Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 14:48:13 +0100 (CET) From: Harti Brandt <> To: Subject: ports infrastructure changes for standards/57295 Message-ID: <>
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This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to for more info. --0-206516692-1079963293=:55144 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII Hi all, a test build on bento with the patch from the above PR has shown that a lot of port builds are broken by this patch. There are mainly three sources of breakage two of which are infrastucture related. For those I need the help of the ports gurus to come up with appropriate changes. The first and probably most easiest to fix problem is the breakage of imake-4. This is caused by the port's makefile overriding the top-level's Makefile SUBDIR variable by specifying a new value for it on make's command line. With a POSIX compliant make this doesn't work, because command line assignments get absolute priority over makefile assignments and are passed down to all sub-makes. So make SUBDIR='foo bar' overwrites SUBDIR not only at the top-level, but also on all sub-makes, which wont work of course. I have sent appripriate patches to imakes maintainers, so this is fixed. There may be other ports suffering from this problem. The next problem is examplified by dns/bind8. It contains a patch to add 'SH=${SH}' to a file that is then used to get command line parameters to the makes that will build the port. Again with a POSIX complient make this assignment gets evaluated at make startup time and leads to a recursive variable assignment error. The problem here is that in order to fix this we might need to apply different patches to the port for different make version: with the old make we need the patch that adds the SH line, with the new one we need a patch without this line. So my question is: is this doable? Or is there another workaround for this problem? The third problem lies in the Version 1.315 added a speedup by passing certain variables to sub-makes via command line assignments (look for __softMAKEFLAGS). This wont work with the patched make, because these variables are not-overrideable by submakes and this breaks any build of dependent ports. I think this problem causes most breakage. I was able to circumvent the problem by specifying NOPRECIOUSMAKEVARS=yes to make, but don't know whether this is the correct thing to do. And, to be honest, I don't fully understand what this __softMAKEFLAGS thing does. So could please someone help me with this? I have attached the patch to make from the above PR. Regards, harti --0-206516692-1079963293=:55144 Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name="make.diff" Content-Transfer-Encoding: BASE64 Content-ID: <> Content-Description: Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="make.diff" ZGlmZiAtdXIgL3Vzci9zcmMvdXNyLmJpbi9tYWtlL21haW4uYyAuL21haW4u