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Date:      Mon, 15 Oct 2001 11:33:36 -0700
From:      <>
To:        <>
Subject:   Free Magnetic Wristband. It feels so GOOD...
Message-ID:  <105eb01c155a7$e6f379a0$>

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This Beautiful 24K Gold and Silver plated Solid Copper Wristband will be
yours Free! 	
 	Improve Your Golf Game with Magnetic Wonder! 

This attractive 24K Gold and Silver plated Solid Copper Wristband is
embedded with two powerful 1,800 + gauss magnets. Many studies have
shown that magnets & copper may be an effective, non-invasive, drug-free
way to help reduce pain, to help increase flexibility and promote the
body's own natural healing process. This wristband features deep
penetrating uni-pole magnets. This type of magnet is believed to provide
the superior results compared to the bi-polar magnets often used in
other brands. Magnetic and Copper therapy is a natural, non-invasive way
to relieve the discomforts associated with the rigors of daily life.
Wristbands are popular among professional golfers to increase their
performance. Their lightweight is designed to be worn by both men and
women. Wristband comes in easily adjustable 6 1/2 inches size. 
How Does Magnetic Therapy Work?

Ions in the blood carry either a positive or negative charge. As they
pass through a magnetic field they are either attracted or repelled
which causes them to accelerate. The ions push against the vessel walls
dilating, or opening them, allowing increased blood flow. Heat is
generated by this increase in motion and enhances circulation. Oxidation
is a by-product of ion collisions which carries toxins away from the
damaged area so that it may be filtered. Energized and oxygenated blood
cells help heal the damaged tissue.

Similar item like this sell for more than $60 in retail store, but it
will be yours Free .
To qualify for our beta invitation, please response to the following
Our sponsor will assure you that your responses will in no way go into
your personal profile. They are interested in statistical data only.

Questions	 Response	
Do you own or use any kind of PDA(Personal Digital Assistant)? 	yes 
Do you own or use a digital camera or camcorder? 	yes 
Do you own or use a Sony game console such as PS1,PS2 or Gameboy?
Do you own or use a MP3 player? 	yes 
Do you own or use a DVD player? 	yes 
Group Profile:	 
Area Code 	 Gender:
Male  Female 	 Age Group select below 18 and below 19-30 31-45 46-60
60+ 	 Income select below less than 20k 20-30k 30-40k 40-60k 60-80k
80-100k 100k+ 	 
This survey is intended for If you are not the
intended recipient, please fill out your email address at right. Thanks.

After you selected your choices, don't forget to 	 


This email is sent to If you believe you did not
belong to our sponsors customers list,
you can remove your email address from our distribution list by clicking
the link below.
Click here
<>;  if
you prefer not to receive future e-mail from us.
Click here <>;  to view our
permission marketing policy. 	

