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Date:      Thu, 21 May 1998 12:36:24 -0700 (PDT)
From:      Gary Kline <>
Cc:        jmb@FreeBSD.ORG,,,,,, freebsd-chat@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: Enough already! (Re: Why we should support Microsoft...)
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <> from Josef Grosch at "May 21, 98 08:26:30 am"

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According to Josef Grosch:

		[[ ... ]]

> > 
> All this whining and posturing remind me of kids complaining about the rules
> of a game. My kids were big on this; they would start to play Monopoly and
> then when things were not going their way they would complain about the
> rules. Sorry guys, but here in America, in the closing years of the 20th
> century, this is the way things are. You are unhappy about the way things
> are? Fine, what are you planing on doing about it? When was the last time
> any one of you wrote or called your elected representative. You say he/she is
> unresponsive to to you? Fine, elect another one. Thats right, fire the
> bozo. In theory they are employees of "We the people". Go out and _WORK_ to
> change things. If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the
> problem. (My past is beginning to show) 

		On the practical side of things,  yeah, if you
		don't vote and write (even email) your elected
		reps, you have little right to complain.  

		If you want laissez-faire capitalism, it's coming
		soon to a country near you, wherever you happen 
		to be.  Globalizational, internationalization are
		here.  It's a matter of time before things reach
		some crisis state... but of course then it will
		be a bit too late.  
> The fact is this is not going to end tomorrow. This case is going to drag
> on for YEARS. IBM and DOJ slugged it out for 13 years. Say what you will,
> and any of you who know me know there is no love in my heart for microsoft
> but you have to give them this, they do not back down, they stand their
> ground. 

		I don't see this action going anywhere for 10, 15
		years; and it's likely that Justice will just give 

> What is really pissing me off about this entire thread is all of you have
> missed the fact this this is a golden opportunity to advance FreeBSD. In case
> you have not noticed, FreeBSD is in microsoft's cross-hairs. 

		A friend recently said, ``But Unix is just too 
		difficult for the average person.  That's why 
		Microsoft wins.''

		Maybe.  But a way to get more people to use our 
		flavor is to provide an environment that is as 
		easy to use as M$ or Apple.  The capabilities are

		Have a port--one port--that pulled in a GUI desktop
		and the top dozens apps.  Including apps like

		The ports are already here; or in development. It's
		a matter of pulling together a desktop environment
		and choosing what to plug in.

		Most of us are looking at this through our 
		engineer's eyes and mumbling that ``Hey, we've got
		a great OS and great programs; free!''  What we're
		missing is that most computer users want to buy 
		a system with everything pre-install. 

		Turn it on and up pops a login window or desktop;
		when down, one mouse-click and off the box.

		There are opportunities here... .

> So, rather then spend all out time theorizing about anti-trust and
> Objectivism (or what ever they are calling Ann Ryan's bullshit these days)
> lets focus on how we can make the FreeBSD the OS of choice for the ISP and
> server market and fuck microsoft & the horse they rode in on. 

		A box of any side could be sold, largely preconfigured,
		for ISP's or anyone who wants to work 800 hours a 
		week to be an ISP.

		Opportunities here too 

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