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Date:      Fri, 02 Feb 2001 21:38:27 -0800
From:      Dima Dorfman <>
To:        Mike Meyer <>
Subject:   Re: mdconfig config file (was: cvs commit: src/sys/i386/conf GENERI C) 
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: Message from Mike Meyer <>  of "Fri, 02 Feb 2001 22:49:22 CST." <> 

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> Dima Dorfman <> types:
> > >     (this whole thing is predicated on someone writing a mount_md wrapper
> > >     for MD that mimics the options mount_mfs accepts, for compatibility).
> > 
> > I'll do it.  Would it be safe to assume that it's acceptable to write
> > a C program to parse the arguments, build command lines to
> > appropriately invoke disklabel, newfs, maybe tunefs, and mount, then
> > call system(3) to execute them?
> If you're going to use system on them all, why not just use Perl or a
> shell script and getopts?

No reason.  I prefer C because I feel limited by Perl.  On more than
one occasion I find myself having to use multiple regexps for
something I could do in one line if I had pointers.  That's not to say
Perl is bad; it has its uses, but, IMHO (and not many others',
probably), this isn't one of them.

> The only thing that's really painful in this process (at least now
> that the hard work has been done) newfs. This suggests that, instead
> of a new program, making newfs do duty as mount_md - similar to the
> way it does mount_mfs now - might be the way to do it.

Personally, I don't like how mount_mfs is implemented now.  Perhaps
there was good reason for doing it this way, but I don't like it.  It
isn't even a separate subroutine within newfs, it is just kind of
stuck in the middle.  In fact, I think all of newfs(8) is ugly;
anything that has a 500-line subroutine is.  Then again, many may not

> That leaves out the tunefs functionality, which begs the question -
> why doesn't newfs have (at least some of) tunefs functionality now? I,

It does.  Most of what tunefs can do you can do at newfs time.  I
think tunefs(8) was originally created so certain parameters could be
changed without recreating a filesystem.

> for one, would like to be able to enable soft updates on a file system
> when it's created.

There's a good idea!  I would too!  So, to bring us one step closer to
what we'd like to be able to do, attached is a patch which adds a -g
option to newfs which will enable softupdates (I'd use -n for
consistency with tunefs, but it's taken).  I'd appreciate if someone
would test it, but tred lightly; there's no guarnatee that it doesn't
do something weird like disable the "write to permanent media" feature
or something (I'm saying this because I set the default 'flags' to 0,
and I don't know if that's what it should be).


					Dima Dorfman

Index: mkfs.c
RCS file: /st/src/FreeBSD/src/sbin/newfs/mkfs.c,v
retrieving revision 1.33
diff -u -r1.33 mkfs.c
--- mkfs.c	2001/01/15 18:30:34	1.33
+++ mkfs.c	2001/02/03 05:30:51
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@
 extern int	cpgflg;		/* cylinders/cylinder group flag was given */
 extern int	minfree;	/* free space threshold */
 extern int	opt;		/* optimization preference (space or time) */
+extern int	flags;		/* filesystem flags */
 extern int	density;	/* number of bytes per inode */
 extern int	maxcontig;	/* max contiguous blocks to allocate */
 extern int	rotdelay;	/* rotational delay between blocks */
@@ -652,6 +653,7 @@
 	sblock.fs_maxbpg = maxbpg;
 	sblock.fs_rps = rpm / 60;
 	sblock.fs_optim = opt;
+	sblock.fs_flags = flags;
 	sblock.fs_cgrotor = 0;
 	sblock.fs_cstotal.cs_ndir = 0;
 	sblock.fs_cstotal.cs_nbfree = 0;
Index: newfs.c
RCS file: /st/src/FreeBSD/src/sbin/newfs/newfs.c,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -r1.31 newfs.c
--- newfs.c	2000/05/31 01:00:51	1.31
+++ newfs.c	2001/02/03 05:30:51
@@ -192,6 +192,7 @@
 int	cpgflg;			/* cylinders/cylinder group flag was given */
 int	minfree = MINFREE;	/* free space threshold */
 int	opt = DEFAULTOPT;	/* optimization preference (space or time) */
+int	flags = 0;		/* filesystem flags */
 int	density;		/* number of bytes per inode */
 int	maxcontig = 0;		/* max contiguous blocks to allocate */
 int	rotdelay = ROTDELAY;	/* rotational delay between blocks */
@@ -249,7 +250,7 @@
 	opstring = mfs ?
 	    "NF:T:a:b:c:d:e:f:i:m:o:s:" :
-	    "NOS:T:a:b:c:d:e:f:i:k:l:m:n:o:p:r:s:t:u:vx:";
+	    "NOS:T:a:b:c:d:e:f:gi:k:l:m:n:o:p:r:s:t:u:vx:";
 	while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, opstring)) != -1)
 		switch (ch) {
 		case 'N':
@@ -296,6 +297,9 @@
 		case 'f':
 			if ((fsize = atoi(optarg)) <= 0)
 				fatal("%s: bad fragment size", optarg);
+			break;
+		case 'g':
+			flags |= FS_DOSOFTDEP;
 		case 'i':
 			if ((density = atoi(optarg)) <= 0)

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