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Date:      Thu, 18 Apr 2002 18:07:54 -0700 (PDT)
From:      Doug Barton <>
To:        Brett Glass <>
Subject:   Re: FreeBSD Security Advisory FreeBSD-SA-02:21.tcpip
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <>

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[ Foolishly disregarding my own advice.... ]

On Thu, 18 Apr 2002, Brett Glass wrote:

> At 12:54 PM 4/18/2002, Doug Barton wrote:
> >There is no way to end this discussion with Brett agreeing with
> >you.
> Not true. About the only thing I am sure to disagree with is an
> assertion to the effect that the problem does not exist (it
> plagues lots of folks!) that it does not need to be fixed.

	I think everyone agrees that you have problems Brett. No argument
there. :) The question is, whether or not this problem of between-release
upgrades is ever going to be solved to your satisfation.

> >A cursory examination of the mail archives will show that this is one
> >of his favorite hobby horses.
> It's not a "favorite hobby horse" but rather a longstanding issue.
> Why not work to solve the problem?

	The typical FreeBSD answer is, "Since YOU think it's a problem,
why don't YOU work to solve it?" However, since to my knowledge your
record of never actually contributing a line of code to the project
remains unblemished, I know you don't like that answer very much.

	I also think that the new RELENG_N_N idea is a good one, and it
may do your heart good to know that I took your point about not being able
to easily ascertain how many patches have been applied to a particular
point in that branch up with the release engineers just now. I agree that
it's valid, and should be easy to fix with, if it's not already
fixed (I haven't been following developments on that stuff too closely).
As for other magical solutions to your (upgrade) problems...

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