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Date:      Fri, 14 Aug 1998 12:32:40 +0200
From:      Philippe Regnauld <>
To:        freebsd-security@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Fwd: "Using capabilties aaginst shell code" <dps@IO.STARGATE.CO.UK>
Message-ID:  <>

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	(see message below)

	Is this any form of restriction that can be implemented 
	in *BSD systems ?  I.e.: restricting system calls to
	certain classes of daemons ?

	As mentioned in the example below, why should POPd be allowed
	to exec() ?  This seems like a very sane approach (of course,
	it implies knowledge/auditing of the code).

	Then we could have certain untrusted (i.e.: running as
	root) daemons launched in such an environment, on top
	of being chroot()ed.

-----Forwarded message from Duncan Simpson <dps@IO.STARGATE.CO.UK>-----

From: Duncan Simpson <dps@IO.STARGATE.CO.UK>
Subject:      Using capabilties aaginst shell code
Date:         Wed, 12 Aug 1998 21:33:51 +0200

Hash: SHA1

The development of capabilities with Linux (and some section of POSIX, if the
header is to be believed) creates an opportunity for tightening security by
sandboxing daemons---imapd and popd have no legitimate use for various system
calls, for example. In particular exec is fundamental to most buffer overrun
shellcode and not required by many daemons.


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 -[ Philippe Regnauld / sysadmin / / +55.4N +11.3E ]-

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