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Date:      Sat, 06 Jun 2020 19:22:22 +0200
From:      Alexander Leidinger <>
Subject:   Re: Running GUI applications in jails
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In-Reply-To: <>

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Quoting squiggly foo <> (from Fri, 05 Jun 2020=20=20

> Thanks to Dave for pointing out that my HTML message was stripped. I=20=
>=20am trying this again.
> Hi All,
> I'm using FreeBSD as a workstation trying to keep everything as=20=20
>=20lightweight and
> segregated as possible. So I am running GUI applications inside a=20=20
>=20jail. My current
> solution to this is null mounting the Xorg socket inside the jail=20=20
>=20which allows the
> GUI applications to run on the host Xorg without issue.=20=20
>=20Unfortunately this is also
> probably the least secure solution as one jail could access the key=20=20
>=20strokes of
> another jail through the Xorg on the host.
> I researched other solutions to this issue and listed them out below=20=
>=20with the advantages
> and disadvantages. I would like to hear everyones comments/ideas=20=20
>=20because maybe
> there are betters ways.

You haven't told where the graphical output needs to happen. The X11=20=20
protocol=20is distinguishing between the X server (e.g. the component=20=20
which=20does the output to a grpahics card) and the X client (the=20=20
component=20which wants to display something e.g. a movie player or=20=20
whatever=20program you use to produce the output for display). So the=20=20
question=20here is if you just need to have a X client running there, or=20=
the=20X server. You didn't describe the problem you have (I try to find=20=
out=20how the problem looks like outside the box), but you describe=20=20
already=20alternatives in a limited solution sphere (you are inside the=20=
box=20and try to find a solution).

> 5) Using multiple X servers on different ttys
> Using this solution I could group jails according to the level of=20=20
>=20security that they need.
> On one Xorg instance say on tty3 I could have my most secure/trusted=20=
>=20GUI jails and on tty4
> I could have less secure less trusted GUI jails. Yes the jails=20=20
>=20inside of the same Xorg instance can
> potentially see each others keystrokes but at least I have the lest=20=20
>=20trusted jails in another Xorg
> instance.
> +Not really that heavy of a solution dependency wise because I=20=20
>=20already have Xorg installed on
> the host anyways and just running it multiple times
> +I'm assuming the separate Xorg instances don't see each other's=20=20
> +/- I assume it's clipboard safe between the separate Xorg instances but =
> in the same Xorg instance.
> -Less flexible of a solution which can affect my workflow, but maybe=20=
>=20not so bad.

You need to have a graphics card for each instance (I'm not aware that=20=
two=20Xorg instances can share the same hardware, but I have never=20=20
looked=20specially for something like this, so I may have overlooked=20=20
that=20it can, or it started to be able to do that in the last 10 years.
And yes, they will not see the keystrokes of the other instance.

> 6) Use Null mounts for the Xorg socket but use a script to 'KILL=20=20
>=20-17' (suspend) all jails and their
> processes except for the one jail that I wish to work with at a=20=20
>=20time. Then resume them
> afterwards.
> +This is a pretty lightweight solution if slightly complex
> -A suspended app can still receive keystrokes but will not register=20=20
>=20them until unpaused.
> The only assurance I have is that the suspended jailed GUI app=20=20
>=20cannot request to
> become the active window (I Think..?) and so as long as I type into=20=20
>=20the correct
> non-suspended jail, the other suspended jails cannot see keystrokes.

I wouldn't go that way. Too complicated.

I have patches for FreeBSD which allow to run Xorg in a jail. This=20=20
would=20be another option as such, but not one which provides more=20=20
security=20(it's even less, as it opens up the memory of the entire=20=20
machine=20to this jail, so this jail can see all other jails if you=20=20
write=20a clever program, I use that in the sense of containerization of=20=
Xorg=20and a desktop environment, not for security).

There is also the possibility to run Xvnc in each jail. Each GUI=20=20
program=20would then connect to the local vnc server instance (or=20=20
better:=20is started inside the local vnc server instance), and then=20=20
from=20the system you want to see the output (which can be a local Xorg=20=
server,=20or a Windows laptop or an ipad or whatever is able to run a=20=20
vncviewer=20program) you connect with a vnc viewer to the vnc instance=20=
of=20the jail. The applications inside each vnc instance will only see=20=
keystrokes=20when the vnc viewer window for this particular instance is=20=
active.=20So if you are in the window of vnc viewer instance A the=20=20
instance=20B will not see keystrokes.


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