure:8018: cc -c -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include conftest.c >&5
configure: In function `main':
configure:8009: syntax error before `big'
configure:8021: $? = 1
configure: failed program was:
#line 7995 "configure"
#include "confdefs.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>

#ifdef F77_DUMMY_MAIN
#  ifdef __cplusplus
     extern "C"
#  endif
   int F77_DUMMY_MAIN() { return 1; }
main ()
 not big endian

  return 0;
configure:8135: result: no
configure:8164: checking for pkg-config
configure:8182: found /usr/local/bin/pkg-config
configure:8195: result: /usr/local/bin/pkg-config
configure:8212: checking for 	gdk-pixbuf-2.0 >= 1.3.7 	glib-2.0 >= 2.0.0 	libart-2.0 >= 2.3.10 	libxml-2.0 >= 2.4.7 	pangoft2 >= 1.0.0
configure:8231: result: yes
configure:8235: checking LIBRSVG_CFLAGS
configure:8243: result: -I/usr/local/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/local/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/local/include/libart-2.0 -I/usr/local/include/libxml2 -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/X11R6/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/X11R6/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/local/include/freetype2  
configure:8246: checking LIBRSVG_LIBS
configure:8254: result: -Wl,--export-dynamic -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lart_lgpl_2 -lxml2 -lz -lm -lpangoft2-1.0 -lXft -lfreetype -lXext -lXrender -lfontconfig -lpango-1.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -liconv  
configure:8300: checking for poptParseArgvString in -lpopt
configure:8333: cc -o conftest -O -pipe  -I/usr/local/include  conftest.c -lpopt  -L/usr/local/lib >&5
configure:8336: $? = 0
configure:8339: test -s conftest
configure:8342: $? = 0
configure:8353: result: yes
configure:8438: checking for libgsf-1 >= 1.6.0
configure:8442: result: yes
configure:8446: checking LIBGSF_CFLAGS
configure:8449: result: -I/usr/local/include/libgsf-1 -I/usr/local/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/local/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/local/include/libxml2 -I/usr/local/include  
configure:8452: checking LIBGSF_LIBS
configure:8455: result: -L/usr/local/lib -lgsf-1 -lgobject-2.0 -lxml2 -lz -lm -lglib-2.0 -liconv  
configure:8520: checking for more warnings
configure:8585: result: no
configure:8598: checking for gtk+ engine support
configure:8654: checking for gtk+-2.0 >= 1.3.12
configure:8658: result: yes
configure:8662: checking GTK_CFLAGS
configure:8665: result: -I/usr/local/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/local/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/local/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/X11R6/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/X11R6/lib/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/X11R6/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/X11R6/include -I/usr/local/include/freetype2 -I/usr/local/include  
configure:8668: checking GTK_LIBS
configure:8671: result: -Wl,--export-dynamic -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgtk-x11-2.0 -lgdk-x11-2.0 -lXinerama -latk-1.0 -lgdk_pixbuf-2.0 -lm -lpangoxft-1.0 -lXft -lfreetype -lXext -lXrender -lfontconfig -lpangox-1.0 -lX11 -lpango-1.0 -lgobject-2.0 -lgmodule-2.0 -lglib-2.0 -liconv  
configure:8696: result: yes
configure:8716: checking for gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders
configure:8734: found /usr/X11R6/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders
configure:8747: result: /usr/X11R6/bin/gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders
configure:8802: checking for gtkdoc-mkdb
configure:8829: result: false
configure:8865: checking for db2html
configure:8892: result: false
configure:9004: checking for gimp-1.3 >= 1.3.10
configure:9008: result: yes
configure:9012: checking LIBGIMP_CFLAGS
configure:9015: result: -I/usr/local/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/local/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/X11R6/include/gimp-1.3  
configure:9018: checking LIBGIMP_LIBS
configure:9021: result: -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lgimpbase-1.3 -lgimpcolor-1.3 -lgimpmath-1.3 -lgimp-1.3 -lglib-2.0 -liconv  
configure:9149: creating ./config.status

## ---------------------- ##
## Running config.status. ##
## ---------------------- ##

This file was extended by config.status, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.53.  Invocation command line was

  $ ./config.status 

on unxstar

config.status:9850: creating librsvg.spec
config.status:9850: creating librsvg-features.h
config.status:9850: creating Makefile
config.status:9850: creating librsvg-2.0.pc
config.status:9850: creating doc/Makefile
config.status:9850: creating gtk-engine/Makefile
config.status:9850: creating gtk-engine/examples/Makefile
config.status:9850: creating gtk-engine/examples/bubble/Makefile
config.status:9850: creating gtk-engine/examples/bubble/gtk-2.0/Makefile
config.status:9850: creating gdk-pixbuf-loader/Makefile
config.status:9850: creating gimp-plugin/Makefile
config.status:9953: creating config.h
config.status:10191: executing default-1 commands

## ---------------- ##
## Cache variables. ##
## ---------------- ##

ac_cv_env_CFLAGS_value='-O -pipe '
lt_cv_global_symbol_to_cdecl='sed -n -e '\''s/^. .* \(.*\)$/extern char \1;/p'\'''
lt_cv_global_symbol_to_c_name_address='sed -n -e '\''s/^: \([^ ]*\) $/  {\"\1\", (lt_ptr) 0},/p'\'' -e '\''s/^[BCDEGRST] \([^ ]*\) \([^ ]*\)$/  {"\2", (lt_ptr) \&\2},/p'\'''
ac_cv_prog_CPP='cc -E'
lt_cv_prog_cc_pic=' -fPIC'
lt_cv_sys_global_symbol_pipe='sed -n -e '\''s/^.*[ 	]\([ABCDGISTW][ABCDGISTW]*\)[ 	][ 	]*\(\)\([_A-Za-z][_A-Za-z0-9]*\)$/\1 \2\3 \3/p'\'''
lt_cv_path_NM='/usr/bin/nm -B'

## ----------- ##
## confdefs.h. ##
## ----------- ##

#define PACKAGE_NAME ""
#define PACKAGE "librsvg"
#define VERSION "2.2.5"
#define STDC_HEADERS 1
#define HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H 1
#define HAVE_SYS_STAT_H 1
#define HAVE_STDLIB_H 1
#define HAVE_STRING_H 1
#define HAVE_MEMORY_H 1
#define HAVE_STRINGS_H 1
#define HAVE_UNISTD_H 1
#define HAVE_DLFCN_H 1
#define STDC_HEADERS 1

configure: exit 0


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