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Date:      Mon, 9 Apr 2001 18:28:41 -0500
From:      Lute Mullenix <>
To:        David Johnson <>,
Subject:   Re: browzers
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 10:31:17AM -0700
References:  <> <>

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On Mon, Apr 09, 2001 at 10:31:17AM -0700, David Johnson wrote:
> Give Konqueror a shot. It's part of KDE (2), so you will need to install
> kdelibs and kdebase. But since I've installed KDE-2, I haven't been
> using Netscape at all, except for those "netscape-only" sites that
> really mean it. It it full featured, supports CSS, Java, ECMA
> (javascript), Netscape plugins, etc.
> The only problems I've had have been with Netscape plugins. Since these
> are typically Linux binaries, they won't work in the FreeBSD process
> space of Konqueror. It's a small price though.
Hi David,

I have been wondering about that, I don't particularly like KDE but I 
do like the apps that come with it, have used the address book and 
calendar for a long time and both of the editors, the cd player, well 
you get the idea, but I do this all just on top of Icewm, and just on 
Linux so far, just getting started with FreeBSD, and hope to migrate to 
it completely by the end of the year. I really would like to try Kword 
the word processor that is supposed to be in the Koffice suite, but 
don't really want to load the full KDE install unless I have to, since 
I won't use it. Any idea of just how much a fellow would have to 
install to get the apps up and running?

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