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Date:      Thu, 3 Aug 2000 02:28:58 -0700 (PDT)
From:      Satoshi Asami <>
Subject:   cvs commit: ports/astro/ssystem Makefile ports/astro/wmmoonclock Makefile ports/astro/wmspaceweather Makefile ports/astro/wmsun Makefile ports/astro/xephem Makefile ports/astro/xplanet Makefile ports/astro/xtide Makefile ports/audio/ascd Makefile ...
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asami       2000/08/03 02:28:58 PDT

  Modified files:
    astro/ssystem        Makefile 
    astro/wmmoonclock    Makefile 
    astro/wmspaceweather Makefile 
    astro/wmsun          Makefile 
    astro/xephem         Makefile 
    astro/xplanet        Makefile 
    astro/xtide          Makefile 
    audio/ascd           Makefile 
    audio/dap            Makefile 
    audio/gnapster       Makefile 
    audio/      Makefile 
    audio/wmcdplay       Makefile 
    audio/wmmixer        Makefile 
    audio/wmmp3          Makefile 
    audio/wmtune         Makefile 
    audio/xmradio        Makefile 
    audio/xtuner         Makefile 
    audio/xwave          Makefile 
    cad/xcircuit         Makefile 
    chinese/CJK          Makefile 
    chinese/aterm        Makefile 
    chinese/rxvt         Makefile 
    chinese/xemacs       Makefile 
    comms/asmodem        Makefile 
    databases/xmysql     Makefile 
    databases/xmysqladmin Makefile 
    deskutils/aspostit   Makefile 
    deskutils/gnucash    Makefile 
    deskutils/wmpinboard Makefile 
    deskutils/wpeople    Makefile 
    deskutils/xinvest    Makefile 
    devel/ddd            Makefile 
    devel/sdl-devel      Makefile 
    devel/swarm          Makefile 
    editors/cooledit     Makefile 
    editors/nedit        Makefile 
    editors/offix-editor Makefile 
    editors/xed          Makefile 
    editors/xemacs       Makefile 
    editors/xemacs20     Makefile 
    editors/xemacs21     Makefile 
    editors/xenon        Makefile 
    editors/yudit        Makefile 
    emulators/wine       Makefile 
    emulators/xmame      Makefile 
    emulators/xmess      Makefile 
    ftp/pavuk            Makefile 
    games/3dc            Makefile 
    games/KnightCap      Makefile 
    games/actx           Makefile 
    games/amphetamine    Makefile 
    games/battalion      Makefile 
    games/battleball     Makefile 
    games/crossfire      Makefile 
    games/freeciv        Makefile 
    games/glasteroids    Makefile 
    games/gleyes         Makefile 
    games/gltron         Makefile 
    games/gracer         Makefile 
    games/libshhcards    Makefile 
    games/maelstrom      Makefile 
    games/mindfocus      Makefile 
    games/mirrormagic    Makefile 
    games/nadar          Makefile 
    games/nethack-gtk    Makefile 
    games/nethack-qt     Makefile 
    games/nethack        Makefile 
    games/nethack3       Makefile 
    games/powerpak       Makefile 
    games/sol            Makefile 
    games/speyes         Makefile 
    games/sxsame         Makefile 
    games/tank           Makefile 
    games/wmeyes         Makefile 
    games/wmminichess    Makefile 
    games/wmtictactoe    Makefile 
    games/xbill          Makefile 
    games/xboing         Makefile 
    games/xcogitate      Makefile 
    games/xdeblock       Makefile 
    games/xdemineur      Makefile 
    games/xeji           Makefile 
    games/xeyesplus      Makefile 
    games/xgalaga        Makefile 
    games/xminehunter    Makefile 
    games/xnibbles       Makefile 
    games/xoids          Makefile 
    games/xonix          Makefile 
    games/xpat2          Makefile 
    games/xpuyopuyo      Makefile 
    games/xpuzzletama    Makefile 
    games/xquarto        Makefile 
    games/xracer         Makefile 
    games/xscrabble      Makefile 
    games/xsheep         Makefile 
    games/xshipwars-client Makefile 
    games/xshisen        Makefile 
    games/xsok           Makefile 
