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Date:      Tue, 13 Feb 2001 02:09:39 -0500
From:      Mike Nowlin <>
Subject:   scanner suggestions?
Message-ID:  <>

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I've spent most of the evening poking around in -questions, on the SANE
web page, and reading through various chunks of kernel code - to quote U2,
"I still haven't found what I'm looking for..."

My boss has suddenly decided that she wants to scan a lot of our paperwork
into the system...  Don't need to worry about OCR at the current time, but
I'l eventually (probably sooner than later) need to locate & read a 3-of-9
barcode off each page.  She's been calling around to all of the local copier
companies, and they've been more than happy to provide us with a "digital
copier hooked up to an NT box" solution - yuck.  

I'm looking for a page scanner that meets the following:
   1)  Decent resolution.  (at least 600x600)
   2)  Supported by FBSD / SANE
   3)  USB or SCSI
   4)  Able to hook >1 up to the computer & run several at the same time
   5)  Auto document feeder
   6)  Able to handle 800-1000 pages/day, divided by # of scanners
Any ideas/experiences?  I'd like to get two or three of whatever model I
come up with, but most of the documentation I've found is rather cryptic as
to what's supported...  (Especially re: the ADF - almost nothing on these!)  

I wouldn't mind using the digital copier method if I can find one that
doesn't require a Win box to talk to it.  If I go this route, color
capability is about 90% required, but that's negotiable.  

thanks - mike

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