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Date:      Sat, 10 Feb 2001 19:07:21 +1100
From:      Sue Blake <>
To:        Ted Mittelstaedt <>
Cc:        freebsd-newbies@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Re: Hello from russia!
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <001801c0932d$94384160$>; from Ted Mittelstaedt on Fri, Feb 09, 2001 at 10:49:13PM -0800
References:  <> <001801c0932d$94384160$>

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On Fri, Feb 09, 2001 at 10:49:13PM -0800, Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:
> Frankly, and I sure hope that I speak for everyone, I've
> always welcomed thoughtful questions from anyone on any
> FreeBSD-related topic, that were asked by a user of any level,
> who had taken the trouble to read the documentation on
> the website.

Just to clarify, I think you're referring to posts to
freebsd-questions. This is an example of the attitude of
the majority of people who offer help on freebsd-questions.
We are very lucky to have such capable volunteer supporters
who are open to all kinds of questions. In any group of
over a thousand people, you're bound to get an off reply
occasionally. That experience can make it difficult to
realise how good the majority are. Thanks Ted, and others.

> I've personally always felt that with the exception of a
> little humor now and then to lighten things up, that it's
> not productive to post metadiscussion to mailing lists
> or newsgroups.  (a metadiscussion is
> a discussion about a discussion for those that don't know)

Yes, everyone seems to feel like that, except when they
are newbies. Fortunately we have the freebsd-newbies list
where newbies can engage in what you call metadiscussion
without impinging on the other lists.

> Posters that need guidance should be sent a polite e-mail
> steering them to the appropriate forum, and if we start getting
> too many of them a general e-mail should be sent out that
> explains the charter of the list.  Many lists do this
> automatically once a month.

Actually, freebsd-newbies sends one out automatically once
a week. So does freebsd-questions. People still ask for it
to be sent more often, but I think that would be excessive.



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