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Date:      Wed, 10 Apr 2002 12:36:12 +0200
From:      Rahul Siddharthan <>
To:        Tony Finch <>
Cc:        Terry Lambert <>, Greg Pavelcak <>, freebsd-chat@FreeBSD.ORG
Subject:   Ambiguity, Terry-style, in the BSDL (was Re: Use/Utilize)
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>; from on Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 11:07:03AM %2B0100
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Selected meanings, from Terry's 1913 Webster when available, otherwise
from the Merriam-Webster site.

The BSDL says:
  "Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
  are met:"

"Redistribution": (Merriam-Webster)
  1 : To alter the distribution of; reallocate

"use":  Already discussed ad nauseam, but (Webster 1913)
  8. [In this sense probably a corruption of OF. oes, fr. L. opus need,
    business, employment, work. Cf. Operate.] (Law) The benefit or profit
    of lands and tenements. Use imports a trust and confidence reposed in
    a man for the holding of lands.

"source" (Webster 1913)
  2. The rising from the ground, or beginning, of a stream of water or
     the like; a spring; a fountain. 

"binary" (Webster 1913)
  Compounded or consisting of two things or parts; characterized by
  two (things)

"permitted" (Merriam-Webster)
  3 : to make possible

"condition" (Webster 1913)
  1. Mode or state of being; state or situation with regard to external
     circumstances or influences, or to physical or mental integrity,
     health, strength, etc.; predicament; rank; position, estate. 

"met", imp. and p.p. of "meet" (Webster 1913) 
  1. To join, or come in contact with; esp., to come in contact with by
  approach from an opposite direction; to come upon or against, front to
  front, as distinguished from contact by following and overtaking. 

So according to the BSDL: "Reallocation and benefit or profit of land
and tenements, in the form of a spring or fountain or in two parts, with or 
without modification, are made possible provided that one comes in
contact with the following modes or states of being:"

[Translating the conditions into Terry-speak is an exercise for the reader.]

- Rahul

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