Date: Tue, 8 Dec 2015 10:41:57 -0500 From: Paul Mather <> To: Karl Denninger <> Cc: "" <> Subject: Re: Updating / keeping current strategies? Message-ID: <> In-Reply-To: <> References: <>
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--Apple-Mail=_FE4BA79A-1118-4940-87DE-76607F94AAEB Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii On Dec 8, 2015, at 10:13 AM, Karl Denninger <> wrote: > What are people doing in this regard with devices like the Raspberry = Pi2? >=20 > Build times for a "make buildworld" are measured in (many) hours to a > day or more and require a USB-attached disk for temporary storage, as > the ramdisk for /tmp that is typically mounted blows up due to lack of > space and SD cards are slow enough on writes (especially small writes) > as to make the process virtually impossible. But even with a > USB-attached disk the process is ridiculous in terms of consumed > walllclock time. >=20 > Further, "make installworld" sometimes fails inexplicably. >=20 > Kernel builds are a bit more reasonable, only requiring a couple of = hours. >=20 > I'm wondering what the best option is to not only build current code = on > a regular basis (since -CURRENT is a "work in progress") but also to > deploy and update existing devices. What are people doing that has a > history of working well? I cross-build kernel and world on a FreeBSD/amd64 system. It takes = about 30 minutes to do a full buildkernel and buildworld there. Then, = when I want to update my Raspberry Pi, I shut down the Pi and move the = SD card from it to the FreeBSD/amd64 system. Having mounted the SD = card, I cross-install kernel and world onto the SD card and then run = mergemaster against it. I use the wrapper script from = to make things easier. After updating the SD card, I unmount it from the FreeBSD/amd64 system = and move it back to the Raspberry Pi. Finally, I boot up the Raspberry = Pi. This has proved a reliable way for me to update my Raspberry Pi and = BeagleBone Black. The manual step of moving the SD card isn't ideal, = but has proved to be the most pragmatic approach for me. (Clang seems = more reliable on FreeBSD/amd64, for one.:) Someone suggested once to do = the cross build/install on the FreeBSD/amd64 system and then rsync over = to the Pi/BBB to update the SD card, but I could never get that to work. = Similarly, I could never get a NFS install to work either. To be fair, = I didn't troubleshoot that problem very much. Cheers, Paul. --Apple-Mail=_FE4BA79A-1118-4940-87DE-76607F94AAEB Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=smime.p7s Content-Type: application/pkcs7-signature; name=smime.p7s Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 MIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAqCAMIACAQExCzAJBgUrDgMCGgUAMIAGCSqGSIb3DQEHAQAAoIIDGDCCAxQw ggH8oAMCAQICAQIwCwYJKoZIhvcNAQEFMF8xFDASBgNVBAMMC1BhdWwgTWF0aGVyMR4wHAYDVQQL DBVDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZSBBdXRob3JpdHkxJzAlBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEMGHBhdWxAZ3JvbWl0LmhvbWV1 bml4Lm9yZzAeFw0wNzAxMTUwMTEwMjRaFw0zNDA2MDIwMTEwMjRaMD4xFDASBgNVBAMMC1BhdWwg TWF0aGVyMSYwJAYJKoZIhvcNAQkBDBdwYXVsQGdyb21pdC5kbGliLnZ0LmVkdTCCASIwDQYJKoZI hvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBANuOyAW3ePaKIkGeA9TBTmX1/zgeYrpVEv+GATC1wWV64nun lPyjRMVThrHwOG8OIZOZ0+Gm68Mbpf5xNodG9GoB0c6/bf14Rz/AOPTWE2ZIcDgfwvpYeZ3QwjpF o+8zKx0cVw1ZG/frLeYyQAReTbDun0zOo9xgiGXbMsiRZJfGKOjmY/aIg2sw0+Dze8qa8u24VbnE 7XJre24ZBkpVa5gdfdjS+2byqNnGf4NrCkf/3rRNRTS576K1e0R8VeRu9pYtcvMW8A+wILIEkrQX PjTDIdn2aDzc7CONJfFBvAjUw3npmt8ZpCVZgMmbZE1yDy2ksBB1SvKTCT+RFJpbRaMCAwEAATAN BgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEAqHjAejHbhB48WVQ3MJAdSh4H9HRCou6O+NIctaE3NNv9ygX3oGLt dTDh8QTFp+Sgarm7evsUeYRUv5iPimV2/illl6CCr12m+csuNfVlHoqNSXJlqCiw+/YLTXz+uVCQ 9V5j3hEXYM+f6zKsEVA7ShB7fv4H994gsF/14m0wgnQd7jS1u0G2RJGOnPn7veiBlKz7C3mnMi8H NRKXR/oDJxGYa9FKO+f8KVu6PWULvrtjVi6Xu3jjd9lJabIYsvdNNiV6OS6na72QhyRIoNtMI0nk oMISL3jRU5HwHl/V8RkfRm+x3GX7vIfxMgSux3MLY766CAIgfhcGY83dgxjFCjGCAtgwggLUAgEB MGQwXzEUMBIGA1UEAwwLUGF1bCBNYXRoZXIxHjAcBgNVBAsMFUNlcnRpZmljYXRlIEF1dGhvcml0 eTEnMCUGCSqGSIb3DQEJAQwYcGF1bEBncm9taXQuaG9tZXVuaXgub3JnAgECMAkGBSsOAwIaBQCg ggFJMBgGCSqGSIb3DQEJAzELBgkqhkiG9w0BBwEwHAYJKoZIhvcNAQkFMQ8XDTE1MTIwODE1NDE1 OFowIwYJKoZIhvcNAQkEMRYEFCDhbO2FnFNGKCwJ5qQtN1F2+M3zMHMGCSsGAQQBgjcQBDFmMGQw XzEUMBIGA1UEAwwLUGF1bCBNYXRoZXIxHjAcBgNVBAsMFUNlcnRpZmljYXRlIEF1dGhvcml0eTEn MCUGCSqGSIb3DQEJAQwYcGF1bEBncm9taXQuaG9tZXVuaXgub3JnAgECMHUGCyqGSIb3DQEJEAIL MWagZDBfMRQwEgYDVQQDDAtQYXVsIE1hdGhlcjEeMBwGA1UECwwVQ2VydGlmaWNhdGUgQXV0aG9y aXR5MScwJQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBDBhwYXVsQGdyb21pdC5ob21ldW5peC5vcmcCAQIwDQYJKoZIhvcN AQEBBQAEggEAzHbGFIXF5ZLKwAl21eUoVrS4A82GyGySE9TEBb7qLADUMen8n05D9SE3BECvRpdV kj6380INw1vUxyIi9nTfvqJwFQms7H4dlkeiUgN0fmUe84IKReuLyjg6FI5e73XLfeKvDXE1tgtx lvAIR9l9Dp7ShUJYsVae8qZIgJOTpfpHbTU/2VGH9dyJQVVBZP3pFXT58IS7rS/BHqSrU0XxYV1L V1DO/aYRdCv6ZVFu4V0ELj6KJgFk1ObrFFk8leLchr8VBmVexnV4UChEuWWIzNJi16e/ejJeYiEl mf34zszInQ7L1hKktYnB0mw2otkKPMsLuuUFfL/SjDqXrblTlgAAAAAAAA== --Apple-Mail=_FE4BA79A-1118-4940-87DE-76607F94AAEB--
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