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Date:      Fri, 8 Jun 2001 23:05:54 -0700 (PDT)
From:      "Bruce R. Montague" <>
Subject:   re: picobsd image
Message-ID:  <>

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> someone please take a look ....

 Here's a stab...

> I mount the floppy via -t ufs to /mnt and see
> only a file 'kernel'.

 You don't have to mount the floppy after the picobsd
script writes it (although it is reassuring to check).
You should be able to just boot the floppy that has
only the single kernel file "visible". Among other
things, this means you can boot a single file and
get "everything".

> I was expecting to
> see directories such as /bin /sbin /etc 

 These dirs/files are "inside" the kernel. You will 
see them after you boot it. (You can also have other files
(or files with the same names as the ones "inside" your 
kernel) on the floppy, but you don't _need_ them).
You cant mount/access/edit the files "inside" the
(compressed) kernel file via the mounted floppy.

> ((Mount/boot troubles wrt /etc, local vn devices, etc))

 On a 4.3-RC system I just built a copy of "router",
as you did, and it worked. So, no particular ideas...

 Maybe delete all the remanants of your last "test"
build, and try again. Also, are your host "/dev/vn*"
device nodes OK? Perhaps your host "vn" device just 
never got unmounted, or somesuch?? Sometimes if you 
get things really hosed messing with mounting, initing,
and such, you may want to simply delete the /dev/vn
device nodes and recreate them with MAKEDEV. 

 - bruce

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