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Date:      Tue, 19 Mar 1996 12:50:02 -0700 (MST)
From:      Terry Lambert <>
To: (Michael Smith)
Subject:   Re: GAS question
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <> from "Michael Smith" at Mar 19, 96 12:56:33 pm

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> > > This legitimises me complaining that VC is a Windows tool, that it's a
> > > Microsoft product, and that your socks are mismatched.
> > 
> > The only valid corrolary in that list is "is a Windows tool".  I didn't
> > complain that it was GPL'ed ("an FSF product") and I didn't complain
> > about an unrelated issue ("mismatched socks").
> Actually, the complaints are all irrelevant, yours and mine both.  The
> objects are _tools_.  Personal bias aside, both work reasonably well.

My personal bias comes from disliking the need to add memory to run
applications (as opposed to something useful, like a kernel).  It's
not so much the Emacs command set, per se, as the fact that it's a
huge memory pig.

I guess I could live with unguessable command syntax (how do you
exit microEmacs, anyway?) if I had printed documentation.  Which
I have for VC++.

Hell, I'd even be willing to pay the same several hundred dollars
I paid for VC++ just to get a comparable environment with printed

> > Bitching about the user interface is a legitimate gripe, considering
> > *ALL* UNIX boxes come with vi and *NOT* all UNIX boxes come with Emacs.
> Not all Windows boxes come with VC either.  (Fortunately 8)

You're right; they don't come with a developement environment.  I
don't know why this is fortunate, though: I see precious little
difference between writing 0's vs. 1's and 0's to a > 600M CDROM,
if they are masked instead of individually burned one-offs.  There
is no difference in cost to Microsoft.

> > How about "not having to learn a user interface"?  Windows and Motif
> > applications which are written in accordance with the style guides
> > have the common attribute that once you learn one, you've learned
> > them all (unless someone does something *stupid* and "enhances" the
> > interface away from the style guide to make the product "better").
> This is pedantry.  You can use the same argument to insist that all APIs
> should be the same.

You're right.  And I often do.  And I will continue to do so.  And I
will continue to point to crappy design instances as to why WIN32
should not be "the one true API".

> Or that hammers should have the same 'user interface' that screwdrivers do.

Now *that's* pedantry... Reductio Ad Absurdum.

> You've just chosen somewhere else to draw your version of the grey line.
> It's a popular position for it; Apple made millions out of it, but then
> twenty billion flies can't be wrong either.

The implication here being that it's only worth a 8% market, ignoring
the fact that Apple *chose* to have 100% of a 8% market instead of 30%
of a 100% market.  This was a business decision (a bad one, IMO, and
in J.L. Gassee's and in Guy Kawasaki's, if their writing is to be
believed), and had dick-all to do with whether their user interface
was command line or clickable.

If you want a majority market, you have to learn the lesson taught
by the VCR clock/timer user interface.

> > > > I personally *really* like "BattleMap", an IDE (Interactive Developement
> > > > Environment).  It doesn't run on FreeBSD, unfortunately.
> > > 
> > > Why not?  What can we do to rectify this horrific situation? 8)

[ ... ]

> An answer to the first would have been enough; "proprietary software".  Yuck.

So write a free alternative, and give it an easy to use interface like
the commercial product has (and their interface *isn't* Emacs, in case
you didn't guess that).

					Terry Lambert
Any opinions in this posting are my own and not those of my present
or previous employers.

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