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Date:      Sun, 28 Mar 2021 13:08:19 +0200
From:      "Hartmann, O." <>
To:        FreeBSD Ports <>
Subject:   devel/git: Git via Apache 2.4 HTTPS - info/refs not valid: could not determine hash algorithm
Message-ID:  <>

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Hello folks,

first of all sorry for "misusing" the lis for this question of mine. But ma=
ybe someone
already has setup devel/git over HTTPS and it is working. I fail for severa=
l days for now
and I'm unable to find the problem.

After realized that the content of the book "Pro Git" by Chacon and Straub =
is outdated
(chapter 4: git on the server, Smart HTTP p. 89) compared to the website at and none of the examples of the book nor tho=
se taken from
several websites I've found, I checked out the explanations for git-http-ba=
ckend taken
from GitHub, git documentation, "git-http-backend - Server siede implementa=
tion of Git
over HTTP. Also, this approach failed. Now I'm getting gray hair ...

The setup is simple, the aim is as simple as well. We have to authenticate =
each pull/clone
and each push. We're running a subversion server over https this way, were =
every valid
user is authenticated against LDAP. This type of authentication works well,=
 not only for
svn via https.

All right, the setup is as follows.
The base is located on ZFS at /pool/gitbase/ and its owned by www:www. A te=
st repos has
been initilaised via "git init --shared --bare test.git", also owned by www=
:www (chown
-R www:www test.git):

:/pool/gitbase # ll
total 65
    34 drwxr-xr-x   6 www   www    uarch    7B Mar 21 15:42 ./
321028 drwxr-xr-x  25 root  wheel  -      512B Mar 24 18:45 ../
   324 drwxrwxr-x   7 www   www    uarch   10B Mar 14 16:25 ports.git/
     3 drwxrwxr-x   7 www   www    uarch   10B Mar 21 15:45 test.git/

=46rom the GitHub documentation of git's git-http-backend (by the way: devel/=
git is
installed and at 2.31, the latest available port in the tree so far), I fol=
lowed the
recommenadation starting with " ... To require authentication for both read=
s and writes,
use a Location directive ...".

The setup for Apache 2.4 (port www/apache24) is as follows, the service is =
realised as
service as folder (in contrary to a service a vhost, which we do not use at=
 the moment):

SetEnv  GIT_PROJECT_ROOT    /pool/gitbase

ScriptAlias /git/   /usr/local/libexec/git-core/git-http-backend/

<Directory "/usr/local/libexec/git-core/">

    Options         +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch

        Require ssl
        Require user    committer

    <Files "git-http-backend">
            Require ssl
            Require user    committer

        AuthType            basic
        AuthName            "Git Access"
        AuthBasicProvider   ldap-alias1 ldap-alias2

    AuthType            basic
    AuthName            "Git Access"
    AuthBasicProvider   ldap-alias1 ldap-alias2


<Location "^/git/.*">

    Options         +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch

        Require ssl
        Require user    committer

    AuthType            basic
    AuthName            "Git Access"
    AuthBasicProvider   ldap-alias1 ldap-alias2


The above config example is one of endless trials and derived from a long t=
hinking about
the "problem" - without success.

=46rom the client, within the "test" repos which I want to push,

git push -u origin master

fails always with:=20

Username for 'https://[url]':=20
Password for 'https://committer@[url]':=20
fatal: https://[url]/git/test.git/info/refs not valid: could not \
determine hash algorithm; is this a git repository?

Checking the server's access log doesn't reveal anything wrong:
[remote IP] - [28/Mar/2021:11:01:01 +0000] "GET \
    /git/test.git/info/refs?service=3Dgit-receive-pack HTTP/1.1" 401 1405 "=
-" "git/2.31.0"
   840 6269=20
[remote IP] - committer [28/Mar/2021:11:01:09 +0000] "GET \
    /git/test.git/info/refs?service=3Dgit-receive-pack HTTP/1.1" 200 168903=
2 "-"
    "git/2.31.0" 1023 1692144

Searching the web for the error
info/refs not valid: could not determine hash algorithm; is this a git repo=

results in several hints toward missing access rights to the git repo base =
directory, in
this case /pool/gitbase/test.git. But Apache has already as user and group =
full access

What am I missing here?

Kind regards and thank you very much in advance,

O. Hartmann

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