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Date:      Thu, 31 May 2001 08:45:19 -0400
From:      "Christopher T. Jewett" <>
To:        chat@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   The desktop apathy?  I think not.
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> Now Sun and HP are actually considering GNOME for their
> own desktops.  The commercial guys didn't rescue the commercial Unix
> desktop, so I fail to see where your touching faith in their ability
> to rescue BSD (or Linux) comes from.

In case you missed it, they're not just considering it.  It's actually
happening.  Sun officially released Gnome 1.4 for Solaris 8 about 3 weeks

They're not stopping their, either.  After Gnome 2.X is released in mid
2002, it will be the *default* desktop on Solaris.  HP isn't sitting
on it's duff either.

As for commercial Unix vendors not helping the desktop initiative, all
one has to do is visit and see the incredible list of financial
backers they've got.  Just take a look here:

It's going to take a lot of work, but Unix for the desktop is coming,
and in a *BIG* way.  Look at all of the major players that have lasted
from the days of DOS and you'll see all sorts of alliances being made.
 Call me hopeful, but I see a day in the not-to-distant future where
Unix is the standard, with hundreds of different flavors to choose from.


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