    games/xsokoban       Makefile 
    games/xsoldier       Makefile 
    games/xteddy         Makefile 
    games/xtic           Makefile 
    games/xtron          Makefile 
    graphics/ImageMagick Makefile 
    graphics/aero        Makefile 
    graphics/fxtv        Makefile 
    graphics/gd          Makefile 
    graphics/gdtclft     Makefile 
    graphics/geomview    Makefile 
    graphics/gimp1       Makefile 
    graphics/giram       Makefile 
    graphics/gltk        Makefile 
    graphics/libwmf      Makefile 
    graphics/opendx      Makefile 
    graphics/pixmap      Makefile 
    graphics/py-opengl   Makefile 
    graphics/togl        Makefile 
    graphics/wmgrabimage Makefile 
    graphics/xbmbrowser  Makefile 
    graphics/xfig        Makefile 
    graphics/xmrm        Makefile 
    graphics/xpaint      Makefile 
    graphics/xpdf        Makefile 
    irc/yagirc           Makefile 
    japanese/kterm       Makefile 
    japanese/kterm16c    Makefile 
    japanese/lyx         Makefile 
    japanese/nethack     Makefile 
    japanese/rxvt        Makefile 
    japanese/vflib       Makefile 
    japanese/wine        Makefile 
    japanese/xfig        Makefile 
    japanese/xklock      Makefile 
    japanese/xnetmaj     Makefile 
    japanese/xyagamo     Makefile 
    korean/ftghostscript5 Makefile 
    korean/ghostscript55httf Makefile 
    korean/hanIM         Makefile 
    mail/asmail          Makefile 
    mail/glbiff          Makefile 
    mail/mew             Makefile 
    mail/postilion       Makefile 
    mail/wmbiff          Makefile 
    mail/wmmail          Makefile 
    mail/wmpop3          Makefile 
    mail/xfaces          Makefile 
    mail/xfmail          Makefile 
    mail/xmail           Makefile 
    mail/xmailbox        Makefile 
    mail/xpbiff          Makefile 
    mail/youbin          Makefile 
    math/PDL             Makefile 
    math/abs             Makefile 
    math/grace           Makefile 
    math/siag            Makefile 
    math/vtk             Makefile 
    math/wmcalc          Makefile 
    misc/asbutton        Makefile 
    misc/magicpoint      Makefile 
    misc/wmcp            Makefile 
    misc/wmmand          Makefile 
    misc/wmstock         Makefile 
    misc/wmweather       Makefile 
    misc/xquote          Makefile 
    net/cnet             Makefile 
    net/ppxp             Makefile 
    net/wmnet            Makefile 
    net/xisp             Makefile 
    net/xtraceroute      Makefile 
    news/knews           Makefile 
    palm/pose            Makefile 
    palm/xcopilot        Makefile 
    print/cjk-lyx        Makefile 
    print/lyx            Makefile 
    print/mgv            Makefile 
    print/offix-printer  Makefile 
    print/perlftlib      Makefile 
    print/transfig       Makefile 
    russian/wmcyrx       Makefile 
    sysutils/asapm       Makefile 
    sysutils/ascpu       Makefile 
    sysutils/asfsm       Makefile 
    sysutils/asmem       Makefile 
    sysutils/asmon       Makefile 
    sysutils/glload      Makefile 
    sysutils/gnomefind   Makefile 
    sysutils/wmapm       Makefile 
    sysutils/wmavgload   Makefile 
    sysutils/wmbattery   Makefile 
    sysutils/wmfire      Makefile 
    sysutils/wmhm        Makefile 
    sysutils/wminet      Makefile 
    sysutils/wmlmmon     Makefile 
    sysutils/wmmon       Makefile 
    sysutils/wmmount     Makefile 
    sysutils/wmpccard    Makefile 
    sysutils/wmtop       Makefile 
    sysutils/xbatt       Makefile 
    www/Mosaic           Makefile 
    www/screem           Makefile 
    www/vrweb            Makefile 
    www/wmnetselect      Makefile 
    x11-clocks/asclock-xlib Makefile 
    x11-clocks/asclock   Makefile 
    x11-clocks/astime    Makefile 
    x11-clocks/eyeclock  Makefile 
    x11-clocks/glclock   Makefile 
    x11-clocks/pclock    Makefile 
    x11-clocks/wmcalclock Makefile 
    x11-clocks/wmdate    Makefile 
