Date: Tue, 19 Apr 2005 14:02:39 -1000 From: Clifton Royston <> To: Subject: Problem linking MySQL 4.1.11 via FreeBSD 4.10 ports Message-ID: <>
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I am having a problem building from ports, which is a fairly rare experience for me. When I try to make the current port of the MySQL 4.1 server under FreeBSD 4.10, I get a huge stream of "undefined reference" errors at the link step for mysqld. It would seem it can't find any thread-related library references, e.g. `mutex_enter_func', regardless of which thread library I request. I started out trying to build with the default pthreads library, then switched to the Linuxthreads library as it's supposed to have better performance under 4.x anyway. I've checked my environment for a messed up LD_CONFIG_PATH, have rerun ldconfig (numerous times) and have checked the threads libraries created using ldd. I can see the "lthread" library being referenced on the command line. Factoids: * Running FreeBSD 4.10 on a development-only server (thank goodness.) * The ports tree was CVSupped late last week (4/14/2005) * Trying to build MySQL version 4.1.11 from /usr/ports/databases/mysql41-server/ * linuxthreads-2.2.3_16 built and installed yesterday, did not resolve the problem * Problem seen (with different variable names) both with and without the WITH_LINUXTHREADS=yes parameter to "make". * gcc 2.95.4 (system version), libtool-1.5.10_1 (from ports) * I've built about 10 other packages from ports into binary packages in the last few days, with no similar problems. * I've tried switching to a regular root shell via su, to make sure it's not a sudo environment problem, even though my other port makes work from sudo. * I've repeatedly done a "make clean" to make sure that I don't have configuration cruft. $ cc -v Using builtin specs. gcc version 2.95.4 20020320 [FreeBSD] $ head -4 /var/run/dmesg.boot | tail -1 FreeBSD 4.10-RELEASE #0: Tue Jun 22 17:01:51 HST 2004 $ head Makefile # New ports collection makefile for: MySQL-server # Date created: Fri Apr 11 10:06:26 CET 2003 # Whom: Alex Dupre <> # # $FreeBSD: ports/databases/mysql41-server/Makefile,v 1.206 2005/04/12 03:25:02 obrien Exp $ # PORTNAME?= mysql PORTVERSION= 4.1.11 PORTREVISION?= 1 $ sudo make FORCE_PKG_REGISTER=yes WITH_LINUXTHREADS=yes ... Making all in share /usr/local/bin/libtool15 --preserve-dup-deps --mode=link cc -DDBUG_OFF -DNEWSA LT -D__USE_UNIX98 -D_REENTRANT -D_THREAD_SAFE -I/usr/local/include/pthread/linu xthreads -DNEWSALT -D__USE_UNIX98 -D_REENTRANT -D_THREAD_SAFE -I/usr/local/incl ude/pthread/linuxthreads -felide-constructors -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions -fno-i mplicit-templates -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -DMYSQLD_NET_RETRY_COUNT=1000000 -o mysqld sql_lex.o sql_handler.o item.o item_sum.o item_buff.o item_func.o i tem_cmpfunc.o item_strfunc.o item_timefunc.o thr_malloc.o item_create.o item_ subselect.o item_row.o item_geofunc.o field.o strfunc.o key.o sql_class.o sql_ list.o net_serv.o protocol.o sql_state.o lock.o my_lock.o sql_string.o sql_ma nager.o sql_map.o mysqld.o password.o hash_filo.o hostname.o set_var.o sql_par se.o sql_yacc.o sql_base.o table.o sql_select.o sql_insert.o sql_prepare.o sql _error.o sql_update.o sql_delete.o uniques.o sql_do.o procedure.o item_uniq.o sql_test.o log.o log_event.o init.o 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to `mutex_enter_func' srv0srv.o(.text+0x2de): undefined reference to `mutex_exit' ../innobase/srv/libsrv.a(srv0srv.o): In function `srv_get_thread_type': srv0srv.o(.text+0x89a): undefined reference to `mutex_enter_func' srv0srv.o(.text+0x8e0): undefined reference to `mutex_exit' ../innobase/srv/libsrv.a(srv0srv.o): In function `srv_init': srv0srv.o(.text+0x90a): undefined reference to `mem_alloc_func' and then on for page after page of "undefined reference" errors. I will be happy to provide more detail if helpful; right now I am feeling like I must be an idiot and overlooking something obvious, but can not find the evidence to convict me of that. -- Clifton -- Clifton Royston -- Tiki Technologies Lead Programmer/Software Architect "I'm gonna tell my son to grow up pretty as the grass is green And whip-smart as the English Channel's wide..." -- 'Whip-Smart', Liz Phair
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