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<table border=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"2" width=3D"100%">
    <TD width=3D"100%">
      <TABLE cellSpacing=3D1 cellPadding=3D2 width=3D"100%">
          <TD colSpan=3D2 width=3D"100%">
		  <b><font face=3D"Helvetica,Arial,Sans-Serif" color=3D"#0000ff" =
            Beautiful 24K Gold and Silver plated Solid Copper Wristband =
will be yours </font>
			<font face=3D"Helvetica,Arial,Sans-Serif" size=3D"3" =
          <TD width=3D180>
		  <img border=3D"0" =
src=3D"" width=3D"240"> =
          <TD align=3Dleft width=3D"100%">
            <p style=3D"margin-left:.5in"><b><font size=3D"5">Improve =
Your Golf Game with Magnetic Wonder! </font>
			<font size=3D"3" face=3D"Bernhard Modern Roman">This attractive =
			<span style=3D"mso-bidi-font-size: 7.5pt; mso-fareast-font-family: =
Times New Roman; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; =
mso-bidi-language: AR-SA">
			24K Gold and Silver plated Solid Copper Wristband</span>
			 is embedded with two powerful 1,800 + gauss magnets.=20
			 Many studies have shown that magnets & copper may be an effective, =
			 drug-free way to help reduce pain, to help increase flexibility and =
promote the=20
			 body's own natural healing process.
			 <span style=3D"mso-bidi-font-size: 10.0pt; mso-fareast-font-family: =
Times New Roman; mso-ansi-language: EN-US; mso-fareast-language: EN-US; =
mso-bidi-language: AR-SA">=20
			 This wristband features deep penetrating=20
			 uni-pole magnets. This type of magnet is believed to provide the =
superior results=20
			 compared to the bi-polar magnets often used in other brands. =
Magnetic and Copper=20
			 therapy is a natural, non-invasive way to relieve the discomforts =
associated with=20
			 the rigors of daily life. Wristbands are popular among professional =
golfers to=20
			 increase their performance. Their lightweight is designed to be worn =
by both=20
			 men and women.=20
			 Wristband comes in easily adjustable  6 1/2 inches size.=20
          <TD colSpan=3D2 width=3D"100%">
            <p style=3D"margin-left:.5in"><b><font size=3D"4"><span =
style=3D"font-family: Arial">How
            Does Magnetic Therapy Work?</span></font></b></p>
            <p class=3D"MsoBodyTextIndent2"><font size=3D"3">Ions in the =
blood carry
            either a positive or negative charge. As they pass through a
            magnetic field they are either attracted or repelled which =
            them to accelerate. The ions push against the vessel walls =
            or opening them, allowing increased blood flow. Heat is =
generated by
            this increase in motion and enhances circulation. Oxidation =
is a
            by-product of ion collisions which carries toxins away from =
            damaged area so that it may be filtered. Energized and =
            blood cells help heal the damaged tissue.</font></p>
            <p><FONT face=3DHelvetica,Arial,Sans-Serif color=3D#0000ff =
			Similar item like this sell for more than $60 in retail store,=20
			but it will be yours </FONT> <B>
			<FONT color=3Dred size=3D"5" =
			<FONT face=3DHelvetica,Arial,Sans-Serif color=3D#0000ff=20
            size=3D5>.</FONT><FONT face=3DHelvetica,Arial,Sans-Serif =
            size=3D3><BR>To qualify for our beta invitation, please =
response to the following questions.
			<br>Our sponsor will assure you that your=20
            responses will in no way go into your personal profile.=20
			They are interested in statistical data only.</FONT></p>
<form method=3D"POST" =
action=3D"" =
<input type=3Dhidden name=3D"xid" value=3D"233,paid4survey,jo178841,0">
<INPUT TYPE=3D"hidden" NAME=3D"return" =
<INPUT TYPE=3D"hidden" NAME=3D"iem" VALUE=3D"">
<INPUT TYPE=3D"hidden" NAME=3D"item_number" =
<INPUT TYPE=3D"hidden" NAME=3D"item_name" VALUE=3D"Magnetic Copper =
<table border=3D"1" cellspacing=3D"1" cellpadding=3D"2">
<tr><td valign=3Dtop align=3D"center">Questions</td>
<td width=3D80 align=3D"center">Response</td></tr>
<tr><td valign=3Dtop>
Do you own or use any kind of PDA(Personal Digital Assistant)?
</td><td width=3D80 align=3D"right">
yes <input type=3Dradio name=3Dpda  value=3D"1"><br>
no <input type=3Dradio name=3Dpda  value=3D"0">
<tr><td valign=3Dtop>
Do you own or use a digital camera or camcorder?
</td><td width=3D80 align=3D"right">
yes <input type=3Dradio name=3Dcamcorder  value=3D"1"><br>
no <input type=3Dradio name=3Dcamcorder  value=3D"0">
<tr><td valign=3Dtop>
Do you own or use a Sony game console such as PS1,PS2 or Gameboy?
</td><td width=3D80 align=3D"right">
yes <input type=3Dradio name=3DGameboy  value=3D"1"><br>
no <input type=3Dradio name=3DGameboy  value=3D"0">
<tr><td valign=3Dtop>
Do you own or use a MP3 player?
</td><td width=3D80 align=3D"right">
yes <input type=3Dradio name=3Dmp3  value=3D"1"><br>
no <input type=3Dradio name=3Dmp3  value=3D"0">
<tr><td valign=3Dtop>
Do you own or use a DVD player?
</td><td width=3D80 align=3D"right">
yes <input type=3Dradio name=3Ddvd  value=3D"1"><br>
no <input type=3Dradio name=3Ddvd  value=3D"0">
<tr><td colspan=3D2 valign=3Dtop>
<tr><td colspan=3D3>Group Profile:</td>
<tr><td width=3D220>Area Code
<Input type=3Dtext Name=3DAreaCode Size=3D3 value=3D""></td>
<td width=3D280>Gender:<br>
Male&#32;<input type=3Dradio name=3Dgender  value=3D"0">
Female&#32;<input type=3Dradio name=3Dgender  value=3D"1"></td>
<td width=3D280>Age Group&#32;
<select size=3D1 name=3Dagegroup>
<option value=3D"0">select below</option>
<option  value=3D"1">18 and below</option>
<option  value=3D"2">19-30</option>
<option  value=3D"3">31-45</option>
<option  value=3D"4">46-60</option>
<option  value=3D"5">60+</option>
<td width=3D280>Income&#32;
<select size=3D1 name=3Dincome>
<option value=3D"0">select below</option>
<option  value=3D"1">less than 20k</option>
<option  value=3D"2">20-30k</option>
<option  value=3D"3">30-40k</option>
<option  value=3D"4">40-60k</option>
<option  value=3D"5">60-80k</option>
<option  value=3D"6">80-100k</option>
<option  value=3D"7">100k+</option>

This survey is intended for  If you are not the =
intended recipient, please fill out your email address at right.  =

<td><Input type=3Dtext Name=3D"sent_to" Size=3D30 maxsize=3D60 =
<tr><td align=3D"right" colspan=3D2>
<b>After you selected your choices, don't forget to </b>
<input type=3Dsubmit name=3Dgift value=3D"Press to claim your =
<TR><TD colspan=3D2><hr>
<tr><td colspan=3D2 height=3D"3">
<hr noshade=3D size=3D"1" color=3D"#FF0000">
<tr><td colspan=3D2><img =
src=3D",paid4survey,jo178841,0" =
height=3D1 width=3D1 border=3D0><br>
<font face=3D"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size=3D"1">
This email is sent to  If you believe you did not =
belong to our sponsors customers list,<br> you can remove your email =
address from our distribution list by clicking the link below.<br>
<a =
g" target=3D"_blank">Click here</a> if you prefer not to receive future =
e-mail from us.<br>
<a href=3D"" =
target=3D"_blank">Click here</a> to view our permission marketing =


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