    x11-clocks/wmitime   Makefile 
    x11-clocks/wmtime    Makefile 
    x11-clocks/wmtz      Makefile 
    x11-clocks/xtu       Makefile 
    x11-fm/asfiles       Makefile 
    x11-fm/dfm           Makefile 
    x11-fm/endeavour     Makefile 
    x11-fm/fsv           Makefile 
    x11-fm/offix-files   Makefile 
    x11-fm/xfm           Makefile 
    x11-fonts/ttmkfdir   Makefile 
    x11-fonts/xmbdfed    Makefile 
    x11-servers/XttXF86srv-common Makefile 
    x11-toolkits/FWF     Makefile 
    x11-toolkits/fltk    Makefile 
    x11-toolkits/fox     Makefile 
    x11-toolkits/gtk13   Makefile 
    x11-toolkits/gtkglarea Makefile 
    x11-toolkits/jx      Makefile 
    x11-toolkits/plib    Makefile 
    x11-toolkits/qt21    Makefile 
    x11-toolkits/tkstep80 Makefile 
    x11-wm/afterstep-i18n Makefile 
    x11-wm/afterstep-stable Makefile 
    x11-wm/afterstep     Makefile 
    x11-wm/ctwm          Makefile 
    x11-wm/enlightenment Makefile 
    x11-wm/fvwm          Makefile 
    x11-wm/fvwm2-beta    Makefile 
    x11-wm/fvwm2-i18n    Makefile 
    x11-wm/fvwm2         Makefile 
    x11-wm/fvwm95-i18n   Makefile 
    x11-wm/fvwm95        Makefile 
    x11-wm/gwm           Makefile 
    x11-wm/icewm-i18n    Makefile 
    x11-wm/icewm         Makefile 
    x11-wm/libdockapp    Makefile 
    x11-wm/mlvwm         Makefile 
    x11-wm/olvwm         Makefile 
    x11-wm/piewm         Makefile 
    x11-wm/qvwm          Makefile 
    x11-wm/scwm          Makefile 
    x11-wm/tvtwm         Makefile 
    x11-wm/ude           Makefile 
    x11-wm/vtwm          Makefile 
    x11-wm/windowmaker-i18n Makefile 
    x11-wm/windowmaker   Makefile 
    x11-wm/wmakerconf    Makefile 
    x11-wm/wmg           Makefile 
    x11-wm/wmx           Makefile 
    x11-wm/xfce          Makefile 
    x11/aterm            Makefile 
    x11/bricons          Makefile 
    x11/gnomelibs        Makefile 
    x11/kdebase11-i18n   Makefile 
    x11/kdebase11        Makefile 
    x11/kdebase2         Makefile 
    x11/        Makefile 
    x11/offix-execute    Makefile 
    x11/rxvt             Makefile 
    x11/tycoon           Makefile 
    x11/wmbutton         Makefile 
    x11/wmmatrix         Makefile 
    x11/wterm            Makefile 
    x11/xballoon         Makefile 
    x11/xbanner          Makefile 
    x11/xdtm             Makefile 
    x11/xfedor           Makefile 
    x11/xlockmore        Makefile 
    x11/xlupe            Makefile 
    x11/xmangekyou       Makefile 
    x11/xscreensaver     Makefile 
    x11/xstarroll        Makefile 
  (1) Add new variable, XFREE86_VERSION, to specify which version of
      XFree86 (3 or 4) to depend to when USE_XLIB is set.
      XFREE86_VERSION defaults to 3 for now, but adventurous users can
      override it in /etc/make.conf.  When XFREE86_VERSION=3, USE_XLIB
      will add a dependency to x11/XFree86; when it is set to 4, the
      dependency will be to x11/XFree86-4-libraries.  When
      hacks to avoid messing with XFree86 are turned off.
      Since XFree86 version 4 includes some software that used to be
      separate ports, when XFREE86_VERSION=3 the following variables are
      USE_DGS		LIB_DEPENDS on x11/dgs
      USE_FREETYPE	LIB_DEPENDS on print/freetype
      USE_MESA		LIB_DEPENDS on graphics/Mesa3
      USE_XPM		LIB_DEPENDS on graphics/xpm
      When XFREE86_VERSION=4, these variables have no effect.  The
      LIB_DEPENDS in the tree for the above four ports have all been
      converted to the USE_* counterparts.  For your information, this
      is the count of the number of ports:
      USE_DGS		0
      USE_MESA		36
      USE_XPM		236
      There is a new variable, XAWVER, which is set to 6 when
      XFREE86_VERSION=3 and 7 when XFREE86_VERSION=4.  This is also
      passed to PLIST_SUB so ports that build Xaw based shared libraries
      can use this variable to substitute the shlib version number.
