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Date:      Mon, 5 Aug 2002 14:02:14 -0700 (PDT)
From:      Ross Lippert <>
Subject:   Re: docs/41106: FreeBSD Handbook lacks "Desktop Applications" chapter.
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <3D4EA926.8190.13B8AA06@localhost> (

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Freshports has definitely been a value-add that has proven its
>FWIW: users have talked about commenting on the ports.  I think 
>they'd take to it like wild fire.
So with comments, we're talking about threaded comments of some sort
on the port?

There is a funny thing about threaded lists and articles.  An article
gets written.  People respond.  A few responses after an article can
add a lot of value to the article.  A thousand responses after an
article can be bewildering.  But, at that point, you probably have
enough info in the comments to condense them in version 2 of the article
(and perhaps make new articles) and the process starts again.  This
is a pretty natural way to do things.

I think it requires two kinds of responses.  The first is the set of
comments, which are unstructured, moderated, but not editted.  The
next is the article, which condenses the comments, which is moderated,
editted, with a consistent structure.

Perhaps, on FreshPorts, there could be comments with a TTL and
articles with a bigger TTL.  Things in comment space are quickly
moderated for spam or other evil and posted.  Things in article space
are reviewed for tags, language, and maybe even accuracy before being
placed, at which point the corresponding author(s) on the article are
obligated to receive all subsequent comments made (and we trust they do
not /dev/null them).

I think that generally the guidelines for the articles should be similar
to what we've been discussing.  I'd hate to see a "Why I hate windowmaker"
as an article.

Maybe my previous article on time-tables and whatnot isn't necessary
if Freshports is the obvious way to go.  Maybe, we could still do the
prototype and possibly use the resulting articles as seeds for the
comment-->article-->comment cycle?


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