Yw0KLS0tIC91c3Ivc3JjL3Vzci5iaW4vbWFrZS9tYWluLmMJU2F0IERlYyAx MyAxNjoyNjoyNyAyMDAzDQorKysgLi9tYWluLmMJU2F0IE1hciAyMCAxODo0 NjowNSAyMDA0DQpAQCAtNjM2LDYgKzYzNiwxMCBAQA0KIA0KIAlNYWluUGFy c2VBcmdzKGFyZ2MsIGFyZ3YpOw0KIA0KKyNpZmRlZiBQT1NJWA0KKwlWYXJf QWRkQ21kbGluZShNQUtFRkxBR1MpOw0KKyNlbmRpZg0KKw0KIAkvKg0KIAkg KiBGaW5kIHdoZXJlIHdlIGFyZS4uLg0KIAkgKiBBbGwgdGhpcyBjb2RlIGlz IHNvIHRoYXQgd2Uga25vdyB3aGVyZSB3ZSBhcmUgd2hlbiB3ZSBzdGFydCB1 cA0KZGlmZiAtdXIgL3Vzci9zcmMvdXNyLmJpbi9tYWtlL25vbmludHMuaCAu L25vbmludHMuaA0KLS0tIC91c3Ivc3JjL3Vzci5iaW4vbWFrZS9ub25pbnRz LmgJVHVlIE1hciAxNiAxMjozNjoxMiAyMDA0DQorKysgLi9ub25pbnRzLmgJ U2F0IE1hciAyMCAxODo0NjowNSAyMDA0DQpAQCAtMTM1LDYgKzEzNSw3IEBA DQogdm9pZCBWYXJfQXBwZW5kKGNoYXIgKiwgY2hhciAqLCBHTm9kZSAqKTsN CiBCb29sZWFuIFZhcl9FeGlzdHMoY2hhciAqLCBHTm9kZSAqKTsNCiBjaGFy ICpWYXJfVmFsdWUoY2hhciAqLCBHTm9kZSAqLCBjaGFyICoqKTsNCit2b2lk IFZhcl9BZGRDbWRMaW5lKGNoYXIgKik7DQogY2hhciAqVmFyX1BhcnNlKGNo YXIgKiwgR05vZGUgKiwgQm9vbGVhbiwgaW50ICosIEJvb2xlYW4gKik7DQog Y2hhciAqVmFyX1N1YnN0KGNoYXIgKiwgY2hhciAqLCBHTm9kZSAqLCBCb29s ZWFuKTsNCiBjaGFyICpWYXJfR2V0VGFpbChjaGFyICopOw0KZGlmZiAtdXIg L3Vzci9zcmMvdXNyLmJpbi9tYWtlL3Zhci5jIC4vdmFyLmMNCi0tLSAvdXNy L3NyYy91c3IuYmluL21ha2UvdmFyLmMJTW9uIEphbiAxMiAxMTozNTo0NiAy MDA0DQorKysgLi92YXIuYwlTYXQgTWFyIDIwIDE4OjQ2OjA1IDIwMDQNCkBA IC04MzIsNiArODMyLDQyIEBADQogfQ0KIA0KIA0KKyNpZmRlZiBQT1NJWA0K Kw0KKw0KKy8qIEluIFBPU0lYIG1vZGUsIHZhcmlhYmxlIGFzc2lnbm1lbnRz IHBhc3NlZCBvbiB0aGUgY29tbWFuZCBsaW5lIGFyZQ0KKyAqIHByb3BhZ2F0 ZWQgdG8gc3ViIG1ha2VzIHRocm91Z2ggTUFLRUZMQUdTLg0KKyAqLw0KK3Zv aWQNCitWYXJfQWRkQ21kbGluZShjaGFyICpuYW1lKQ0KK3sNCisgICAgY29u c3QgVmFyICp2Ow0KKyAgICBMc3ROb2RlIGxuOw0KKyAgICB1bnNpZ25lZCBp bnQgaTsNCisgICAgQnVmZmVyIGJ1ZjsNCisgICAgc3RhdGljIGNvbnN0IGNo YXIgcXVvdGFibGVbXSA9ICIgXHRcblxcJ1wiIjsNCisgICAgY2hhciAqczsN CisNCisgICAgYnVmID0gQnVmX0luaXQgKE1BS0VfQlNJWkUpOw0KKw0KKyAg ICBmb3IgKGxuID0gTHN0X0ZpcnN0KFZBUl9DTUQtPmNvbnRleHQpOyBsbiAh PSBOVUxMOw0KKwlsbiA9IExzdF9TdWNjKGxuKSkgew0KKwkgICAgLyogV2Ug YXNzdW1lIHZhcmlhYmxlIG5hbWVzIGRvbid0IG5lZWQgcXVvdGluZyAqLw0K KwkgICAgdiA9IChWYXIgKilMc3RfRGF0dW0obG4pOw0KKwkgICAgQnVmX0Fk ZEJ5dGVzKGJ1Ziwgc3RybGVuKHYtPm5hbWUpLCB2LT5uYW1lKTsNCisJICAg IEJ1Zl9BZGRCeXRlKGJ1ZiwgJz0nKTsNCisJICAgIGZvciAocyA9IEJ1Zl9H ZXRBbGwodi0+dmFsLCAoaW50ICopTlVMTCk7ICpzICE9ICdcMCc7IHMrKykg ew0KKwkJaWYgKHN0cmNocihxdW90YWJsZSwgKnMpKQ0KKwkJICAgIEJ1Zl9B ZGRCeXRlKGJ1ZiwgJ1xcJyk7DQorCQlCdWZfQWRkQnl0ZShidWYsICpzKTsN CisJICAgIH0NCisJICAgIEJ1Zl9BZGRCeXRlKGJ1ZiwgJyAnKTsNCisgICAg fQ0KKyAgICBWYXJfQXBwZW5kKG5hbWUsIEJ1Zl9HZXRBbGwoYnVmLCAoaW50 ICopTlVMTCksIFZBUl9HTE9CQUwpOw0KKyAgICBCdWZfRGVzdHJveShidWYs IDEpOw0KK30NCisjZW5kaWYNCisNCiAvKi0NCiAgKi0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0t LS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0t LS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tDQogICogVmFyX1BhcnNlIC0tDQo= --0-206516692-1079963293=:55144--
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