      There is also a provision of using a separate mtree file for
      XFREE86_VERSION=4, but that part is not enabled yet.
  Reviewed by:	the ports list
  Tested by:	make index (XFREE86_VERSION=3 only)
  (2) Add hebrew to list of valid categories.
  Submitted by:	nbm
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.16      +3 -3      ports/astro/ssystem/Makefile
  1.9       +2 -3      ports/astro/wmmoonclock/Makefile
  1.6       +2 -3      ports/astro/wmspaceweather/Makefile
  1.6       +2 -3      ports/astro/wmsun/Makefile
  1.20      +2 -3      ports/astro/xephem/Makefile
  1.11      +2 -2      ports/astro/xplanet/Makefile
  1.17      +3 -3      ports/astro/xtide/Makefile
  1.15      +3 -3      ports/audio/ascd/Makefile
  1.11      +3 -3      ports/audio/dap/Makefile
  1.13      +2 -2      ports/audio/gnapster/Makefile
  1.11      +2 -3      ports/audio/
  1.8       +2 -3      ports/audio/wmcdplay/Makefile
  1.11      +2 -3      ports/audio/wmmixer/Makefile
  1.5       +2 -2      ports/audio/wmmp3/Makefile
  1.9       +2 -3      ports/audio/wmtune/Makefile
  1.8       +2 -3      ports/audio/xmradio/Makefile
  1.11      +3 -3      ports/audio/xtuner/Makefile
  1.4       +2 -3      ports/audio/xwave/Makefile
  1.17      +2 -2      ports/cad/xcircuit/Makefile
  1.15      +2 -2      ports/chinese/CJK/Makefile
  1.10      +3 -3      ports/chinese/aterm/Makefile
  1.18      +2 -3      ports/chinese/rxvt/Makefile
  1.5       +3 -3      ports/chinese/xemacs/Makefile
  1.8       +2 -3      ports/comms/asmodem/Makefile
  1.27      +3 -3      ports/databases/xmysql/Makefile
  1.30      +3 -3      ports/databases/xmysqladmin/Makefile
  1.2       +3 -5      ports/deskutils/aspostit/Makefile
  1.17      +2 -2      ports/deskutils/gnucash/Makefile
  1.12      +2 -3      ports/deskutils/wmpinboard/Makefile
  1.5       +3 -3      ports/deskutils/wpeople/Makefile
  1.7       +2 -3      ports/deskutils/xinvest/Makefile
  1.31      +2 -3      ports/devel/ddd/Makefile
  1.21      +3 -5      ports/devel/sdl-devel/Makefile
  1.13      +2 -2      ports/devel/swarm/Makefile
  1.27      +3 -3      ports/editors/cooledit/Makefile
  1.21      +2 -3      ports/editors/nedit/Makefile
  1.9       +3 -3      ports/editors/offix-editor/Makefile
  1.13      +2 -3      ports/editors/xed/Makefile
  1.56      +3 -3      ports/editors/xemacs/Makefile
  1.38      +3 -3      ports/editors/xemacs20/Makefile
  1.50      +3 -3      ports/editors/xemacs21/Makefile
  1.7       +2 -3      ports/editors/xenon/Makefile
  1.14      +2 -2      ports/editors/yudit/Makefile
  1.89      +3 -4      ports/emulators/wine/Makefile
  1.12      +2 -3      ports/emulators/xmame/Makefile
  1.3       +2 -3      ports/emulators/xmess/Makefile
  1.18      +2 -2      ports/ftp/pavuk/Makefile
  1.12      +3 -3      ports/games/3dc/Makefile
  1.12      +2 -5      ports/games/KnightCap/Makefile
  1.6       +2 -3      ports/games/actx/Makefile
  1.2       +3 -3      ports/games/amphetamine/Makefile
  1.13      +2 -3      ports/games/battalion/Makefile
  1.10      +2 -3      ports/games/battleball/Makefile
  1.36      +2 -2      ports/games/crossfire/Makefile
  1.35      +3 -3      ports/games/freeciv/Makefile
  1.8       +2 -3      ports/games/glasteroids/Makefile
  1.5       +2 -3      ports/games/gleyes/Makefile
  1.14      +2 -2      ports/games/gltron/Makefile
