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Date:      Tue, 28 May 1996 14:59:45 EST
From:      "Kaleb S. KEITHLEY" <>
To:        Terry Lambert <>
Subject:   Re: Forgiving select() call. 
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: Your message of Tue, 28 May 1996 10:43:29 EST. <> 

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> > > > > Any thoughts on writing a poll() which allows a variable number of bits
> > > > > passed in the fd_set (or new) structure to get around FD_SETSIZE limits 
> > > > 
> > > > Poll is (finally) specified in Spec1170 and it doesn't use bits in an 
> > > > fd_set. If you want a system call that does this, don't call it poll.
> > > 
> > > And if you want a poll() system call that has beeter than 10ms timer
> > > resoloution, don't call it poll().  The select() call *does* have
> > > some advantages over poll(), still.
> > 
> > Yup, well, seems like we've had this talk before. The spec for poll
> > allows delays with 1ms resolution. You can argue all you want about
> > how the SVR4 poll implementation is inherently flawed to yield the
> > actual 10ms granularity you cite, and you're no doubt correct, but
> > that doesn't mean that a FreeBSD implementation need be similarly
> > flawed.
> SVID III states that the expiry resoloution can be at the system clock
> update frequency -- which is the frequency at which the RAM copy of
> the system clock is updated from the real system clock to bypass the
> need for real (potentially slow) clock access on each call to retrieve
> the value of the system clock.
> On Solaris, the system clock update frequency is 10ms (100Hz).  I
> don't know of *any* UNIX implementation where the standard Hz is
> set to 1000, which is what it would take to support your 1ms
> resolution.

Yeah, but who gives a rats ass. This is FreeBSD-hackers. We aint gonna
fix Solaris here. As I've said repeatedly, there's no reason why a
FreeBSD implementation would need to be similarly brain damaged.

> In any case, I want 200uS resoloution.  Select(2) on SunOS followed
> by a call to gettimeofday() on a SPARCStation 1+ has a 4uS potential
> resoloution, assuming non-full use of process quantum (which is an
> entirely different problem).

A polltv function could accomplish the same thing, and do it without 
the overhead of FD_ZERO/FD_SET, or the overhead of copying one or more 
fd_sets into the kernel address space. It wouldn't take much effort to 
contrive a program that poll would be vastly more efficient than select.

> > And, FWIW, SVR4 select(3) is implemented using poll(2), so select on
> > SVR4, in and of itself, isn't going to have any better granularity
> > than poll.
> When Solaris 2.1 introduces SunOS 4.x binary compatability, I (within
> a day of receiving it) reported that it would not run statically
> linked SunOS 4.x binaries which used the select(2) (and a couple of
> other) system calls.
> Sun corrected this in Solaris 2.3.

There is no select(2) in Solaris 2.4 or 2.5. I statically linked a 
trivial program that uses select on SunOS 4.1.3 and trussed it on 
Solaris 2.4 -- it calls poll. Are you talking about a program that 
used the syscall interface to call select rather than the C library? 
I can easily imagine Sun getting that wrong in the early days of Solaris.
But guess what, trussing a program that uses syscall(SYS_select, ...)
on Solaris 2.4 shows that it's *still* calling poll.

> You are correct that SVR4 as shipped by Novell/SCO still implement
> select() as select(3) instead of select(2)

As does Solaris, UXP, and NEWS/OS and MP/RAS. Of the SVR4 systems I have
only IRIX has select(2).

> This, however, places their operating system in violation of SVID III,
> which specificies select(RT) will take a timeval struct argument.

What are you talking about? select(3) takes a struct timeval argument.

> We can make this case, because SVID III getitimer(RT) and setitimer(RT)
> specifies the use of the system clock frequency, whereas gettimeofday(RT)
> specifies system clock update frequency.
> Technically, then, SVR4 derived OS's which implement select() as
> select(3) instead of select(2) have converted it from system clock to
> system clock update.
> This is in violation of SVID III select(RT) definition.

Whether it is or not seems of little concern to the readers of 

> So you may argue that certain OS's implement select(3) all you want,
> but those OS's are not System V OS's by virtue of their failure to
> comply with SVID III.

But Terry, we don't care.

> Military contractors, listen up:  SVR4 is not SVID compliant; DFARS
> and AFCAC requisition guidelines specify SVID.  Be prepared to have
> to provide sole-source justification if you recommend SCO/Novell SVR4
> instead of Solaris 2.x (x>=3).
> 8-P.

But Terry, we don't care.

> > At the other end of the spectrum poll doesn't allow for arbitrarily
> > long delays, i.e. longer than MAXINT ms. A new API is needed that
> > takes, e.g. a struct timeval instead of an int to request large delays.
> We could call it select(2).  8-).

Not if it has a poll-like interface instead of fd_sets. Select just
isn't optimal for dealing with small sets of file descriptors, 
particularly when the file descriptors are large numbers (which may
be a pathological case.) Okay, even in the worst case, FD_SETSIZE is 
pretty small on FreeBSD -- only 256 bits. Is this a compromize for 
speed, or because of a limited kernel stack space? Most other systems 
have larger default values.



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