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Date:      Sat, 27 Jul 2024 12:21:08 +0900 (JST)
From:      moto kawasaki <>
Subject:   Re: =?iso-8859-1?Q?=A0DHCPv6?= IA_PD - how-to
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Hi Chris, all

I am struggling the same problem too, and here is my working
configuration for dhcp6c in my test environment.
Hope this can be help.

vtnet0 is uplink, where I expect to receive RA from ISP.

If upstream router send RA with PD with 2001:db8:beef::/56, dhcp6c
will add sla-len (8 in this configuration) to the prefix length (/56)
to get the final prefix length of /64.
Also, dhcp6c will add sla-id (11 and 12, decimal) to prefix, so that
I will use 2001:db8:beef:b/64 and 2001:db8:beef:c/64 for assigning my
internal network interfaces (vtnet1 and vtnet2).

Well, I am wondering how I can tell "authentication isp_auth" entry to
use the "isp_key", especially when I have multiple "keyinfo" entries.

===== /usr/local/etc/dhcp6c.conf =====
keyinfo isp_key {
        realm "";
        keyid 1;
        secret "JTY0XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX==";  # masked.

authentication isp_auth {
        protocol delayed;

interface vtnet0 {
        script "/usr/local/etc/";
        send ia-pd 3;
        send authentication isp_auth;
        request domain-name-servers;
        request domain-name;
        request ntp-servers;
        #send rapid-commit;

id-assoc pd 3 {
        prefix-interface vtnet1 {
                sla-id 11;
                sla-len 8;
        prefix-interface vtnet2 {
                sla-id 12;
                sla-len 8;

Thanks and Best Regards,

moto kawasaki <> +81-90-2464-8454

on Wed, 24 Jul 2024 00:04:12 -0400, Chris Ross <> wrote:

> > On Jul 23, 2024, at 13:23, Roy Marples <> wrote:
> > ---- On Tue, 23 Jul 2024 18:11:18 +0100 wrote ----
> > 
> > 
> >> tl;dr; anyone have a good IPv6 network setup based on an IA_PD from
> >> their provider? Any details or advice to share?
> > 
> > 
> > I'm upstream for dhcpcd.
> > All options related to PD are configurable in the dhcpcd.conf(5) configuration file. There are also some examples.
> My apologies, I think I may’ve misremembered which attempt produced which
> result.  More careful investigation suggests it was actually dhclient I
> was unable to configure in a config file.  So, I’m not sure I ever even
> got the PD recognized by dhcpcd.  Perhaps I was not finding the right
> examples.
> > What are you struggling with specifically?
> First, I’d like to request of my ISP the PD and understand the answer.
> If dhcpcd can also set up internal networks within the PD, that would
> be ideal.  Again, I found with earlier work that some clients are able
> to do more with “using” the network than others.  I have half a dozen
> ish internal networks that I assign /64’s to, and distribute via RA.
> Perhaps an answer to Karl’s question might provide me with what I need
> as well.  Otherwise, an example or three of receiving and utilizing an
> IA_PD response is what I am looking for.
>                       - Chris

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