  1.10      +3 -3      ports/games/gracer/Makefile
  1.16      +2 -3      ports/games/libshhcards/Makefile
  1.19      +3 -3      ports/games/maelstrom/Makefile
  1.5       +2 -3      ports/games/mindfocus/Makefile
  1.7       +2 -3      ports/games/mirrormagic/Makefile
  1.2       +2 -3      ports/games/nadar/Makefile
  1.2       +3 -3      ports/games/nethack-gtk/Makefile
  1.31      +2 -2      ports/games/nethack-qt/Makefile
  1.25      +2 -3      ports/games/nethack/Makefile
  1.26      +2 -3      ports/games/nethack3/Makefile
  1.18      +3 -4      ports/games/powerpak/Makefile
  1.8       +3 -3      ports/games/sol/Makefile
  1.4       +2 -3      ports/games/speyes/Makefile
  1.5       +2 -3      ports/games/sxsame/Makefile
  1.14      +2 -3      ports/games/tank/Makefile
  1.6       +2 -3      ports/games/wmeyes/Makefile
  1.5       +2 -2      ports/games/wmminichess/Makefile
  1.9       +2 -3      ports/games/wmtictactoe/Makefile
  1.16      +2 -3      ports/games/xbill/Makefile
  1.15      +2 -3      ports/games/xboing/Makefile
  1.12      +2 -3      ports/games/xcogitate/Makefile
  1.10      +2 -3      ports/games/xdeblock/Makefile
  1.8       +2 -3      ports/games/xdemineur/Makefile
  1.3       +2 -3      ports/games/xeji/Makefile
  1.14      +2 -3      ports/games/xeyesplus/Makefile
  1.16      +2 -3      ports/games/xgalaga/Makefile
  1.13      +2 -3      ports/games/xminehunter/Makefile
  1.14      +2 -3      ports/games/xnibbles/Makefile
  1.9       +2 -3      ports/games/xoids/Makefile
  1.11      +2 -3      ports/games/xonix/Makefile
  1.12      +2 -3      ports/games/xpat2/Makefile
  1.15      +3 -3      ports/games/xpuyopuyo/Makefile
  1.10      +2 -3      ports/games/xpuzzletama/Makefile
  1.10      +2 -3      ports/games/xquarto/Makefile
  1.5       +3 -3      ports/games/xracer/Makefile
  1.13      +2 -3      ports/games/xscrabble/Makefile
  1.4       +2 -3      ports/games/xsheep/Makefile
  1.6       +2 -3      ports/games/xshipwars-client/Makefile
  1.17      +2 -3      ports/games/xshisen/Makefile
  1.9       +2 -3      ports/games/xsok/Makefile
  1.14      +2 -3      ports/games/xsokoban/Makefile
  1.12      +2 -3      ports/games/xsoldier/Makefile
  1.9       +2 -3      ports/games/xteddy/Makefile
  1.9       +2 -3      ports/games/xtic/Makefile
  1.7       +2 -3      ports/games/xtron/Makefile
  1.92      +3 -3      ports/graphics/ImageMagick/Makefile
  1.18      +2 -2      ports/graphics/aero/Makefile
  1.29      +3 -3      ports/graphics/fxtv/Makefile
  1.28      +3 -4      ports/graphics/gd/Makefile
  1.3       +3 -3      ports/graphics/gdtclft/Makefile
  1.23      +2 -2      ports/graphics/geomview/Makefile
  1.78      +3 -3      ports/graphics/gimp1/Makefile
  1.7       +3 -3      ports/graphics/giram/Makefile
  1.3       +2 -3      ports/graphics/gltk/Makefile
  1.17      +4 -4      ports/graphics/libwmf/Makefile
  1.8       +3 -3      ports/graphics/opendx/Makefile
  1.14      +2 -3      ports/graphics/pixmap/Makefile
  1.8       +2 -3      ports/graphics/py-opengl/Makefile
  1.6       +3 -3      ports/graphics/togl/Makefile
  1.3       +2 -2      ports/graphics/wmgrabimage/Makefile
  1.9       +2 -3      ports/graphics/xbmbrowser/Makefile
  1.36      +3 -3      ports/graphics/xfig/Makefile
  1.5       +2 -2      ports/graphics/xmrm/Makefile
