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Date:      Wed, 29 May 1996 19:27:48 -0400 (EDT)
From:      Bill/Carolyn Pechter <>
To: (FreeBSD-hackers),
Subject:   vt100/syscons/pcvt
Message-ID:  <>

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> As  Wilko Bulte <> wrote
> Subject: Re: Indentation styles
> As Michael Smith wrote...
> > Nobody barfed on the 100-column stuff in userconfig, so I was presuming this
> > wasn't an issue.  If anyone wants to see what 80-column braindamage looks
> > like, they should scope out pcvt.  (or was it syscons? I can't remember...)
> > 
> > > I also realize that this is going to be a highly unpopular position to
> > > take in these comparatively early days of GUI technology, so be it -
> > > just consider me 3-4 years ahead of my time on this issue. :-)
> > 
> > Ehh, even the VT100 can handle 132 columns 8)
> Wrong. Only a VT100 with an AVO installed. (For the curious: the Advanced
> Video Option board).

Bzzt.  Wrong.  The vt100 without AVO would do 14 lines of 132 columns.
Check the vt100 handbook and old termcap (Uniplus SYS III I think sources...)

ex-DEC Field Circus
Vax and VT100 board shuffler...

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