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Date:      Tue, 25 Oct 2005 14:18:32 -0400
From:      Kris Kennaway <>
To:        Robert Wall <>
Subject:   Re: Crontab and GPG?
Message-ID:  <>
In-Reply-To: <20051025131352.217826@bob>
References:  <20051025131352.217826@bob>

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On Tue, Oct 25, 2005 at 01:13:52PM -0500, Robert Wall wrote:
> Hello!  I'm attempting to run GPG from cron, and it's not working.  I can=
 run the script from the command line, and all works perfectly.  When I try=
 to run it from cron, however, it doesn't work.  The crontab calls this scr=
ipt, called "pgpdecrypt" with the following crontab line:
> */1    *       *       *       *       root    /bin/bash /etc/pgpdecrypt
> The /bin/bash wasn't originally there; I added it to make sure that the s=
cript was using the correct shell.  Still no luck.  Here's the script that =
it calls:
> echo >> /etc/pgpdecrypt.logger "PGP Decrypter Starting"
> cd /home/folder
> for filename in `ls *pgp`
> do
> gpg --batch --no-tty --passphrase-fd 0 --output /home/folder/pgp-decrypte=
d/$filename.txt --decrypt /home/folder/$filename < /home/folder/pp
> /home/folder/pgp-decrypted/ /home/folder/pgp-decrypted/$filename=
> echo >> /etc/pgpdecrypt.logger "/home/folder/$filename /home/folder/pgp-o=
> done
> The output file is cheerfully logging the filenames appropriately.  /var/=
log/messages doesn't contain any errors.  Anybody got any ideas?  Even if I=
 could get a competent logging mechanism in place to see why GPG doesn't fe=
el like running, that would be great.

You're assuming gpg is in PATH, which it probably isn't.  crontab
errors aren't logged in /var/log/messages anyway (they're mailed to
you) - see the manpages.


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