  1.40      +2 -2      ports/graphics/xpaint/Makefile
  1.30      +7 -4      ports/graphics/xpdf/Makefile
  1.23      +2 -2      ports/irc/yagirc/Makefile
  1.27      +2 -2      ports/japanese/kterm/Makefile
  1.25      +2 -2      ports/japanese/kterm16c/Makefile
  1.9       +3 -3      ports/japanese/lyx/Makefile
  1.30      +2 -3      ports/japanese/nethack/Makefile
  1.15      +3 -4      ports/japanese/rxvt/Makefile
  1.28      +2 -3      ports/japanese/vflib/Makefile
  1.10      +2 -3      ports/japanese/wine/Makefile
  1.34      +3 -3      ports/japanese/xfig/Makefile
  1.11      +2 -3      ports/japanese/xklock/Makefile
  1.9       +2 -3      ports/japanese/xnetmaj/Makefile
  1.3       +2 -3      ports/japanese/xyagamo/Makefile
  1.18      +3 -3      ports/korean/ftghostscript5/Makefile
  1.19      +3 -3      ports/korean/ghostscript55httf/Makefile
  1.10      +2 -2      ports/korean/hanIM/Makefile
  1.14      +2 -3      ports/mail/asmail/Makefile
  1.15      +2 -3      ports/mail/glbiff/Makefile
  1.24      +3 -2      ports/mail/mew/Makefile
  1.10      +3 -3      ports/mail/postilion/Makefile
  1.6       +2 -3      ports/mail/wmbiff/Makefile
  1.14      +4 -4      ports/mail/wmmail/Makefile
  1.9       +2 -3      ports/mail/wmpop3/Makefile
  1.20      +3 -3      ports/mail/xfaces/Makefile
  1.25      +3 -3      ports/mail/xfmail/Makefile
  1.9       +2 -3      ports/mail/xmail/Makefile
  1.10      +2 -3      ports/mail/xmailbox/Makefile
  1.10      +2 -3      ports/mail/xpbiff/Makefile
  1.26      +2 -3      ports/mail/youbin/Makefile
  1.9       +2 -2      ports/math/PDL/Makefile
  1.7       +2 -3      ports/math/abs/Makefile
  1.13      +2 -2      ports/math/grace/Makefile
  1.28      +3 -3      ports/math/siag/Makefile
  1.12      +3 -3      ports/math/vtk/Makefile
  1.4       +2 -3      ports/math/wmcalc/Makefile
  1.8       +2 -3      ports/misc/asbutton/Makefile
  1.21      +3 -3      ports/misc/magicpoint/Makefile
  1.7       +2 -3      ports/misc/wmcp/Makefile
  1.6       +2 -3      ports/misc/wmmand/Makefile
  1.7       +2 -3      ports/misc/wmstock/Makefile
  1.9       +2 -3      ports/misc/wmweather/Makefile
  1.6       +2 -3      ports/misc/xquote/Makefile
  1.13      +3 -3      ports/net/cnet/Makefile
  1.15      +3 -3      ports/net/ppxp/Makefile
  1.7       +2 -3      ports/net/wmnet/Makefile
  1.5       +3 -3      ports/net/xisp/Makefile
  1.7       +2 -2      ports/net/xtraceroute/Makefile
  1.33      +3 -3      ports/news/knews/Makefile
  1.3       +3 -3      ports/palm/pose/Makefile
  1.12      +2 -3      ports/palm/xcopilot/Makefile
  1.2       +2 -2      ports/print/cjk-lyx/Makefile
  1.48      +2 -2      ports/print/lyx/Makefile
  1.17      +2 -3      ports/print/mgv/Makefile
  1.10      +3 -3      ports/print/offix-printer/Makefile
  1.11      +2 -2      ports/print/perlftlib/Makefile
  1.28      +3 -3      ports/print/transfig/Makefile
  1.8       +2 -3      ports/russian/wmcyrx/Makefile
  1.16      +2 -3      ports/sysutils/asapm/Makefile
  1.10      +3 -3      ports/sysutils/ascpu/Makefile
  1.5       +3 -4      ports/sysutils/asfsm/Makefile
  1.9       +3 -4      ports/sysutils/asmem/Makefile
  1.9       +2 -3      ports/sysutils/asmon/Makefile
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  1.345     +38 -5     ports/Mk/

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